Our News Categories

Health and Wellness

Maintaining a nutritious diet helps seniors to be healthier overall. It also helps them to keep chronic conditions under better control and can help to improve their quality of life. Helping seniors to eat healthier can be complicated, though. Seniors have specific preferences, ...
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Do you need a fun hobby your parents, your siblings, and you can all work on together? Have you considered saving important family recipes in a cookbook you create together?Collect the RecipesAs you start to plan your family cookbook, think of the recipes that you have stori...
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One of the challenges that you face as a caregiver is determining how much and what kinds of help your senior might need. This list can help.SupportDoes your senior live far away from everyone else in the family? That happens more often than it did in the past and it can be ...
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The typical person's diet is not ideal. Many Americans eat foods that are too high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat. If you're trying to get your parents and yourself to make healthier meal choices, you should focus on three items: produce, fiber, and protein.The Building B...
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Stress eating is usually a mindless form of eating, where you’re snacking all day long on usually less healthy food choices. It might seem to help in the moment, but is it really?Look for Other Ways to Manage Your StressStress eating isn’t an effective way to manage stre...
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Senior Care

Maintaining a nutritious diet helps seniors to be healthier overall. It also helps them to keep chronic conditions under better control and can help to improve their quality of life. Helping seniors to eat healthier can be complicated, though. Seniors have specific preferences, ...
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If your senior parent is living alone and has been thriving for some time, it may be difficult to notice the signs when they start to struggle. It’s easy to dismiss a dirty home as a bad day, or an empty fridge is just empty because they need to go to the store. But it’s...
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Oral health is a huge part of maintaining overall health, especially for seniors. Because of the unique challenges that seniors face regarding oral health, sometimes extra help from personal care at home can make a huge difference. June is Oral Health Month, which makes this...
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It’s so easy to take eye health for granted, especially for people who have always had good vision. But as seniors age, they encounter more and more obstacles to eye health. A poor diet, vices like smoking or drinking too much, and even skipping eye appointments are all fa...
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As a child, your parents seemed invincible. They were full of energy. Now that they're older, you hate admitting that you're starting to see their age. Your mom used to race around, but now she walks slowly and carefully. Arthritis affects her ankles and knees, so her mobili...
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National Lasagna Day is on July 29th and there’s nothing better than fresh lasagna hot out of the oven. But instead of going for a frozen, prepackaged version, you might want to help your senior to eat a healthier and more nutritious version. It’s easy to do with some of...
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High blood pressure is always a cause for concern, but there are times when your elderly family member’s blood pressure may spike especially high very quickly. That becomes an emergency situation with her blood pressure and may require a trip to the hospital.Shortness of B...
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Have you been wondering how you can help your elderly loved one improve their cognition? This is something that is on the mind of just about every family caregiver. When it comes to caring for an elderly person, you have many options to help them improve cognitive functions....
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Do you need a fun hobby your parents, your siblings, and you can all work on together? Have you considered saving important family recipes in a cookbook you create together?Collect the RecipesAs you start to plan your family cookbook, think of the recipes that you have stori...
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Dementia changes how your elderly family member’s brain works, which means that there are some differences in how she expresses herself. That might mean that she starts wandering or that she starts to ask repetitive questions. In some people with dementia, that means that ...
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Serious injuries can happen to anyone of any age. And, they can happen at any time. When a person ages, they may face an increased risk of serious injuries. That might be from a slip and fall accident, something seemingly innocent and harmless, that can be devastating in its...
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One of the things that often happens with people who have dementia is repeated questioning. This is caused by the deterioration that is happening in the brain. If your elderly loved one is experiencing this, it can be tough on them. However, if the disease is more advanced, ...
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Whether your elderly family member realizes that she’s losing her hearing or not it can have a significant impact on her ability to interact with people around her.Let People Know She Has Trouble HearingThere may be people who encounter your senior who don’t realize that...
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Medicare is one of the best programs that the United States has come up with. It ensures that most people over sixty-five can obtain essential health services without going bankrupt.Unfortunately, Medicare is also susceptible to con artists who use stolen or misused informat...
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Is your elderly loved one trying to find joy and purpose in their life? Many senior citizens start becoming bored with their life. If this is the case for your elderly loved one, you may want to try getting your elderly loved one back into hobbies. Even if your elderly loved...
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Just like our bodies need to constantly be moving and exercising to stay in shape, the same is true about the brain, which is simply another muscle in the body. As our brains and body get older, they can also begin to fall into disrepair if we don’t get them exercised, so ...
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Your elderly parent is now relying on you to help take care of them. They no longer drive and they need help in other areas of their life, as well. It might be a different pace for you to take care of your elderly parent. With this being said, there are some things that you ...
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Motivation is something that almost everyone struggles with when it comes to exercise. For your senior, motivation might have been the one thing she felt like she has been consistently lacking. This might help.Encourage Her to Find Exercise She LovesIf your senior is doing e...
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If you’ve never worked with elderly care services before, the idea might take some getting used to. One of the best ways to find out whether it’s for you or not is to look at what the service does for you and your senior.Help with Aging in PlaceYour senior may have decid...
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Are you caring for your elderly loved one now? If so, do they have a dementia diagnosis? When you first heard they had this diagnosis, it was probably tough. You may have had a range of emotions from denial to acceptance to anger to concern. These feelings are all normal. Ho...
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The start of a new year leads many to make New Year's Resolutions. Have your parents made any? Even if they don't complete all of their goals, it can help them get focused and try to make things happen by coming up with a list of goals for the year. These are some of the mos...
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High blood pressure in people over 65 is a serious condition. Fortunately, it can be treated in a number of different ways. Eating smarter and getting more exercise can lower BP into normal range. But many people will also have to take blood pressure medications to get the r...
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When someone has a heart attack, their heart isn’t able to keep blood flowing. The heart itself might be damaged, which can create bigger problems. Recovering from a heart attack can take a while, and these might be some of the situations your elderly family member faces a...
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High blood pressure carries with it some big health implications. One big problem is that it’s not always easy to recognize high blood pressure in someone until a doctor diagnoses it. Here’s what you need to know about high blood pressure and your senior.Risk Factors of ...
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November is National Gratitude Month, which might make this a great time for you and your senior to experiment with a gratitude journal. According to Greater Good Magazine, gratitude can improve immune responses, help with mood regulation, and can help people to feel more ou...
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Most people know that arthritis is painful, but do you know what the most common symptoms of arthritis are? This list can also help you to find solutions that might ease the problem for your elderly family member.Soreness and Stiffness While MovingYour senior may be very fam...
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As the caregiver of an elderly parent, one the main areas you may support your parent in is eating right. Proper nutrition is always an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle but as our parents get older, it’s often common that eating properly is harder than ever. Seniors...
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When you can help your elderly family member to have as healthy a bladder as possible, that means she’s going to be better prepared against things like bladder infections and other problems. Some of those issues can lead to bigger problems, and you definitely want to avoid...
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You know stress is normal. You also know that it can cause health issues if it goes unmanaged. How does stress impact your dad's health? What can you do to help him avoid common complications from unmanaged stress?Health Issues Linked to Excessive StressStudies have shown th...
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It is a normal thing for your elderly loved one to want to keep all of their stuff. They have been on this Earth for many years. They want to hold on tight to all of their memories. However, it is also important for your elderly loved one to keep clutter out of their home. T...
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Are you thinking about getting your elderly loved one more help? Maybe you have been providing them with the care they need, but it is getting to be too much. If this is the case, or you just need an extra hand, you can turn to home care services for your elderly loved one. ...
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Something simple like a fall can be catastrophic to an older adult. A hip fracture can make it hard to move around well. A surgery requires time and therapy to bounce back from. Some older adults never regain full mobility after a fall.Improved balance and flexibility helps ...
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As a caregiver, there are going to be times when you feel like you don’t know what’s going on or what to do next. Having a plan is crucial, both for those times and for all of the other times when you’re just dealing with the next thing on your list. Regardless of whic...
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While you’re a caregiver you’re going to notice some things changing for your senior. One such change might be that she moves from her normal way of walking to a more shuffling method. This is a bad sign, because it means that there’s something else happening for her t...
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Some people misunderstand why there's a big push to stay at home. They're still going to visit family members. They're still holding family gatherings. There are even cases of churches holding services, neighbors letting kids play together, and people socializing in grocery ...
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Adult children will often find that their elderly parents need more and more care as they age. If you have found yourself in this situation, you might be wondering what is best for your aging parent. One of the questions that you might be asking yourself is - should my elder...
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Many people only think of babies and young children when talking about immunizations. However, if you are taking care of an elderly loved one, you should know that there are many serious illnesses that can be prevented through immunizations. For instance, for many people, th...
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The typical person's diet is not ideal. Many Americans eat foods that are too high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat. If you're trying to get your parents and yourself to make healthier meal choices, you should focus on three items: produce, fiber, and protein.The Building B...
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Driving is one of those things that you and your elderly family member might be having difficulty seeing eye to eye about. From her perspective, she’s driven for a long time now and she’s perfectly fine. But from your perspective, there may be some valid concerns. Reduce...
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When you're at your mom's house, you've noticed mildew on the bathroom ceiling. Maybe, you're seeing mildew forming on her vinyl window frames. It's not something to ignore. High humidity levels and lack of airflow can cause it.Mildew can irritate the sinuses and lead to cou...
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When it comes to elderly care, one of the diseases that all caregivers should know about is diabetes. There are many elderly adults who suffer from this disease. If it isn’t managed well, it can cause a host of complications. These complications are something you should be...
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According to the American Cancer Society, over 101,000 new cases of colon cancer and over 44,000 new cases of rectal cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2019. Because of the prevalence of colorectal cancers, knowing about them is important to all people, especially those ...
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Dry eyes occur when a person’s eyes don’t produce enough tears or make poor quality tears. That leaves the eyes dry and feeling gritty. It’s a condition that commonly occurs in older adults. Not only is it uncomfortable, it can also cause vision problems. Tears are nec...
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Even if you don’t live close to your older family member, you can still be an important and effective part of the caregiver team. You may not be able to provide hands-on care, but there are still lots of things you can do to help with your loved one’s care. If you’re n...
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Creating a long-term care plan for an elderly relative is an important part of being a family caregiver. Working together, they can address important housing, health, legal and financial issues that will shape the life of the aging loved one for years. October is Long Term C...
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Exhaustion is one of those problems you might expect that you'll experience as a caregiver. After all, you're busy all the time and constantly taking care of someone else. But exhaustion can be a bigger issue that lets you know that you're not caring for yourself the way tha...
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Stroke is the fifth most common cause of death for men, but the third most common for women. According to the National Stroke Association, 55,000 more women than men suffer stroke during a year. Yet, a 2015 survey of 1,000 women showed that only about one of every ten women ...
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If you are a caregiver for an aging loved one, or if you have hired a senior care aide, you might have accepted that a fall will be an inevitable part of your loved one’s life. You have heard that the elderly are more prone to falling, and you have seen all the commercials...
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When driving is no longer a safe activity for your aging adult, you're both going to have to make some big decisions. Keeping your elderly family member as safe as possible behind the wheel can help with those decisions.Make Sure She Has an Easy OutIf your elderly family mem...
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Most people are familiar with guide dogs for the blind and some of what they do for their owners. You might also be aware of hearing ear dogs and dogs that provide assistance to people with mobility problems. But, did you know that dogs are now being trained as service dogs ...
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Gloria and her daughter were enjoying a Sunday picnic in one of the many neighborhood parks that they had been to countless of times. They chatted about how beautiful the sun’s rays appeared as shafts of light pored through the branches of a neighboring pine. They spotted ...
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June 23 is National Hydration Day. As a family caregiver, this is the ideal time for you to evaluate your parent’s routine and ensure that they are getting the proper amount of hydration to support their health and well-being as they age in place. One of the challenges tha...
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If you're not careful, caregiving can take over every aspect of your life. Being conscientious about your own needs as well as your loved one's needs can help you to find a balance between your own life and your caregiving responsibilities.Don’t Put Your Own Life on HoldIt...
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Sarah was worried about her aging mother. She had been complaining of shortness of breath, fatigue and a dry and persistent cough for several weeks ow. The home care aide had just informed her that she had noticed some raised red rashes on her mother’s neck and ankles. And...
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It’s important to understand the changes that are occurring with your parent who has Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Understanding how their perception of the world has changed allows you to see through their eyes and provides you with the insights that, as a fa...
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Home Care in Los Altos CAFinding someone who understands your caregiving situation is not always easy, possibly leading you to feeling lonely or isolated from the outside world. However, caregiver support groups are filled with people who understand your situation and have e...
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Home Helpers of Santa Clara Valley is looking for a full-time / part-time caregiver to help our wonderful clients! We are family owned company based in Silicon valley/bay area, CA. We server San Jose, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino, Los Altos, Palo Alto and Portola Valley co...
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Senior Care in Mountain View CAMarch is Brain Injury Awareness Month. This is the ideal time for you as a family caregiver to learn about this extremely common, but potentially severe, form of injury, and how to handle them effectively should your elderly parent experience s...
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Senior Care in Campbell CAAs a family caregiver, it is your responsibility to help your elderly loved one understand the various challenges and risk factors that they face and what they can do to reduce their risks and enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling life. This means unde...
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Caregivers in Saratoga CAAs a family caregiver, safety is something that is likely always on your mind. You know that your senior faces challenges and limitations that can put their safety at risk and make them vulnerable to accidents and injuries that could compromise their...
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Elder Care in Santa Clara CADental health problems can be very serious for an elderly adult. Tooth decay, gum disease, and bacteria are not just issues with the mouth. Instead, they can create potentially severe problems throughout the body. As a family caregiver it is criti...
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Senior Care in San Jose CABeing the primary caregiver for multiple loved ones is even more intimidating than you might first think. With some careful planning, however, you can do what you need to do for everyone you need to care for.Be Gentle with YourselfWhen multiple peop...
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Elderly Care in Santa Clara CAA weak heart could be susceptible to a wide range of heart health problems, including cardiac arrest. It is very different from a heart attack because this condition involves having the coronary artery blocked and is usually the result of a seve...
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Caregivers in Mountain View CAWhether you believe it or not, you could easily be experiencing a pretty bad case of caregiver stress right now. Do any of these signs of stress look familiar at all? If so, it's time to find a solution that works for you.Mood SwingsMood swings ...
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Senior Care in Saratoga CAElderly adults are more susceptible to illnesses than younger generations. Simply sitting in a waiting room with someone who is sick could cause the elder to get the flu or pneumonia. Although these conditions do not sound serious, they can be life-...
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Home Care in Sunnyvale CAAs a family caregiver, particularly if you are a caregiver in the sandwich generation balancing the needs of your aging parent and those of your children, you are likely to spend a considerable amount of time in your vehicle. This is what gets you to...
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Senior Care in Santa Clara CAAugust is American Adventures Month. This is the perfect time for you to make the most of the last few weeks of summer and go on an epic adventure with your elderly loved one. While there are other transportation options available, for it to be a...
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Senior Health

