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Fall Prevention

Falling has serious consequences for aging adults. Even one fall leaves seniors more vulnerable to injuries and complications from the fall. Family caregivers must understand the dangers of falling so that they can put plans in place to help prevent them for aging adults. Se...
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Seniors are already at a huge risk of falling, but sometimes there are tools offered to them, like medications, that increase that fall risk. There are lots of reasons for that, but there are things that families can do to help their seniors to be safer at home. Home care pr...
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Seniors who fall one time are twice as likely to fall again, according to The Centers for Disease Control. Coupled with the fact that one out of every five falls results in serious injury, family caregivers need to focus on reducing fall risk for their elderly family members...
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Lots of people experience falls for no reason at all, and that can be the case for your senior, too. But the odds are that if she does experience a fall there is a reason for that to have happened. When you understand the main reasons that older adults experience a fall, you...
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Falls are a much bigger issue for your senior the older she gets. As your elderly family member ages, it’s ever more crucial for her to accurately and fully assess her fall risk and do everything that she can to avoid the possibility of sustaining a fall. Here is informati...
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No one wants their senior family member to fall, and for good reason. Falls are incredibly dangerous for older adults and they open the door for some very serious injuries that can change her entire life. but it’s easy to make mistakes after a fall, even with good intentio...
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