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Care Tips

Getting dressed every day may be something that your elderly family member finds more difficult every day. The challenges are very real and can range from difficulty manipulating closures to cognitive changes that leave your senior forgetting that she needs to bathe and get ...
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On the days your mom has an appointment, she always drags her heels. She can't leave until her makeup is right. She just needs to use the toilet one more time. Her actions make you late, and you're tired of always being late.How can you get her out of the door on time? She h...
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Your mom needs home care services or her caregiver is leaving. She's about to work with a new caregiver. You're worried about her adjustment to the change. Make it easier for her by implementing these four tips.Involve Your Mom in PlanningInvolve your mom in all stages of pl...
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Spending time outside, enjoying some fresh air, is important for all people, including seniors. Unfortunately, that could put them at risk for falls. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the top cause of injuries and death in older adu...
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The holidays are often considered the most wonderful time of the year, and it is certainly filled with joy and excitement. Along with all of this happiness and festivity, though, can come a tremendous amount of stress. You must think about gatherings and parties, shopping an...
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Elder Care in Cupertino CACrime is on the rise in many parts of our country and, sadly, some criminals target elderly people, and in the very place they should feel safest—their home!Despite this, there are precautions that can be taken to minimize the risk of being a crim...
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