Personal Care at Home in Sunnyvale CA
Sunscreen is something that most people associate with young people and protecting skin while sunbathing. But seniors need sunscreen just as much as younger people do. Sunscreen helps to protect aging skin from harmful UV radiation and can keep skin healthier longer. Personal ca...
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Older adults are at greater risk of respiratory illnesses like pneumonia, the flu, and even colds. Seniors often experience weakened immune systems which makes them more susceptible to the germs that cause these illnesses. With support from senior home care and the right precaut...
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It’s common knowledge that healthcare needs change with age, frequently necessitating a range of tests and treatments to keep seniors healthy. However, the field of modern medicine is often complicated, and many seniors might feel confused and even uneasy about the care, t...
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Bodies change over time, and some of those changes make life more difficult. One change that seniors can find frustrating is with vision. These changes impact how seniors perceive the world around them and can even limit some of the things they’re able to do. Preserving ey...
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When seniors start to experience memory issues, they’re likely to encounter some unique challenges. Memory problems impact daily life, overall well-being, and so much more. Families might feel lost, but it’s better to get help sooner instead of waiting. Home care profess...
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As people grow older, they experience a great deal of change. Sometimes those changes are good, but they can also have negative impacts. Often both types of change can cause anxiety which has a big effect on overall well-being. Understanding these causes can help families to...
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Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition caused by complications from diabetes. The retina is the tissue at the back of the eye that contains the rods and cones, which receive light from the front of the eye. Diabetes can damage the retina, causing it to stop functioning the...
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Vision changes are extremely common for aging adults, but sometimes they might not share that they’re experiencing these changes. It helps when family caregivers to know what to watch for so that they can help their family members to stay safe at home. Spotting these chang...
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Aphasia offers huge challenges for seniors. This condition makes it difficult for people to communicate because it’s more difficult for seniors to find words and to express them verbally. It can also be difficult for them to understand what other people are saying to them,...
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Anxiety and depression are unfortunately very common issues for aging adults. Battling these issues can mean using a variety of different techniques and solutions ranging from bringing in companion care at home to trying some of these habits.ExerciseMost lists that offer sol...
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Seniors often experience a change in their senses, such as decreased senses of taste and smell, and that can keep them from eating as well as they should. But that change in appetite can lead to bigger health problems if it continues too long. Home care services can help fam...
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The heart is a powerful muscle, but it’s still at risk of developing damage and disease. Reducing the risk of heart disease is a process, and there are lots of different factors that seniors can focus on. Some of these ways to reduce the risk of heart disease can feel like...
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Maintaining good oral health is important for everyone, no matter how old they are. But as seniors grow older, dental health is even more important. Keeping up with dental care can be a lot for seniors to manage, though, so home care assistance is an option that helps quite ...
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Skin Care

Personal Care at Home in Sunnyvale CA
Sunscreen is something that most people associate with young people and protecting skin while sunbathing. But seniors need sunscreen just as much as younger people do. Sunscreen helps to protect aging skin from harmful UV radiation and can keep skin healthier longer. Personal ca...
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While he ages, your dad's skin goes through a variety of changes. It's thinning out, and his fat stores diminish. Collagen production dwindles.His skin looks dry and has more wrinkles. It's not as smooth. He gets a cut or scratch, and it takes longer to heal. He has age spot...
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Aging in Place

Home Care in Mountain View CA
As seniors grow older, they naturally collect more and more things in their homes. If they’re not declutterers by nature, it’s perfectly normal for those items to build up and start to cause issues. Decluttering helps seniors to be safer at home, but that doesn’t mean it...
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Home Care Assistance in Campbell CA
So many decisions are difficult ones for family caregivers. They often deal with second-guessing themselves and worrying about whether they’re doing the right things for the seniors they love. One decision that family caregivers might agonize over is whether now is the right t...
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Home Care Assistance in San Jose CA
A big reason that many seniors decide to age in place is to stay as independent as they can. That independence can take many different forms and seniors might define independence differently. Family caregivers want to do everything they can to support the seniors they love, incl...
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Home Care in Los Altos CA
When seniors decide to age in place, that can have big ramifications for them in the future. Choosing to age in place means that seniors need a plan for dealing with the changes that they know will happen as well as the ones they’re not prepared for just yet. Home care services...
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Home Care in Los Altos CA
When seniors decide to age in place, that can have big ramifications for them in the future. Choosing to age in place means that seniors need a plan for dealing with the changes that they know will happen as well as the ones they’re not prepared for just yet. Home care services...
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If your senior parent is living alone and has been thriving for some time, it may be difficult to notice the signs when they start to struggle. It’s easy to dismiss a dirty home as a bad day, or an empty fridge is just empty because they need to go to the store. But it’s...
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Continuing to live in one’s own home while growing older is called aging in place and it’s a common goal for seniors. Unfortunately, there are some variables that might make aging in place a lot more complicated than some families expect it will be. What helps is to sit ...
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When seniors feel like their independence is being taken away in some way or another, they might just dig in their heels and fight for independence in ways that aren’t exactly healthy for them. Finding ways to support independence in a safe manner is an important task for ...
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Once a senior decides that they want to age in place, they might hear a lot of objections from the people who love them. Some of the biggest concerns are around safety, and they’re easy to address with the right help. Senior home care services can help aging adults to have...
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When someone plans to remain in their own home, where it’s familiar, for as long as they can while aging, that’s called aging in place. For many seniors, moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility is not in line with what they want to happen in their later year...
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Your mom lives alone, and her ability to properly take care of herself concerns you. She wants to age in place, but you want to keep her safe. Home care services are the best compromise.While it's clear your mom needs help, it's harder to know exactly what services best meet...
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Your elderly family member may have shared with you that she wants to stay in her home for as long as she possibly can. That’s called aging in place and it’s a decision that you might be a little bit nervous about on behalf of your senior. Finding the right answers to me...
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One of the most difficult issues adult children confront is reconciling their parents' independence with their long-term interests, particularly if we believe they are making poor choices. Whether your parents are struggling to maintain their home, manage their finances, or ...
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Senior Living

Home Care in Mountain View CA
As seniors grow older, they naturally collect more and more things in their homes. If they’re not declutterers by nature, it’s perfectly normal for those items to build up and start to cause issues. Decluttering helps seniors to be safer at home, but that doesn’t mean it...
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Home Care Assistance in Campbell CA
So many decisions are difficult ones for family caregivers. They often deal with second-guessing themselves and worrying about whether they’re doing the right things for the seniors they love. One decision that family caregivers might agonize over is whether now is the right t...
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Home Care in Santa Clara CA
As seniors grow older, it becomes more important for them to have solid relationships with people that they care about. Unfortunately, modern life brings a lot of challenges that make relationships difficult to manage. Companion care at home is an easy way for seniors to get the...
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Home Care Assistance in San Jose CA
A big reason that many seniors decide to age in place is to stay as independent as they can. That independence can take many different forms and seniors might define independence differently. Family caregivers want to do everything they can to support the seniors they love, incl...
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Companion Care at Home in Los Gatos CA
Promoting Social Engagement and Community Involvement for Isolated Seniors As seniors age, it becomes even more important for them to have the community involvement and social engagement that they need. These interactions help to reduce loneliness and isolation that become re...
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Home Care in Los Altos CA
When seniors decide to age in place, that can have big ramifications for them in the future. Choosing to age in place means that seniors need a plan for dealing with the changes that they know will happen as well as the ones they’re not prepared for just yet. Home care services...
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Home Care in Los Altos CA
When seniors decide to age in place, that can have big ramifications for them in the future. Choosing to age in place means that seniors need a plan for dealing with the changes that they know will happen as well as the ones they’re not prepared for just yet. Home care services...
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Senior home care providers offer a lot of hands-on help and resolve many troubling situations for aging adults, often as they arise. But they also offer a variety of different types of assistance that improve quality of life for aging adults on a long-term basis, helping the...
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Building and maintaining social connections gets tougher the older someone gets. For many seniors, the challenge of making new friends can feel like an impossible one to overcome. So many challenges conspire to keep them from feeling comfortable expanding their social circle...
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Seniors' general quality of life and self-esteem are enhanced when they maintain a sense of well-being and care for themselves. This can be challenging as they grow older and the products and techniques they once used no longer work. This is especially true when it comes to ...
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Because seniors typically have a lot of spare time on their hands, battling boredom is a really important aspect of any care plan. Families might not feel sure about what to do, especially if they are short on spare time themselves. Home care assistance can be a fantastic wa...
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Continuing to live in one’s own home while growing older is called aging in place and it’s a common goal for seniors. Unfortunately, there are some variables that might make aging in place a lot more complicated than some families expect it will be. What helps is to sit ...
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When seniors feel like their independence is being taken away in some way or another, they might just dig in their heels and fight for independence in ways that aren’t exactly healthy for them. Finding ways to support independence in a safe manner is an important task for ...
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Once a senior decides that they want to age in place, they might hear a lot of objections from the people who love them. Some of the biggest concerns are around safety, and they’re easy to address with the right help. Senior home care services can help aging adults to have...
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Social interaction is a big part of normal human life. When people grow older, though, they suddenly find themselves spending a lot more time alone than they used to. That increase in social isolation can have detrimental impacts on overall health and quality of life. One so...
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When someone plans to remain in their own home, where it’s familiar, for as long as they can while aging, that’s called aging in place. For many seniors, moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility is not in line with what they want to happen in their later year...
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"Get Fit For Your Future" is the theme of 2023's Counseling Awareness Month. Your dad's mental and emotional health are extremely important as he ages, but he may be too proud or embarrassed to talk about the anxiety he experiences. He may not want to address that he believe...
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March 19 is International Read to Me Day. This day is meant to celebrate the joy of reading and for little ones, the joy of being read to. It encourages communities to develop a passion for reading in their young ones that they can take with them throughout their lives.If yo...
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February is National Bird Feeding Month and while it’s a great reminder to feed our fine-feathered friends during these colder months when food is scarce, it’s also a great reminder that feeding the birds and watching them can really have some wonderful health benefits f...
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Your mom lives alone, and her ability to properly take care of herself concerns you. She wants to age in place, but you want to keep her safe. Home care services are the best compromise.While it's clear your mom needs help, it's harder to know exactly what services best meet...
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Preventing Illness

