Managing Diabetes Complications with the Help of Personal Care at Home

Author: Home Helpers Home Care

American Diabetes Month every November is the perfect opportunity for seniors with diabetes and family caregivers to look at routines and needs to determine if changes would help. So many seniors with diabetes may start to find that daily tasks that were once easy to manage become more difficult. Personal care at home can help with this, while also helping seniors with diabetes stay on top of skin issues that could affect their health if they’re ignored.

What Does Personal Care at Home Do?

Personal care at home offers assistance with daily activities like grooming, bathing, skincare, meal preparation, and other related tasks. Professional caregivers help seniors to be safe in their homes while also maintaining their comfort levels, too. Seniors who have diabetes have specific needs related to personal care tasks, and this branch of home care assistance can offer a lot of support.

Challenges Related to Managing Diabetes

Managing diabetes on a daily basis can quickly become complicated for seniors. Maintaining a balanced diet, taking medications properly, and doing all of the other things that help them manage blood sugar levels are all important. Seniors may also start to notice that they’re having issues with skin that is drier than usual or reduced sensations in their extremities. These challenges make it more essential than ever for seniors to have help.

Medication Reminders and Glucose Monitoring

Taking medications properly is a huge part of helping seniors keep diabetes under control. Home care providers can remind seniors to take their medications on time and how they are prescribed. One variable that might impact medications could be glucose levels, so it’s important that seniors remember to take their blood sugar readings when their doctors recommend they do so. This can help to avoid glucose levels dropping too far or staying too high.

Meals and Nutrition

Eating the right foods is another key part of helping seniors to manage diabetes properly. It can be tough for them to cook healthy meals, though. Personal care at home can help with every aspect of nutrition and meal preparation. They can also help seniors to eat if they have difficulty doing so.

Foot and Skin Care

Foot complications in particular are a big problem for seniors with diabetes. Seniors may lose sensation in their feet or develop foot problems that worsen quickly because of diabetes. Personal care at home helps seniors to be more aware of skin and foot health, keeping them from developing complications that might lead to serious health issues or even amputation.

Other Lifestyle Changes

Being more physically active, even just a little bit, can help to bring down high blood sugar levels. Seniors may hear from their doctors that they should exercise more, but struggle with remembering to do it or simply find it difficult to exercise alone. Personal care at home can be there to offer emotional support and body doubling that makes moving more easier to do.

Seniors with diabetes run into a lot of challenges, but they may still want to be independent. Personal care at home can help them to bridge the gap between getting the assistance they need and continuing to take care of the things they want to take care of alone.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring personal care at home in Santa Clara, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 317-4969.


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