Older adults are at greater risk of respiratory illnesses like pneumonia, the flu, and even colds. Seniors often experience weakened immune systems which makes them more susceptible to the germs that cause these illnesses. With support from senior home care and the right precaut...
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Maintaining Friendships

Home Care in Santa Clara CA
As seniors grow older, it becomes more important for them to have solid relationships with people that they care about. Unfortunately, modern life brings a lot of challenges that make relationships difficult to manage. Companion care at home is an easy way for seniors to get the...
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Alzheimer's and Dementia Side Effects

Alzheimer’s disease affects so many areas of life for the people who develop it. Often they’re surprised to learn that Alzheimer’s disease affects their vision and how well their eyes function. As Alzheimer’s progresses, so can these eye issues. Understanding how Alzheim...
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As seniors experience worsening symptoms because of Alzheimer’s disease, they find that they start to have more difficulty with daily tasks. Seniors with Alzheimer’s experience decreases in cognitive function, increased memory loss, and more issues with challenging behav...
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Dementia has a huge impact on cognitive health, but many times families are surprised to discover that dementia can also affect physical health. Many seniors with dementia struggle with unintentional weight loss for a variety of reasons. Working with Alzheimer’s care profe...
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You may have started to notice certain symptoms of dementia in your senior parent that scare you, even if they were recently diagnosed. One of the first things you will learn about dementia is that there are seven stages, but they can vary in severity depending on each perso...
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Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s disease affects so many areas of life for the people who develop it. Often they’re surprised to learn that Alzheimer’s disease affects their vision and how well their eyes function. As Alzheimer’s progresses, so can these eye issues. Understanding how Alzheim...
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As seniors experience worsening symptoms because of Alzheimer’s disease, they find that they start to have more difficulty with daily tasks. Seniors with Alzheimer’s experience decreases in cognitive function, increased memory loss, and more issues with challenging behav...
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Alzheimer’s disease affects so many areas of life for the people who develop it. Often they’re surprised to learn that Alzheimer’s disease affects their vision and how well their eyes function. As Alzheimer’s progresses, so can these eye issues. Understanding how Alzheim...
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Humans spend their whole lives making memories, and it can be frightening when something threatens their ability to recall those special times. Understanding whether there is a potentially significant issue or If memory loss is simply due to aging can assist in decreasing th...
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What Creative Activities Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients at Home?Alzheimer’s patients can sometimes find it difficult to find the right activities on their own, particularly in the later stages of the illness. Alzheimer’s care providers can help by structuring days with ...
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You may have started to notice certain symptoms of dementia in your senior parent that scare you, even if they were recently diagnosed. One of the first things you will learn about dementia is that there are seven stages, but they can vary in severity depending on each perso...
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Dementia changes how your elderly family member’s brain works, which means that there are some differences in how she expresses herself. That might mean that she starts wandering or that she starts to ask repetitive questions. In some people with dementia, that means that ...
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Healthy Habits

Home Care Assistance in Cupertino CA
A balanced diet becomes more and more important for optimum health and wellbeing as the years pass by. Magnesium is one of the many important minerals seniors should focus on, significantly impacting their health. Understanding the importance of magnesium and how to ensure they ...
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In-Home Care Palo Alto, CA
The summer months are not only great for sunshine and fresh air, but they are also the perfect time to enjoy all of the wonderful fresh fruit available. Whether your senior is picking up fresh fruit from a local farmer’s market or her big box grocery store, fresh fruit can be ...
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Staying as healthy as possible is a common goal for aging adults and a good way to remain healthy is through nutrition. Anti-inflammatory diets are in the news a lot and proponents claim eating this way has massive health benefits. But what does it mean to eat an anti-inflam...
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The need to lead a healthy lifestyle becomes more and more apparent with age. This includes doing everything we can to enhance the health of our brains. In order for our brains to work at their full potential, proper care and attention are required, just as they are for any ...
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DASH is an acronym meaning “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.” Many people who are diagnosed with hypertension find it helpful to have some guidance with eating properly to support their body while they manage high blood pressure. Adopting any new dietary changes ...
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A good night's sleep is something no one can skip when it comes to overall health and well-being, yet many seniors struggle with sleep issues. Understanding the reasons behind these challenges is crucial for effectively addressing them. When seniors are battling sleep proble...
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One problem that seniors tend to encounter is that they suddenly aren’t getting nearly enough physical activity. This is a big issue, especially when the reduced activity levels combine with health problems to further make life challenging for aging adults. Using technolog...
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Aging brings with it a lot of changes, some of which are expected and others that can come as a surprise. Dental health is far more affected by aging than many people realize. Save Your Tooth Month, which happens every May, is about doing whatever is necessary to preserve na...
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For seniors who are used to being more sedentary, physical activity might not be at the top of their priority list. But being more physically active has some serious benefits for aging adults. It’s also a lot easier for them to adopt some of these new habits when they have...
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Your elderly family member’s body experiences a lot of changes as she ages, and that can mean that her nutritional needs are changing, too. Her doctor can help her to stay aware of what she needs to know in order to get the nutrients that she needs, but your senior might n...
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When your elderly family member has a real reason to be physically active, it can be a lot easier for her to embrace that habit and to keep it going. With the help of in-home care professionals, your elderly family member can prioritize moving more and make it a bigger part ...
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As your elderly family member grows older, she’s likely to experience changes in how her hair grows and what it needs. Finding the best ways to take care of your senior’s hair might mean trying out some techniques that are new for her as well as making other changes to h...
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Does your senior seem to have heartburn all the time? It might actually be GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. November 20th through 26th this year is GERD Awareness Week, so it might be a good time to talk with her doctor about what your senior is experiencing. If you...
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Is your senior’s diet as healthy as it could be? Truth be told, everyone could make a few changes here and there to eat healthier. But for your senior, some of those changes, even small ones, can feel like a lot more work on her part. Here are some ideas you can use to hel...
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National Farmer’s Market Week runs through August 13th this year, and it’s a great way for your senior to explore some ways to improve her quality of life. Just going to the farmer’s market regularly is a fantastic experience, and if your senior is willing to explore a...
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Insomnia is a much bigger deal for your elderly family member than she might think. She might even make it worse accidentally by deciding to do things like nap during the day to make up for lost sleep. Getting through those issues is a lot easier with your help, as well as h...
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Your parents need to get up and be active. Their sedentary lifestyle impacts their health. Their last doctor’s appointment found their blood pressure is too high, and they're overweight. If they don't change their habits, their heart disease, diabetes, and stroke risks inc...
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Does your elderly loved one need to add more fiber to their diet? Some of the reasons they may need to do this are low energy, constipation, high cholesterol levels, or needing to lose weight. By eating more fiber, your elderly loved one can make all these things better.Addi...
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At first blush, your senior’s breath might seem as if it’s just a hygiene issue. But it truly is more than that. Sure, bad breath might be about your senior not brushing as often, but there could be other causes so it’s important to know what’s going on.Encourage Mor...
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You may know about the foods that can cause a senior to be stressed more, like sugar and alcohol, but do you know about the foods that can help lower stress? It is true, some foods can help calm a senior down when they feel stressed or anxious. Instead of turning to the heav...
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Have you and your senior talked about hygiene and what you expect for her in terms of good hygiene? If not, it might be time for you to have that conversation with each other and get some ground rules in place.Bathe a Few Times a WeekBathing can easily become a battleground ...
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Parkinson’s is a nervous disorder that usually comes with shakes and tremors. These tremors can make it hard for seniors to do the basic household things they once used to do all on their own. 24-hour home care can help a senior struggling with Parkinson's by providing hel...
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How do you know if your parents' emotional needs are being met? Do they call you often, even at inconvenient times? You're at work, and your mom calls and doesn't want to hang up. That can be one sign of loneliness.What are your emotional needs as you age? Emotional needs co...
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Lots of people absolutely love eating red meat and that’s something that they might not want to give up. If that describes your senior, you might find it to be tough to convince her to back down on her red meat intake. Lots of small solutions can help, like embracing other...
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One of the main things that seniors should focus on as they get older is proper nutrition. Unfortunately, for many seniors, this can become difficult to work on alone. That is why elder care can be so important to have when a senior chooses to age in place. Many seniors do n...
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While he ages, your dad's skin goes through a variety of changes. It's thinning out, and his fat stores diminish. Collagen production dwindles.His skin looks dry and has more wrinkles. It's not as smooth. He gets a cut or scratch, and it takes longer to heal. He has age spot...
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Both you and your parents need daily exercise. The problem is that your parents aren't likely to get exercise unless they're joining you. What are some of the easier fitness activities that you can do together?DanceDancing around a room is exercise, but it doesn't feel like ...
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Tooth brushing can become a complicated task for your senior. There are a lot of little steps that have to be done in the right order. Your elderly family member may also have memory issues that keep her from being as consistent as she needs to be with tooth brushing.Keep Yo...
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Home care from a dedicated caregiver is a fantastic way to make sure that your senior loved one is getting regular exercise. Exercise is critically important for seniors, and it’s something that most seniors don’t get enough of. The CDC recommends that older adults get a...
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National Lasagna Day is on July 29th and there’s nothing better than fresh lasagna hot out of the oven. But instead of going for a frozen, prepackaged version, you might want to help your senior to eat a healthier and more nutritious version. It’s easy to do with some of...
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If you’re noticing that your elderly family member isn’t eating like she used to, there might be a reason. Always talk to her doctor first to rule out health issues, and then consider some of these ideas.Increase Activity LevelsAs long as her doctor agrees, your senior m...
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Home Care Assistance in Cupertino CA
A balanced diet becomes more and more important for optimum health and wellbeing as the years pass by. Magnesium is one of the many important minerals seniors should focus on, significantly impacting their health. Understanding the importance of magnesium and how to ensure they ...
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In-Home Care Palo Alto, CA
The summer months are not only great for sunshine and fresh air, but they are also the perfect time to enjoy all of the wonderful fresh fruit available. Whether your senior is picking up fresh fruit from a local farmer’s market or her big box grocery store, fresh fruit can be ...
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Staying as healthy as possible is a common goal for aging adults and a good way to remain healthy is through nutrition. Anti-inflammatory diets are in the news a lot and proponents claim eating this way has massive health benefits. But what does it mean to eat an anti-inflam...
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DASH is an acronym meaning “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.” Many people who are diagnosed with hypertension find it helpful to have some guidance with eating properly to support their body while they manage high blood pressure. Adopting any new dietary changes ...
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Your elderly family member’s body experiences a lot of changes as she ages, and that can mean that her nutritional needs are changing, too. Her doctor can help her to stay aware of what she needs to know in order to get the nutrients that she needs, but your senior might n...
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Does your senior seem to have heartburn all the time? It might actually be GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. November 20th through 26th this year is GERD Awareness Week, so it might be a good time to talk with her doctor about what your senior is experiencing. If you...
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Is your senior’s diet as healthy as it could be? Truth be told, everyone could make a few changes here and there to eat healthier. But for your senior, some of those changes, even small ones, can feel like a lot more work on her part. Here are some ideas you can use to hel...
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National Farmer’s Market Week runs through August 13th this year, and it’s a great way for your senior to explore some ways to improve her quality of life. Just going to the farmer’s market regularly is a fantastic experience, and if your senior is willing to explore a...
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Does your elderly loved one need to add more fiber to their diet? Some of the reasons they may need to do this are low energy, constipation, high cholesterol levels, or needing to lose weight. By eating more fiber, your elderly loved one can make all these things better.Addi...
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Lots of people absolutely love eating red meat and that’s something that they might not want to give up. If that describes your senior, you might find it to be tough to convince her to back down on her red meat intake. Lots of small solutions can help, like embracing other...
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One of the main things that seniors should focus on as they get older is proper nutrition. Unfortunately, for many seniors, this can become difficult to work on alone. That is why elder care can be so important to have when a senior chooses to age in place. Many seniors do n...
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National Lasagna Day is on July 29th and there’s nothing better than fresh lasagna hot out of the oven. But instead of going for a frozen, prepackaged version, you might want to help your senior to eat a healthier and more nutritious version. It’s easy to do with some of...
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If your aging family member has been diagnosed with diabetes, she may feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under her. Diabetes is a complicated condition and it can involve a delicate balancing act in order to bring everything under control. Here are some things your ...
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Do you need a fun hobby your parents, your siblings, and you can all work on together? Have you considered saving important family recipes in a cookbook you create together?Collect the RecipesAs you start to plan your family cookbook, think of the recipes that you have stori...
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Benefits of Home Care

Senior Home Care in Mountain View CA
Making the decision to bring in senior home care is not an easy one, especially for family caregivers who are trying to do the right thing for their aging family members. Knowing the signs of when seniors need more help can make this choice easier. Personal Hygiene Is Declini...
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Routines do so much for aging adults. They offer a sense of familiarity and predictability, even if other areas of life are feeling out of control. Routines provide the consistency that seniors might find difficult to achieve otherwise. Home care services make it easier for ...
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If your aging loved one is a senior, then taking the time to honor him or her during Veteran’s Day is a great way to show them how much you appreciate the service they gave. Whether your loved one served overseas or stateside, in whatever capacity, his or her service was v...
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Eventually, seniors are going to need a little more help. This happens for a variety of different reasons and none of them are a bad reflection on anyone. Family caregivers can only do so much on their own, and they often wait too long to explore the idea of senior home care...
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Elder care services help older adults remain independent, safe, and secure in their homes. Check out the range of home care services that are available to help your dad as he ages at home.Personal CareIf your dad is having a tough time brushing and flossing his teeth, taking...
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Home care assistance offers help and support to aging adults who need additional care. That care might involve light household tasks, personal care tasks, meal preparation, and so much more. Home care providers can also help with transportation, companionship, and educating ...
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It’s extremely common for seniors to determine fairly early on that they want to remain in their homes for as long as possible. This is also called aging in place, and it’s a lot easier when your senior has the right help, especially from home care services and from you ...
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How often do you find that you feel you have to keep doing it all as your senior’s family caregiver? Probably a lot more often than you’re comfortable admitting. The reality is that is not a situation that you can keep up with forever, so it might be time to consider hom...
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Is home care truly right for your elderly family member’s current and future goals? There are plenty of ways to help you to determine if that’s the case. The key is to look at what your elderly family member would benefit most from. Talking with her about what she wants ...
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Have you ever looked into in-home care? There's a lot to it. Some care services cover hygiene and grooming. Others are focused on services entailing cleaning and organization. What are the different services included with in-home care, and how do you know what your dad needs...
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In-home care is exactly how it sounds. It's a service where your senior parent receives care in their home. They age in place, in the home they love, and don't have to consider selling, packing up, and moving to an unfamiliar area.In-home care providers offer an array of ser...
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You support your parents and their goal of aging at home. They don't want to move to a senior community or location closer to you. How do you make sure they're okay at home? What are the signs that they need help with their daily routines?Frequent Tickets or Unexplained Ding...
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Both you and your parents need daily exercise. The problem is that your parents aren't likely to get exercise unless they're joining you. What are some of the easier fitness activities that you can do together?DanceDancing around a room is exercise, but it doesn't feel like ...
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As a child, your parents seemed invincible. They were full of energy. Now that they're older, you hate admitting that you're starting to see their age. Your mom used to race around, but now she walks slowly and carefully. Arthritis affects her ankles and knees, so her mobili...
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Almost half of the adults in the world that are older than 75 have some hearing loss. While it is normal to think about hearing loss in the elderly, that doesn’t mean it won’t be annoying. If you are caring for your elderly loved one and they have hearing loss, you may g...
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Senior Home Care

Senior Home Care in Mountain View CA
Making the decision to bring in senior home care is not an easy one, especially for family caregivers who are trying to do the right thing for their aging family members. Knowing the signs of when seniors need more help can make this choice easier. Personal Hygiene Is Declini...
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As the temperature rises during hot weather, it becomes even more critical to ensure that seniors stay hydrated. Older adults are more susceptible to dehydration due to various factors, including a decreased sense of thirst and certain medical conditions. Dehydration can lea...
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There are a lot of options available out there when it comes to senior home care. The goal, of course, is that family caregivers find the right level of support for the aging adults that they love. That can feel overwhelming at first, so it’s important to have a plan for a...
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Humans spend their whole lives making memories, and it can be frightening when something threatens their ability to recall those special times. Understanding whether there is a potentially significant issue or If memory loss is simply due to aging can assist in decreasing th...
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At some point it becomes obvious that your senior needs a little more help than maybe you or other family members can offer. If your elderly family member is resistant to the idea, however, that makes everything a little bit more difficult. Here are some tips for helping her...
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One of the most important ways for your senior to remain safe in her home is to remain as mobile as she can. Challenges to her mobility make it more difficult for her to be as safe as possible. If your elderly family member has experienced changes to her mobility, it’s imp...
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Staying Social

Companion Care at Home in Los Gatos CA
Promoting Social Engagement and Community Involvement for Isolated Seniors As seniors age, it becomes even more important for them to have the community involvement and social engagement that they need. These interactions help to reduce loneliness and isolation that become re...
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Building and maintaining social connections gets tougher the older someone gets. For many seniors, the challenge of making new friends can feel like an impossible one to overcome. So many challenges conspire to keep them from feeling comfortable expanding their social circle...
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Fall Prevention

Senior Home Care in Palo Alto CA
Falls are one of the leading causes of injury for seniors. With that in mind, it’s crucial for family caregivers to do as much as possible to help seniors avoid a fall if it’s at all possible. The good news is that experienced senior home care providers can offer a lot of as...
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Falling has serious consequences for aging adults. Even one fall leaves seniors more vulnerable to injuries and complications from the fall. Family caregivers must understand the dangers of falling so that they can put plans in place to help prevent them for aging adults. Se...
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Seniors are already at a huge risk of falling, but sometimes there are tools offered to them, like medications, that increase that fall risk. There are lots of reasons for that, but there are things that families can do to help their seniors to be safer at home. Home care pr...
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Seniors who fall one time are twice as likely to fall again, according to The Centers for Disease Control. Coupled with the fact that one out of every five falls results in serious injury, family caregivers need to focus on reducing fall risk for their elderly family members...
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Lots of people experience falls for no reason at all, and that can be the case for your senior, too. But the odds are that if she does experience a fall there is a reason for that to have happened. When you understand the main reasons that older adults experience a fall, you...
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Falls are a much bigger issue for your senior the older she gets. As your elderly family member ages, it’s ever more crucial for her to accurately and fully assess her fall risk and do everything that she can to avoid the possibility of sustaining a fall. Here is informati...
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No one wants their senior family member to fall, and for good reason. Falls are incredibly dangerous for older adults and they open the door for some very serious injuries that can change her entire life. but it’s easy to make mistakes after a fall, even with good intentio...
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Senior Safety

Senior Home Care in Palo Alto CA
Falls are one of the leading causes of injury for seniors. With that in mind, it’s crucial for family caregivers to do as much as possible to help seniors avoid a fall if it’s at all possible. The good news is that experienced senior home care providers can offer a lot of as...
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Over time, seniors experience big changes in what they need and what they’re able to do on their own. That doesn’t mean that they can’t age in place, but it does mean that they need to pay closer attention to how to stay safe in their homes. Home care assistance can ma...
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Driving is a practical skill, but it also represents some concepts, especially for seniors. Lots of seniors look at driving as a symbol of freedom, independence, and the opportunity to stay active. But changes in overall health, vision, and even cognitive function can mean t...
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Falling has serious consequences for aging adults. Even one fall leaves seniors more vulnerable to injuries and complications from the fall. Family caregivers must understand the dangers of falling so that they can put plans in place to help prevent them for aging adults. Se...
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Seniors are already at a huge risk of falling, but sometimes there are tools offered to them, like medications, that increase that fall risk. There are lots of reasons for that, but there are things that families can do to help their seniors to be safer at home. Home care pr...
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Unfortunately, there are many people out there who prey on seniors. Telemarketers may target seniors for scams for several reasons. Firstly, seniors are often perceived as more trusting and less tech-savvy, making them potentially more vulnerable to deceptive tactics. Scamme...
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The kitchen is the heart of the home, where delicious meals are prepared and shared. For seniors, maintaining kitchen safety is crucial to cooking with confidence and ease. By following a few key tips and making some practical adjustments, seniors can reduce the risk of acci...
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Distracted driving is a big issue for all drivers. For seniors, however, distracted driving is especially dangerous. Family caregivers may not be able to offer their services to aging adults as often as they might want in order to reduce the risk of accidents related to dist...
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Seniors who fall one time are twice as likely to fall again, according to The Centers for Disease Control. Coupled with the fact that one out of every five falls results in serious injury, family caregivers need to focus on reducing fall risk for their elderly family members...
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No matter how long your senior family member has lived in her home, there may come a time when it really does become dangerous for her to remain there by herself. That’s a conversation that your senior may not be excited about having, but it’s one that you do need to add...
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Lots of people experience falls for no reason at all, and that can be the case for your senior, too. But the odds are that if she does experience a fall there is a reason for that to have happened. When you understand the main reasons that older adults experience a fall, you...
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No one wants their senior family member to fall, and for good reason. Falls are incredibly dangerous for older adults and they open the door for some very serious injuries that can change her entire life. but it’s easy to make mistakes after a fall, even with good intentio...
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If you’re planning on doing some holiday traveling with a senior loved one that has dementia, you may be a little anxious. While you should take some special precautions to make sure that your senior loved one is safe you can still have a safe, happy, and successful car tr...
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As your senior’s vision changes, that affects a lot about how well her life works. Some parts of her life might not work for her as well as they did before. Her environment may need changes in order for her to be safer and she may need more help than she did in the past.Ad...
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Traveling during the holiday season can be hectic under the best of circumstances, and usually you can count on at least one thing to go wrong during the trip. If you are traveling with a senior loved one this holiday season there are some things that you should keep in mind...
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One of the most important ways for your senior to remain safe in her home is to remain as mobile as she can. Challenges to her mobility make it more difficult for her to be as safe as possible. If your elderly family member has experienced changes to her mobility, it’s imp...
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Every year millions of seniors lose money, sometimes a lot of money, to scams. Seniors who are easily confused are no match for scammers who have a list of sophisticated ruses that they use to convince seniors that their family members are in trouble and need money or that t...
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Home Care

Routines do so much for aging adults. They offer a sense of familiarity and predictability, even if other areas of life are feeling out of control. Routines provide the consistency that seniors might find difficult to achieve otherwise. Home care services make it easier for ...
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If your aging loved one is a senior, then taking the time to honor him or her during Veteran’s Day is a great way to show them how much you appreciate the service they gave. Whether your loved one served overseas or stateside, in whatever capacity, his or her service was v...
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Eventually, seniors are going to need a little more help. This happens for a variety of different reasons and none of them are a bad reflection on anyone. Family caregivers can only do so much on their own, and they often wait too long to explore the idea of senior home care...
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When your senior parent comes home after being in the hospital because of a stroke, they are likely going to need post-hospital care for a bit. Depending on the severity and its impact on function, they may need physical therapy and speech therapy as well. But the process of...
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What is the Best Way to Talk to Your Senior About Home Care?Initiating a conversation about home care with seniors can be a sensitive and challenging task for family caregivers, especially when they’re already feeling worried about someone they love. However, using effecti...
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As seniors age, their care needs may increase, sometimes by significant amounts, which then requires more comprehensive support. 24-hour home care offers a viable solution for families by offering around-the-clock care for seniors in the comfort of their own homes. Understan...
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The kitchen is the heart of the home, where delicious meals are prepared and shared. For seniors, maintaining kitchen safety is crucial to cooking with confidence and ease. By following a few key tips and making some practical adjustments, seniors can reduce the risk of acci...
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Home care assistance offers help and support to aging adults who need additional care. That care might involve light household tasks, personal care tasks, meal preparation, and so much more. Home care providers can also help with transportation, companionship, and educating ...
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Humans spend their whole lives making memories, and it can be frightening when something threatens their ability to recall those special times. Understanding whether there is a potentially significant issue or If memory loss is simply due to aging can assist in decreasing th...
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Having one cookie cutter plan for everyone who needs help just doesn’t work in any situation, but it’s especially unhelpful for aging adults. When it comes to ensuring that seniors have the support that they need, a personalized plan is definitely the way to go. Home car...
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It’s extremely common for seniors to determine fairly early on that they want to remain in their homes for as long as possible. This is also called aging in place, and it’s a lot easier when your senior has the right help, especially from home care services and from you ...
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If your senior loved one has recently had a surgery and is now at home, you may be wondering how you can support their recovery. Post-hospital care for seniors who are recovering at home is something that is strongly recommended after they come home from having surgery. Ther...
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Leaving the hospital is a great feeling for your senior, but to hear that she has to go back soon after she gets home can be the worst news ever. That’s called hospital readmission, and it’s something that can be avoided, especially with the help of post-hospital care. T...
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How often do you find that you feel you have to keep doing it all as your senior’s family caregiver? Probably a lot more often than you’re comfortable admitting. The reality is that is not a situation that you can keep up with forever, so it might be time to consider hom...
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Is home care truly right for your elderly family member’s current and future goals? There are plenty of ways to help you to determine if that’s the case. The key is to look at what your elderly family member would benefit most from. Talking with her about what she wants ...
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It’s sometimes really scary to be in the hospital, for any reason. But it can be equally frightening to your senior to come home, particularly if she lives alone. Home care assistance is a great way for your senior to have the help that she needs and to also recover in her...
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July is Women with Alopecia Month, which could make this an ideal time to talk with your elderly family member about how alopecia may be impacting her life. Estimates put over 50 percent of women at risk of developing alopecia, or excessive hair loss, as they age. If that’...
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You are thinking about all the ways you can help your elderly loved one and you have ended up right here. The truth is that many family members are concerned about their elderly loved ones. They think they are lonely, stressed, frustrated, and possibly going to be unhealthy,...
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Is your elderly family member planning to remain in her own home for as long as possible? That’s called aging in place and eventually she may find that it’s a lot easier to do if she has the right help in place at the right time. Some of the biggest tasks she may need to...
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Around 28% of older adults live alone. Around half of the American women over the age of 74 live alone. It's not surprising that your mom is on her own as she nears her 80th birthday. What's important now is to make sure she's not lonely.Studies have linked loneliness and is...
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In-home care is exactly how it sounds. It's a service where your senior parent receives care in their home. They age in place, in the home they love, and don't have to consider selling, packing up, and moving to an unfamiliar area.In-home care providers offer an array of ser...
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Do you consider emotional and mental health to be the same things? They're not. There are differences between the two. For any family caregiver, taking care of your mental and emotional health is crucial. To do that, you need to better understand what they entail.Differences...
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You support your parents and their goal of aging at home. They don't want to move to a senior community or location closer to you. How do you make sure they're okay at home? What are the signs that they need help with their daily routines?Frequent Tickets or Unexplained Ding...
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As a child, your parents seemed invincible. They were full of energy. Now that they're older, you hate admitting that you're starting to see their age. Your mom used to race around, but now she walks slowly and carefully. Arthritis affects her ankles and knees, so her mobili...
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Home care from a dedicated caregiver is a fantastic way to make sure that your senior loved one is getting regular exercise. Exercise is critically important for seniors, and it’s something that most seniors don’t get enough of. The CDC recommends that older adults get a...
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When your elderly family member isn’t sleeping well, so much else in her life can be a struggle. Lack of proper sleep can also cause her to have more difficulty with health issues, which is definitely something that you want to avoid for her.Keep a Sleep ScheduleHaving a s...
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When becoming a family caregiver for your elderly loved one, something that you will need to think about is their dental health. There are many dental health issues that the elderly face. Some elderly people even have oral cancer. However, there are some things that you can ...
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Dementia changes how your elderly family member’s brain works, which means that there are some differences in how she expresses herself. That might mean that she starts wandering or that she starts to ask repetitive questions. In some people with dementia, that means that ...
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Depression and isolation are huge issues for aging adults. It’s way too easy for your senior to give up on being around other people, and that can be a dangerous perspective for her to have.Talk to Her Doctor about General Health IssuesThere are a lot of different reasons ...
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One of the things that often happens with people who have dementia is repeated questioning. This is caused by the deterioration that is happening in the brain. If your elderly loved one is experiencing this, it can be tough on them. However, if the disease is more advanced, ...
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Whether your elderly family member realizes that she’s losing her hearing or not it can have a significant impact on her ability to interact with people around her.Let People Know She Has Trouble HearingThere may be people who encounter your senior who don’t realize that...
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Medicare is one of the best programs that the United States has come up with. It ensures that most people over sixty-five can obtain essential health services without going bankrupt.Unfortunately, Medicare is also susceptible to con artists who use stolen or misused informat...
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Is your elderly loved one trying to find joy and purpose in their life? Many senior citizens start becoming bored with their life. If this is the case for your elderly loved one, you may want to try getting your elderly loved one back into hobbies. Even if your elderly loved...
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Just like our bodies need to constantly be moving and exercising to stay in shape, the same is true about the brain, which is simply another muscle in the body. As our brains and body get older, they can also begin to fall into disrepair if we don’t get them exercised, so ...
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Your elderly parent is now relying on you to help take care of them. They no longer drive and they need help in other areas of their life, as well. It might be a different pace for you to take care of your elderly parent. With this being said, there are some things that you ...
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Are you caring for your elderly loved one now? If so, do they have a dementia diagnosis? When you first heard they had this diagnosis, it was probably tough. You may have had a range of emotions from denial to acceptance to anger to concern. These feelings are all normal. Ho...
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High blood pressure in people over 65 is a serious condition. Fortunately, it can be treated in a number of different ways. Eating smarter and getting more exercise can lower BP into normal range. But many people will also have to take blood pressure medications to get the r...
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As a family caregiver, how many people do you care for? Compound caregiving is defined as a situation where you have multiple family members you're caring for. For some, it could mean caring for a disabled adult child and two elderly parents at the same time. Others may be c...
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Congestive heart failure happens to an individual when the heart muscle is no longer pumping blood as well it should. The heart may have become weak due to conditions such clogged arteries or high blood pressure. Perhaps either yourself or your aging parent’s elderly care ...
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When someone has a heart attack, their heart isn’t able to keep blood flowing. The heart itself might be damaged, which can create bigger problems. Recovering from a heart attack can take a while, and these might be some of the situations your elderly family member faces a...
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When you think about mental health, you might think about teenagers who are depressed. You might even think about your own bout with mental health issues at some point in your life. However, it might not cross your mind that your elderly loved one may need some help with the...
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November is National Gratitude Month, which might make this a great time for you and your senior to experiment with a gratitude journal. According to Greater Good Magazine, gratitude can improve immune responses, help with mood regulation, and can help people to feel more ou...
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Most people know that arthritis is painful, but do you know what the most common symptoms of arthritis are? This list can also help you to find solutions that might ease the problem for your elderly family member.Soreness and Stiffness While MovingYour senior may be very fam...
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Do you really want to help your elderly loved one? Every time you try, do they seem to shut you down? This can be very frustrating. However, at the same time, it is important to remember that your elderly loved one is likely trying to preserve their dignity and pride. With t...
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When you can help your elderly family member to have as healthy a bladder as possible, that means she’s going to be better prepared against things like bladder infections and other problems. Some of those issues can lead to bigger problems, and you definitely want to avoid...
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You know stress is normal. You also know that it can cause health issues if it goes unmanaged. How does stress impact your dad's health? What can you do to help him avoid common complications from unmanaged stress?Health Issues Linked to Excessive StressStudies have shown th...
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During his last doctor's visit, your dad learned he is pre-diabetic. His doctor said it's important that he stop eating sugary treats and drinking soda. He also needs to lose weight. Your dad is going to struggle to do this. How can you help him lose weight and keep it off?E...
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There’s a lot that changes for both you and your senior when you need to become her caregiver. Whether that happens gradually or suddenly because of illness or injury, there’s a lot that you are having to deal with in a different way than you used to. Understanding what ...
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Are you thinking about getting your elderly loved one more help? Maybe you have been providing them with the care they need, but it is getting to be too much. If this is the case, or you just need an extra hand, you can turn to home care services for your elderly loved one. ...
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Your senior’s belongings may be more important to her than you realize. What seems like clutter without a cause can actually have a lot more riding on it than she’s let you know. Understanding what you’re up against can help you to make the right choices for her.Everyt...
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Are you trying to help your elderly loved one find activities that they will enjoy? It is important for your loved one to keep active and engage in activities. Whether they are trying to start up with an old hobby or find something new and exciting, you can help them out. Yo...
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Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions. Almost 23 percent of American adults have been diagnosed with arthritis. As you age, arthritis will likely affect you. It's very likely that your parents already have arthritis.There are several types of arthr...
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If your elderly family member is ready to start exercising, there are some specific categories of movement that she might want to look into. It’s always a good idea for your senior to talk to her doctor about exercise before she starts a new movement practice, because some...
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One of the challenges that you face as a caregiver is determining how much and what kinds of help your senior might need. This list can help.SupportDoes your senior live far away from everyone else in the family? That happens more often than it did in the past and it can be ...
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Some people misunderstand why there's a big push to stay at home. They're still going to visit family members. They're still holding family gatherings. There are even cases of churches holding services, neighbors letting kids play together, and people socializing in grocery ...
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As your family member gets older, there will come a time to decide if they need more assistance with daily chores, financial issues, or other matters. If you have been pondering over this decision, it might be a good time to ask yourself a question. Is it possible for you to...
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People over the age of 65 are more likely to suffer from heat stroke during warm weather than younger people are. One of the reasons seniors get heat stroke more easily is that they don’t adjust to temperature changes as well as they did when they were younger. Older adult...
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Home Safety

Over time, seniors experience big changes in what they need and what they’re able to do on their own. That doesn’t mean that they can’t age in place, but it does mean that they need to pay closer attention to how to stay safe in their homes. Home care assistance can ma...
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No matter how long your senior family member has lived in her home, there may come a time when it really does become dangerous for her to remain there by herself. That’s a conversation that your senior may not be excited about having, but it’s one that you do need to add...
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As your senior’s vision changes, that affects a lot about how well her life works. Some parts of her life might not work for her as well as they did before. Her environment may need changes in order for her to be safer and she may need more help than she did in the past.Ad...
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care plans

It’s common knowledge that healthcare needs change with age, frequently necessitating a range of tests and treatments to keep seniors healthy. However, the field of modern medicine is often complicated, and many seniors might feel confused and even uneasy about the care, t...
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Driving Safety

Driving is a practical skill, but it also represents some concepts, especially for seniors. Lots of seniors look at driving as a symbol of freedom, independence, and the opportunity to stay active. But changes in overall health, vision, and even cognitive function can mean t...
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Companion Care

Seniors have a variety of different needs, ranging from assistance with activities of daily living to needs that are simpler but no less important, like companionship. It’s not unusual for seniors to overlook how important their needs for socialization and companionship tr...
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Around 28% of older adults live alone. Around half of the American women over the age of 74 live alone. It's not surprising that your mom is on her own as she nears her 80th birthday. What's important now is to make sure she's not lonely.Studies have linked loneliness and is...
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Seniors have a variety of different needs, ranging from assistance with activities of daily living to needs that are simpler but no less important, like companionship. It’s not unusual for seniors to overlook how important their needs for socialization and companionship tr...
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Brain Health

The need to lead a healthy lifestyle becomes more and more apparent with age. This includes doing everything we can to enhance the health of our brains. In order for our brains to work at their full potential, proper care and attention are required, just as they are for any ...
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Vision Loss

Bodies change over time, and some of those changes make life more difficult. One change that seniors can find frustrating is with vision. These changes impact how seniors perceive the world around them and can even limit some of the things they’re able to do. Preserving ey...
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Your senior may be at a stage in which her vision is changing more than she realizes. She may even be dealing with vision loss. That can be a disorienting feeling for her, especially if she’s always been used to relying on her eyes to do their job properly. So, what can yo...
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As seniors become older and certain faculties deteriorate, regular visits to the doctor and paying attention to changes become even more vital. That’s why it is important to be aware of the early signs and symptoms of eye disorders. If your senior has been suffering from d...
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In the next eight years, it's estimated that around 70 million adults in the U.S. will be over the age of 65. One out of three of them will experience vision loss. While vision loss doesn't have to mean blindness, even a small change to your vision can increase your risk of ...
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Family Caregivers

Caring for aging family members is a massive task. As the situation changes, like with worsening health or other issues, the whole situation becomes even more complicated. Something else that complicates everything is that seniors find it difficult to navigate the emotional ...
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Everybody is talking about self-care, but it’s easy to misinterpret what self-care truly is. There’s a lot of talk of sleep and pedicures, but that’s not the heart and soul of self-care. What self-care truly is varies for everyone, but the basics include ensuring that ...
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One of the challenges family caregivers face is realizing that they can't keep a promise they made to a parent. You promised your mom that if she ever needed long-term care, you'd be her caregiver. However, you're facing health or work issues of your own and can't keep that ...
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As much as your elderly family member has to adjust to receiving help, you also have to adjust a bit to being the one who is there for her and helping her to have the quality of life that you want her to have. These tips can help you to avoid feeling as if you’re adrift wh...
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There’s no one plan that works in every caregiving situation. That is why it is so important that you and your elderly family member, alone with anyone else involved in her care, take the time to really personalize a care plan that works for her.Clarify What Caregiving Mea...
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In a perfect world, you’d be able to be there with your senior every time that she needs you to be. Unfortunately, more and more people find that they need to be remote caregivers for the people that they love. If that’s a situation you’re facing, too, you’re not alo...
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Family Caregivers Support

Caring for aging family members is a massive task. As the situation changes, like with worsening health or other issues, the whole situation becomes even more complicated. Something else that complicates everything is that seniors find it difficult to navigate the emotional ...
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Everybody is talking about self-care, but it’s easy to misinterpret what self-care truly is. There’s a lot of talk of sleep and pedicures, but that’s not the heart and soul of self-care. What self-care truly is varies for everyone, but the basics include ensuring that ...
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Personal Hygiene

Seniors' general quality of life and self-esteem are enhanced when they maintain a sense of well-being and care for themselves. This can be challenging as they grow older and the products and techniques they once used no longer work. This is especially true when it comes to ...
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Have you and your senior talked about hygiene and what you expect for her in terms of good hygiene? If not, it might be time for you to have that conversation with each other and get some ground rules in place.Bathe a Few Times a WeekBathing can easily become a battleground ...
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Alzheimer's Care

Dementia has a huge impact on cognitive health, but many times families are surprised to discover that dementia can also affect physical health. Many seniors with dementia struggle with unintentional weight loss for a variety of reasons. Working with Alzheimer’s care profe...
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Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive illness, so recognizing the early signs can be an important way to ensure that seniors get treatment as soon as possible. After diagnosis, solutions like Alzheimer’s care are able to offer support and vital assistance to seniors and f...
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Activity Ideas

Because seniors typically have a lot of spare time on their hands, battling boredom is a really important aspect of any care plan. Families might not feel sure about what to do, especially if they are short on spare time themselves. Home care assistance can be a fantastic wa...
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March 19 is International Read to Me Day. This day is meant to celebrate the joy of reading and for little ones, the joy of being read to. It encourages communities to develop a passion for reading in their young ones that they can take with them throughout their lives.If yo...
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February is National Bird Feeding Month and while it’s a great reminder to feed our fine-feathered friends during these colder months when food is scarce, it’s also a great reminder that feeding the birds and watching them can really have some wonderful health benefits f...
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February is International Expect Success Month, which is technically a business holiday. It was started as a holiday to remind people to look within to find hidden elements that could lead to success, which is actually a great mindset for everyone, including your senior. Hel...
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Memory Loss

When seniors start to experience memory issues, they’re likely to encounter some unique challenges. Memory problems impact daily life, overall well-being, and so much more. Families might feel lost, but it’s better to get help sooner instead of waiting. Home care profess...
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Mental Health

As people grow older, they experience a great deal of change. Sometimes those changes are good, but they can also have negative impacts. Often both types of change can cause anxiety which has a big effect on overall well-being. Understanding these causes can help families to...
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Anxiety and depression are unfortunately very common issues for aging adults. Battling these issues can mean using a variety of different techniques and solutions ranging from bringing in companion care at home to trying some of these habits.ExerciseMost lists that offer sol...
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In the U.S., 34 million adults aged 65 or older suffer from depression. Only 3% are receiving treatment. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and a good time to look at the benefits that 24-hour home care offers when depression affects your mom.She Won't Forget to Take Her M...
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"Get Fit For Your Future" is the theme of 2023's Counseling Awareness Month. Your dad's mental and emotional health are extremely important as he ages, but he may be too proud or embarrassed to talk about the anxiety he experiences. He may not want to address that he believe...
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Everyone can be susceptible to depression at one point or another, even your aging family member. Seniors may spend a little more time depressed than other people might, though, especially if they live alone and aren’t around other people a lot. Here are some ideas that ca...
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Depression and isolation are huge issues for aging adults. It’s way too easy for your senior to give up on being around other people, and that can be a dangerous perspective for her to have.Talk to Her Doctor about General Health IssuesThere are a lot of different reasons ...
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Eye Health

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition caused by complications from diabetes. The retina is the tissue at the back of the eye that contains the rods and cones, which receive light from the front of the eye. Diabetes can damage the retina, causing it to stop functioning the...
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Vision Impairment

Vision changes are extremely common for aging adults, but sometimes they might not share that they’re experiencing these changes. It helps when family caregivers to know what to watch for so that they can help their family members to stay safe at home. Spotting these chang...
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Aphasia offers huge challenges for seniors. This condition makes it difficult for people to communicate because it’s more difficult for seniors to find words and to express them verbally. It can also be difficult for them to understand what other people are saying to them,...
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Unfortunately, there are many people out there who prey on seniors. Telemarketers may target seniors for scams for several reasons. Firstly, seniors are often perceived as more trusting and less tech-savvy, making them potentially more vulnerable to deceptive tactics. Scamme...
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Every year millions of seniors lose money, sometimes a lot of money, to scams. Seniors who are easily confused are no match for scammers who have a list of sophisticated ruses that they use to convince seniors that their family members are in trouble and need money or that t...
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Loss of Appetite

Seniors often experience a change in their senses, such as decreased senses of taste and smell, and that can keep them from eating as well as they should. But that change in appetite can lead to bigger health problems if it continues too long. Home care services can help fam...
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If you’re noticing that your elderly family member isn’t eating like she used to, there might be a reason. Always talk to her doctor first to rule out health issues, and then consider some of these ideas.Increase Activity LevelsAs long as her doctor agrees, your senior m...
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Heart Disease

The heart is a powerful muscle, but it’s still at risk of developing damage and disease. Reducing the risk of heart disease is a process, and there are lots of different factors that seniors can focus on. Some of these ways to reduce the risk of heart disease can feel like...
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It’s terrifying to know that your elderly family member has had a heart attack. But it can be even scarier to worry about what happens next. Setting her up for the best possible recovery often means taking stock of what she needs and putting a solid plan together for her t...
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Heart disease and everything that comes with it can be a scary topic for your senior. But understanding her possible risk factors and helping her to avoid heart illnesses helps her to take action now.Increasing AgeIt’s frustrating, but simply getting older can have a huge ...
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Post Hospital Care

When your senior parent comes home after being in the hospital because of a stroke, they are likely going to need post-hospital care for a bit. Depending on the severity and its impact on function, they may need physical therapy and speech therapy as well. But the process of...
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If your senior loved one has recently had a surgery and is now at home, you may be wondering how you can support their recovery. Post-hospital care for seniors who are recovering at home is something that is strongly recommended after they come home from having surgery. Ther...
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Leaving the hospital is a great feeling for your senior, but to hear that she has to go back soon after she gets home can be the worst news ever. That’s called hospital readmission, and it’s something that can be avoided, especially with the help of post-hospital care. T...
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It’s sometimes really scary to be in the hospital, for any reason. But it can be equally frightening to your senior to come home, particularly if she lives alone. Home care assistance is a great way for your senior to have the help that she needs and to also recover in her...
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Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral health is important for everyone, no matter how old they are. But as seniors grow older, dental health is even more important. Keeping up with dental care can be a lot for seniors to manage, though, so home care assistance is an option that helps quite ...
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At first blush, your senior’s breath might seem as if it’s just a hygiene issue. But it truly is more than that. Sure, bad breath might be about your senior not brushing as often, but there could be other causes so it’s important to know what’s going on.Encourage Mor...
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Outdoor Safety

As the temperature rises during hot weather, it becomes even more critical to ensure that seniors stay hydrated. Older adults are more susceptible to dehydration due to various factors, including a decreased sense of thirst and certain medical conditions. Dehydration can lea...
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Summer heat can make just about anyone feel uncomfortable. But for a senior with COPD, summer heat can be truly debilitating. Follow some of these suggestions to help your senior to beat the summer temperatures without making an exacerbation more likely.Talk to Your Senior...
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Social Isolation

Social interaction is a big part of normal human life. When people grow older, though, they suddenly find themselves spending a lot more time alone than they used to. That increase in social isolation can have detrimental impacts on overall health and quality of life. One so...
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Signs of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive illness, so recognizing the early signs can be an important way to ensure that seniors get treatment as soon as possible. After diagnosis, solutions like Alzheimer’s care are able to offer support and vital assistance to seniors and f...
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Elder Care

Elder care services help older adults remain independent, safe, and secure in their homes. Check out the range of home care services that are available to help your dad as he ages at home.Personal CareIf your dad is having a tough time brushing and flossing his teeth, taking...
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Activities of daily living (ADLs) are the key components a person needs to live. It includes activities like being able to eat, use a toilet, take a shower, and walk around. Are these the things you think of when the topic of elder care is brought up?There's a lot more to el...
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What do you know about the prostate? Older men have a higher risk of developing prostate issues. During Men's Health Month in June, discover what tests your dad should be undergoing when it comes to his prostate and what happens if he needs to have it removed.After the age o...
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A good night's sleep is something no one can skip when it comes to overall health and well-being, yet many seniors struggle with sleep issues. Understanding the reasons behind these challenges is crucial for effectively addressing them. When seniors are battling sleep proble...
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Insomnia is a much bigger deal for your elderly family member than she might think. She might even make it worse accidentally by deciding to do things like nap during the day to make up for lost sleep. Getting through those issues is a lot easier with your help, as well as h...
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One problem that seniors tend to encounter is that they suddenly aren’t getting nearly enough physical activity. This is a big issue, especially when the reduced activity levels combine with health problems to further make life challenging for aging adults. Using technolog...
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For seniors who are used to being more sedentary, physical activity might not be at the top of their priority list. But being more physically active has some serious benefits for aging adults. It’s also a lot easier for them to adopt some of these new habits when they have...
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When your elderly family member has a real reason to be physically active, it can be a lot easier for her to embrace that habit and to keep it going. With the help of in-home care professionals, your elderly family member can prioritize moving more and make it a bigger part ...
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Your parents need to get up and be active. Their sedentary lifestyle impacts their health. Their last doctor’s appointment found their blood pressure is too high, and they're overweight. If they don't change their habits, their heart disease, diabetes, and stroke risks inc...
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Parkinson’s is a nervous disorder that usually comes with shakes and tremors. These tremors can make it hard for seniors to do the basic household things they once used to do all on their own. 24-hour home care can help a senior struggling with Parkinson's by providing hel...
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Both you and your parents need daily exercise. The problem is that your parents aren't likely to get exercise unless they're joining you. What are some of the easier fitness activities that you can do together?DanceDancing around a room is exercise, but it doesn't feel like ...
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Home care from a dedicated caregiver is a fantastic way to make sure that your senior loved one is getting regular exercise. Exercise is critically important for seniors, and it’s something that most seniors don’t get enough of. The CDC recommends that older adults get a...
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24-Hour Home Care

As seniors age, their care needs may increase, sometimes by significant amounts, which then requires more comprehensive support. 24-hour home care offers a viable solution for families by offering around-the-clock care for seniors in the comfort of their own homes. Understan...
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You are thinking about all the ways you can help your elderly loved one and you have ended up right here. The truth is that many family members are concerned about their elderly loved ones. They think they are lonely, stressed, frustrated, and possibly going to be unhealthy,...
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High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can strike people at any age, but it’s extremely common for aging adults to suddenly realize that they are dealing with a new health issue. Hypertension can sometimes be resolved by adopting healthier habits, but occasionally it needs more, like medicat...
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It can be so frustrating to try to do all the right things to address high blood pressure and still come up short. If that’s what your elderly family member is facing, she may need some extra help from home care assistance to make the big changes easier on her. But remind ...
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High blood pressure is always a cause for concern, but there are times when your elderly family member’s blood pressure may spike especially high very quickly. That becomes an emergency situation with her blood pressure and may require a trip to the hospital.Shortness of B...
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Senior and Health Issues

High blood pressure can strike people at any age, but it’s extremely common for aging adults to suddenly realize that they are dealing with a new health issue. Hypertension can sometimes be resolved by adopting healthier habits, but occasionally it needs more, like medicat...
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Chronic health issues are ones that continue for a long period of time and that can seriously limit your senior’s activities of daily living. Some chronic health issues are serious and progressive, like COPD or heart disease. Others, like arthritis, may bring good days and...
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February 1st is World Aspergillosis Day. As this isn't a disease that is routinely tracked, it's hard to know just how many people have it. The CDC estimates that 14,000 hospitalizations in 2014 were caused by aspergillosis. It's also been estimated that 4.8 million people w...
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There are a lot of different challenges that can keep your senior from eating when she should. Understanding those challenges gets you closer to putting answers together that can turn that situation around for your elderly family member.Oral Health IssuesProblems with your s...
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Your senior may be at a stage in which her vision is changing more than she realizes. She may even be dealing with vision loss. That can be a disorienting feeling for her, especially if she’s always been used to relying on her eyes to do their job properly. So, what can yo...
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September is National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, so it’s the perfect time to talk with your senior about what AFib is and what the symptoms can be. If your elderly family member has been experiencing heart palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath...
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Dementia Care

Humans spend their whole lives making memories, and it can be frightening when something threatens their ability to recall those special times. Understanding whether there is a potentially significant issue or If memory loss is simply due to aging can assist in decreasing th...
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Tooth brushing can become a complicated task for your senior. There are a lot of little steps that have to be done in the right order. Your elderly family member may also have memory issues that keep her from being as consistent as she needs to be with tooth brushing.Keep Yo...
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Seniors and Health Issues

Humans spend their whole lives making memories, and it can be frightening when something threatens their ability to recall those special times. Understanding whether there is a potentially significant issue or If memory loss is simply due to aging can assist in decreasing th...
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When most people think about mobility issues with seniors, they might think about seniors’ ability to walk around and get from point A to point B. Mobility concerns cover a wide range of issues, including issues with the hands. Many seniors deal with arthritis in the hands...
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It can be so frustrating to try to do all the right things to address high blood pressure and still come up short. If that’s what your elderly family member is facing, she may need some extra help from home care assistance to make the big changes easier on her. But remind ...
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Most people have heard of glaucoma, but might not be sure exactly what it is. The most common forms of glaucoma cause extreme pressure within your senior’s eye that cause irreparable damage. Getting a diagnosis of glaucoma isn’t necessarily a guarantee that your elderly ...
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Everyone can be susceptible to depression at one point or another, even your aging family member. Seniors may spend a little more time depressed than other people might, though, especially if they live alone and aren’t around other people a lot. Here are some ideas that ca...
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If your senior loved one has recently had a heart attack and is being discharged from the hospital or rehab, one essential resource is home care assistance. Home care assistance can provide peace of mind for you and make sure that your senior loved one is getting the rest th...
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As seniors become older and certain faculties deteriorate, regular visits to the doctor and paying attention to changes become even more vital. That’s why it is important to be aware of the early signs and symptoms of eye disorders. If your senior has been suffering from d...
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In the next eight years, it's estimated that around 70 million adults in the U.S. will be over the age of 65. One out of three of them will experience vision loss. While vision loss doesn't have to mean blindness, even a small change to your vision can increase your risk of ...
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Heart disease and everything that comes with it can be a scary topic for your senior. But understanding her possible risk factors and helping her to avoid heart illnesses helps her to take action now.Increasing AgeIt’s frustrating, but simply getting older can have a huge ...
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Having diabetes can be extremely difficult, especially for an elderly person. Many senior citizens get bored in retirement. When they are bored or stressed, they may start eating out of their emotions. When they do that, they may choose unhealthy foods that trigger a diabete...
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Does your elderly loved one have shingles? This is condition that many senior citizens get. If they do have this condition, it is very important they are receiving proper medical care. Your elderly loved one’s doctor can create a treatment plan based on the severity of sym...
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If your elderly family member has been diagnosed with anemia, it might have more of an impact on her life than she expects. It helps for your senior to have and to follow a plan to improve iron levels and anything else that might be affecting her red blood cell counts.What I...
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Almost half of the adults in the world that are older than 75 have some hearing loss. While it is normal to think about hearing loss in the elderly, that doesn’t mean it won’t be annoying. If you are caring for your elderly loved one and they have hearing loss, you may g...
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When your elderly family member isn’t sleeping well, so much else in her life can be a struggle. Lack of proper sleep can also cause her to have more difficulty with health issues, which is definitely something that you want to avoid for her.Keep a Sleep ScheduleHaving a s...
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What Creative Activities Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients at Home?Alzheimer’s patients can sometimes find it difficult to find the right activities on their own, particularly in the later stages of the illness. Alzheimer’s care providers can help by structuring days with ...
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When most people think about mobility issues with seniors, they might think about seniors’ ability to walk around and get from point A to point B. Mobility concerns cover a wide range of issues, including issues with the hands. Many seniors deal with arthritis in the hands...
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Hip joints get a lot of wear and tear over the years. The hip joint is one of the biggest joints in the body and every time your senior takes a step, extra strain gets added onto that joint. As she ages, your elderly family member may be dealing with painful arthritis in one...
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Personal Care

Having one cookie cutter plan for everyone who needs help just doesn’t work in any situation, but it’s especially unhelpful for aging adults. When it comes to ensuring that seniors have the support that they need, a personalized plan is definitely the way to go. Home car...
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Home Care Decisions

Shutting your senior out of conversations and choices about senior home care is a bad idea for a lot of different reasons. Because this choice is about helping her and making sure that she’s got her needs covered, you also need to make sure that she continues to have a say...
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hair care

As your elderly family member grows older, she’s likely to experience changes in how her hair grows and what it needs. Finding the best ways to take care of your senior’s hair might mean trying out some techniques that are new for her as well as making other changes to h...
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Heart Conditions

It’s terrifying to know that your elderly family member has had a heart attack. But it can be even scarier to worry about what happens next. Setting her up for the best possible recovery often means taking stock of what she needs and putting a solid plan together for her t...
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September is National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, so it’s the perfect time to talk with your senior about what AFib is and what the symptoms can be. If your elderly family member has been experiencing heart palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath...
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Care Tips

Getting dressed every day may be something that your elderly family member finds more difficult every day. The challenges are very real and can range from difficulty manipulating closures to cognitive changes that leave your senior forgetting that she needs to bathe and get ...
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On the days your mom has an appointment, she always drags her heels. She can't leave until her makeup is right. She just needs to use the toilet one more time. Her actions make you late, and you're tired of always being late.How can you get her out of the door on time? She h...
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Your mom needs home care services or her caregiver is leaving. She's about to work with a new caregiver. You're worried about her adjustment to the change. Make it easier for her by implementing these four tips.Involve Your Mom in PlanningInvolve your mom in all stages of pl...
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Spending time outside, enjoying some fresh air, is important for all people, including seniors. Unfortunately, that could put them at risk for falls. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the top cause of injuries and death in older adu...
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The holidays are often considered the most wonderful time of the year, and it is certainly filled with joy and excitement. Along with all of this happiness and festivity, though, can come a tremendous amount of stress. You must think about gatherings and parties, shopping an...
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Elder Care in Cupertino CACrime is on the rise in many parts of our country and, sadly, some criminals target elderly people, and in the very place they should feel safest—their home!Despite this, there are precautions that can be taken to minimize the risk of being a crim...
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Avoiding Loneliness

Seniors who live alone may not necessarily be lonely, but if your senior is isolating herself, loneliness is a likely culprit. It’s vital to assess the situation and put together a plan that meets your elderly family member’s needs in terms of companionship and socializa...
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Social Seniors

Seniors who live alone may not necessarily be lonely, but if your senior is isolating herself, loneliness is a likely culprit. It’s vital to assess the situation and put together a plan that meets your elderly family member’s needs in terms of companionship and socializa...
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February is International Expect Success Month, which is technically a business holiday. It was started as a holiday to remind people to look within to find hidden elements that could lead to success, which is actually a great mindset for everyone, including your senior. Hel...
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Personal Care at Home

July is Women with Alopecia Month, which could make this an ideal time to talk with your elderly family member about how alopecia may be impacting her life. Estimates put over 50 percent of women at risk of developing alopecia, or excessive hair loss, as they age. If that’...
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Is your elderly family member planning to remain in her own home for as long as possible? That’s called aging in place and eventually she may find that it’s a lot easier to do if she has the right help in place at the right time. Some of the biggest tasks she may need to...
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Family Caregiving

Have you found yourself confused when you describe where you are as a caregiver? It can help to break things down according to what stage of caregiving you’re in. The earlier you can enlist help for yourself and your senior, the better for everyone involved. Elder care pro...
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When your senior needs your help the most, you might have to be somewhere else. It’s not always that easy to uproot your own life in order to offer care to the people you love in person, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to be able to help at all.Find a Way t...
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Many times we don’t realize just how much stress is impacting us. We don’t notice how it is affecting our families, friends, and loved ones in our small circles of life. Yet, it has such an impact that it can destroy relationships, affect finances, and even deteriorate h...
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Getting Help

Have you found yourself confused when you describe where you are as a caregiver? It can help to break things down according to what stage of caregiving you’re in. The earlier you can enlist help for yourself and your senior, the better for everyone involved. Elder care pro...
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As much as your elderly family member has to adjust to receiving help, you also have to adjust a bit to being the one who is there for her and helping her to have the quality of life that you want her to have. These tips can help you to avoid feeling as if you’re adrift wh...
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There’s no one plan that works in every caregiving situation. That is why it is so important that you and your elderly family member, alone with anyone else involved in her care, take the time to really personalize a care plan that works for her.Clarify What Caregiving Mea...
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In-Home Care

Have you ever looked into in-home care? There's a lot to it. Some care services cover hygiene and grooming. Others are focused on services entailing cleaning and organization. What are the different services included with in-home care, and how do you know what your dad needs...
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One of the most difficult issues adult children confront is reconciling their parents' independence with their long-term interests, particularly if we believe they are making poor choices. Whether your parents are struggling to maintain their home, manage their finances, or ...
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Getting Support

One of the challenges family caregivers face is realizing that they can't keep a promise they made to a parent. You promised your mom that if she ever needed long-term care, you'd be her caregiver. However, you're facing health or work issues of your own and can't keep that ...
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Getting Started

At some point it becomes obvious that your senior needs a little more help than maybe you or other family members can offer. If your elderly family member is resistant to the idea, however, that makes everything a little bit more difficult. Here are some tips for helping her...
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Having diabetes can be extremely difficult, especially for an elderly person. Many senior citizens get bored in retirement. When they are bored or stressed, they may start eating out of their emotions. When they do that, they may choose unhealthy foods that trigger a diabete...
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If your aging family member has been diagnosed with diabetes, she may feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under her. Diabetes is a complicated condition and it can involve a delicate balancing act in order to bring everything under control. Here are some things your ...
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Reducing Stress

You may know about the foods that can cause a senior to be stressed more, like sugar and alcohol, but do you know about the foods that can help lower stress? It is true, some foods can help calm a senior down when they feel stressed or anxious. Instead of turning to the heav...
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Does your elderly loved one have shingles? This is condition that many senior citizens get. If they do have this condition, it is very important they are receiving proper medical care. Your elderly loved one’s doctor can create a treatment plan based on the severity of sym...
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Long-Distance Caregiving

In a perfect world, you’d be able to be there with your senior every time that she needs you to be. Unfortunately, more and more people find that they need to be remote caregivers for the people that they love. If that’s a situation you’re facing, too, you’re not alo...
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Respite Care

Do you consider emotional and mental health to be the same things? They're not. There are differences between the two. For any family caregiver, taking care of your mental and emotional health is crucial. To do that, you need to better understand what they entail.Differences...
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Travel Safety

If you’re planning on doing some holiday traveling with a senior loved one that has dementia, you may be a little anxious. While you should take some special precautions to make sure that your senior loved one is safe you can still have a safe, happy, and successful car tr...
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Living Independently

How do you know if your parents' emotional needs are being met? Do they call you often, even at inconvenient times? You're at work, and your mom calls and doesn't want to hang up. That can be one sign of loneliness.What are your emotional needs as you age? Emotional needs co...
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Home Care in San Jose CA

You may have started to notice certain symptoms of dementia in your senior parent that scare you, even if they were recently diagnosed. One of the first things you will learn about dementia is that there are seven stages, but they can vary in severity depending on each perso...
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Mood Changes

You may have started to notice certain symptoms of dementia in your senior parent that scare you, even if they were recently diagnosed. One of the first things you will learn about dementia is that there are seven stages, but they can vary in severity depending on each perso...
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Traveling during the holiday season can be hectic under the best of circumstances, and usually you can count on at least one thing to go wrong during the trip. If you are traveling with a senior loved one this holiday season there are some things that you should keep in mind...
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Mobility Assistance

One of the most important ways for your senior to remain safe in her home is to remain as mobile as she can. Challenges to her mobility make it more difficult for her to be as safe as possible. If your elderly family member has experienced changes to her mobility, it’s imp...
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Hearing Loss

Almost half of the adults in the world that are older than 75 have some hearing loss. While it is normal to think about hearing loss in the elderly, that doesn’t mean it won’t be annoying. If you are caring for your elderly loved one and they have hearing loss, you may g...
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Summer heat can make just about anyone feel uncomfortable. But for a senior with COPD, summer heat can be truly debilitating. Follow some of these suggestions to help your senior to beat the summer temperatures without making an exacerbation more likely.Talk to Your Senior...
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Elderly Care

Summer heat can make just about anyone feel uncomfortable. But for a senior with COPD, summer heat can be truly debilitating. Follow some of these suggestions to help your senior to beat the summer temperatures without making an exacerbation more likely.Talk to Your Senior...
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Tooth brushing can become a complicated task for your senior. There are a lot of little steps that have to be done in the right order. Your elderly family member may also have memory issues that keep her from being as consistent as she needs to be with tooth brushing.Keep Yo...
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If your aging family member has been diagnosed with diabetes, she may feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under her. Diabetes is a complicated condition and it can involve a delicate balancing act in order to bring everything under control. Here are some things your ...
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Many times we don’t realize just how much stress is impacting us. We don’t notice how it is affecting our families, friends, and loved ones in our small circles of life. Yet, it has such an impact that it can destroy relationships, affect finances, and even deteriorate h...
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Serious injuries can happen to anyone of any age. And, they can happen at any time. When a person ages, they may face an increased risk of serious injuries. That might be from a slip and fall accident, something seemingly innocent and harmless, that can be devastating in its...
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The start of a new year leads many to make New Year's Resolutions. Have your parents made any? Even if they don't complete all of their goals, it can help them get focused and try to make things happen by coming up with a list of goals for the year. These are some of the mos...
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Congestive heart failure happens to an individual when the heart muscle is no longer pumping blood as well it should. The heart may have become weak due to conditions such clogged arteries or high blood pressure. Perhaps either yourself or your aging parent’s elderly care ...
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As a family caregiver, how many people do you care for? Compound caregiving is defined as a situation where you have multiple family members you're caring for. For some, it could mean caring for a disabled adult child and two elderly parents at the same time. Others may be c...
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High blood pressure carries with it some big health implications. One big problem is that it’s not always easy to recognize high blood pressure in someone until a doctor diagnoses it. Here’s what you need to know about high blood pressure and your senior.Risk Factors of ...
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As the caregiver of an elderly parent, one the main areas you may support your parent in is eating right. Proper nutrition is always an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle but as our parents get older, it’s often common that eating properly is harder than ever. Seniors...
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It is a normal thing for your elderly loved one to want to keep all of their stuff. They have been on this Earth for many years. They want to hold on tight to all of their memories. However, it is also important for your elderly loved one to keep clutter out of their home. T...
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Your senior’s belongings may be more important to her than you realize. What seems like clutter without a cause can actually have a lot more riding on it than she’s let you know. Understanding what you’re up against can help you to make the right choices for her.Everyt...
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There’s a lot that changes for both you and your senior when you need to become her caregiver. Whether that happens gradually or suddenly because of illness or injury, there’s a lot that you are having to deal with in a different way than you used to. Understanding what ...
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Companion Care at Home Saratoga CA

Every year millions of seniors lose money, sometimes a lot of money, to scams. Seniors who are easily confused are no match for scammers who have a list of sophisticated ruses that they use to convince seniors that their family members are in trouble and need money or that t...
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Health Issues

High blood pressure is always a cause for concern, but there are times when your elderly family member’s blood pressure may spike especially high very quickly. That becomes an emergency situation with her blood pressure and may require a trip to the hospital.Shortness of B...
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Men's Health

What do you know about the prostate? Older men have a higher risk of developing prostate issues. During Men's Health Month in June, discover what tests your dad should be undergoing when it comes to his prostate and what happens if he needs to have it removed.After the age o...
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Surgery Recovery

What do you know about the prostate? Older men have a higher risk of developing prostate issues. During Men's Health Month in June, discover what tests your dad should be undergoing when it comes to his prostate and what happens if he needs to have it removed.After the age o...
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Sleep Issues

When your elderly family member isn’t sleeping well, so much else in her life can be a struggle. Lack of proper sleep can also cause her to have more difficulty with health issues, which is definitely something that you want to avoid for her.Keep a Sleep ScheduleHaving a s...
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If you’re noticing that your elderly family member isn’t eating like she used to, there might be a reason. Always talk to her doctor first to rule out health issues, and then consider some of these ideas.Increase Activity LevelsAs long as her doctor agrees, your senior m...
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When you’re ready to talk to your elderly family member about hiring a caregiver, there are good approaches and there are tactics that are likely to cause you both to suffer. Finding the right way to talk to her means that she’ll be more open to your suggestions and you...
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Hip joints get a lot of wear and tear over the years. The hip joint is one of the biggest joints in the body and every time your senior takes a step, extra strain gets added onto that joint. As she ages, your elderly family member may be dealing with painful arthritis in one...
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Motivation is something that almost everyone struggles with when it comes to exercise. For your senior, motivation might have been the one thing she felt like she has been consistently lacking. This might help.Encourage Her to Find Exercise She LovesIf your senior is doing e...
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If you’ve never worked with elderly care services before, the idea might take some getting used to. One of the best ways to find out whether it’s for you or not is to look at what the service does for you and your senior.Help with Aging in PlaceYour senior may have decid...
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When you think about mental health, you might think about teenagers who are depressed. You might even think about your own bout with mental health issues at some point in your life. However, it might not cross your mind that your elderly loved one may need some help with the...
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Do you really want to help your elderly loved one? Every time you try, do they seem to shut you down? This can be very frustrating. However, at the same time, it is important to remember that your elderly loved one is likely trying to preserve their dignity and pride. With t...
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During his last doctor's visit, your dad learned he is pre-diabetic. His doctor said it's important that he stop eating sugary treats and drinking soda. He also needs to lose weight. Your dad is going to struggle to do this. How can you help him lose weight and keep it off?E...
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Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions. Almost 23 percent of American adults have been diagnosed with arthritis. As you age, arthritis will likely affect you. It's very likely that your parents already have arthritis.There are several types of arthr...
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Something simple like a fall can be catastrophic to an older adult. A hip fracture can make it hard to move around well. A surgery requires time and therapy to bounce back from. Some older adults never regain full mobility after a fall.Improved balance and flexibility helps ...
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Are you trying to help your elderly loved one find activities that they will enjoy? It is important for your loved one to keep active and engage in activities. Whether they are trying to start up with an old hobby or find something new and exciting, you can help them out. Yo...
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As a caregiver, there are going to be times when you feel like you don’t know what’s going on or what to do next. Having a plan is crucial, both for those times and for all of the other times when you’re just dealing with the next thing on your list. Regardless of whic...
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If your elderly family member is ready to start exercising, there are some specific categories of movement that she might want to look into. It’s always a good idea for your senior to talk to her doctor about exercise before she starts a new movement practice, because some...
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While you’re a caregiver you’re going to notice some things changing for your senior. One such change might be that she moves from her normal way of walking to a more shuffling method. This is a bad sign, because it means that there’s something else happening for her t...
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As your family member gets older, there will come a time to decide if they need more assistance with daily chores, financial issues, or other matters. If you have been pondering over this decision, it might be a good time to ask yourself a question. Is it possible for you to...
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People over the age of 65 are more likely to suffer from heat stroke during warm weather than younger people are. One of the reasons seniors get heat stroke more easily is that they don’t adjust to temperature changes as well as they did when they were younger. Older adult...
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Stress eating is usually a mindless form of eating, where you’re snacking all day long on usually less healthy food choices. It might seem to help in the moment, but is it really?Look for Other Ways to Manage Your StressStress eating isn’t an effective way to manage stre...
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Apply Here:https://30716.hometrakcloud.com/HTPortal/Inquiry/2Home Helpers of Santa Clara Valley is looking for full-time caregivers (30-40 hrs/week) to help our wonderful clients! We are a family-owned company based in Silicon Valley/Bay Area, CA. We serve San Jose, Los Gato...
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Stephanie Leung is a Geriatric Care Manager in the Bay Area, where she pursued her higher education and started her professional career. Stephanie graduated with a Master’s Degree in Gerontology from San Francisco State University in 2016. Her academic career focused on th...
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The Herman Health Care Center is a unique family-owned rehabilitation and long-term care facility that has been serving the San Jose area since 1944.It started as a 17-bed skilled nursing facility and currently boasts 99 beds in three residential wings on the 2.5-acre proper...
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Rashmi Khatri, LCSW, offers therapy and counseling for depression and anxiety with over 5 years of experience. Her office is conveniently located on South Drive, on the El Camino Hospital Campus, in Mountain View, Ca. Her clientele is mainly older adults.New clients particip...
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Benefits Of Music

Have you been wondering how you can help your elderly loved one improve their cognition? This is something that is on the mind of just about every family caregiver. When it comes to caring for an elderly person, you have many options to help them improve cognitive functions....
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Mental Exercise

Have you been wondering how you can help your elderly loved one improve their cognition? This is something that is on the mind of just about every family caregiver. When it comes to caring for an elderly person, you have many options to help them improve cognitive functions....
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Dental Health

When becoming a family caregiver for your elderly loved one, something that you will need to think about is their dental health. There are many dental health issues that the elderly face. Some elderly people even have oral cancer. However, there are some things that you can ...
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Tasks of Daily Living

When becoming a family caregiver for your elderly loved one, something that you will need to think about is their dental health. There are many dental health issues that the elderly face. Some elderly people even have oral cancer. However, there are some things that you can ...
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Difficult Conversations

When you’re ready to talk to your elderly family member about hiring a caregiver, there are good approaches and there are tactics that are likely to cause you both to suffer. Finding the right way to talk to her means that she’ll be more open to your suggestions and you...
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Hiring Home Care

When you’re ready to talk to your elderly family member about hiring a caregiver, there are good approaches and there are tactics that are likely to cause you both to suffer. Finding the right way to talk to her means that she’ll be more open to your suggestions and you...
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Depression and isolation are huge issues for aging adults. It’s way too easy for your senior to give up on being around other people, and that can be a dangerous perspective for her to have.Talk to Her Doctor about General Health IssuesThere are a lot of different reasons ...
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Caregiver Stress

Many times we don’t realize just how much stress is impacting us. We don’t notice how it is affecting our families, friends, and loved ones in our small circles of life. Yet, it has such an impact that it can destroy relationships, affect finances, and even deteriorate h...
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Pain Management

Hip joints get a lot of wear and tear over the years. The hip joint is one of the biggest joints in the body and every time your senior takes a step, extra strain gets added onto that joint. As she ages, your elderly family member may be dealing with painful arthritis in one...
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brain injury

Serious injuries can happen to anyone of any age. And, they can happen at any time. When a person ages, they may face an increased risk of serious injuries. That might be from a slip and fall accident, something seemingly innocent and harmless, that can be devastating in its...
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fall risk

Serious injuries can happen to anyone of any age. And, they can happen at any time. When a person ages, they may face an increased risk of serious injuries. That might be from a slip and fall accident, something seemingly innocent and harmless, that can be devastating in its...
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