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Healthy Habits

Staying as healthy as possible is a common goal for aging adults and a good way to remain healthy is through nutrition. Anti-inflammatory diets are in the news a lot and proponents claim eating this way has massive health benefits. But what does it mean to eat an anti-inflam...
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The need to lead a healthy lifestyle becomes more and more apparent with age. This includes doing everything we can to enhance the health of our brains. In order for our brains to work at their full potential, proper care and attention are required, just as they are for any ...
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DASH is an acronym meaning “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.” Many people who are diagnosed with hypertension find it helpful to have some guidance with eating properly to support their body while they manage high blood pressure. Adopting any new dietary changes ...
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A good night's sleep is something no one can skip when it comes to overall health and well-being, yet many seniors struggle with sleep issues. Understanding the reasons behind these challenges is crucial for effectively addressing them. When seniors are battling sleep proble...
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One problem that seniors tend to encounter is that they suddenly aren’t getting nearly enough physical activity. This is a big issue, especially when the reduced activity levels combine with health problems to further make life challenging for aging adults. Using technolog...
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Aging brings with it a lot of changes, some of which are expected and others that can come as a surprise. Dental health is far more affected by aging than many people realize. Save Your Tooth Month, which happens every May, is about doing whatever is necessary to preserve na...
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For seniors who are used to being more sedentary, physical activity might not be at the top of their priority list. But being more physically active has some serious benefits for aging adults. It’s also a lot easier for them to adopt some of these new habits when they have...
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Your elderly family member’s body experiences a lot of changes as she ages, and that can mean that her nutritional needs are changing, too. Her doctor can help her to stay aware of what she needs to know in order to get the nutrients that she needs, but your senior might n...
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When your elderly family member has a real reason to be physically active, it can be a lot easier for her to embrace that habit and to keep it going. With the help of in-home care professionals, your elderly family member can prioritize moving more and make it a bigger part ...
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As your elderly family member grows older, she’s likely to experience changes in how her hair grows and what it needs. Finding the best ways to take care of your senior’s hair might mean trying out some techniques that are new for her as well as making other changes to h...
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Does your senior seem to have heartburn all the time? It might actually be GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. November 20th through 26th this year is GERD Awareness Week, so it might be a good time to talk with her doctor about what your senior is experiencing. If you...
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Is your senior’s diet as healthy as it could be? Truth be told, everyone could make a few changes here and there to eat healthier. But for your senior, some of those changes, even small ones, can feel like a lot more work on her part. Here are some ideas you can use to hel...
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National Farmer’s Market Week runs through August 13th this year, and it’s a great way for your senior to explore some ways to improve her quality of life. Just going to the farmer’s market regularly is a fantastic experience, and if your senior is willing to explore a...
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Insomnia is a much bigger deal for your elderly family member than she might think. She might even make it worse accidentally by deciding to do things like nap during the day to make up for lost sleep. Getting through those issues is a lot easier with your help, as well as h...
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Your parents need to get up and be active. Their sedentary lifestyle impacts their health. Their last doctor’s appointment found their blood pressure is too high, and they're overweight. If they don't change their habits, their heart disease, diabetes, and stroke risks inc...
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Does your elderly loved one need to add more fiber to their diet? Some of the reasons they may need to do this are low energy, constipation, high cholesterol levels, or needing to lose weight. By eating more fiber, your elderly loved one can make all these things better.Addi...
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At first blush, your senior’s breath might seem as if it’s just a hygiene issue. But it truly is more than that. Sure, bad breath might be about your senior not brushing as often, but there could be other causes so it’s important to know what’s going on.Encourage Mor...
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You may know about the foods that can cause a senior to be stressed more, like sugar and alcohol, but do you know about the foods that can help lower stress? It is true, some foods can help calm a senior down when they feel stressed or anxious. Instead of turning to the heav...
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Have you and your senior talked about hygiene and what you expect for her in terms of good hygiene? If not, it might be time for you to have that conversation with each other and get some ground rules in place.Bathe a Few Times a WeekBathing can easily become a battleground ...
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Parkinson’s is a nervous disorder that usually comes with shakes and tremors. These tremors can make it hard for seniors to do the basic household things they once used to do all on their own. 24-hour home care can help a senior struggling with Parkinson's by providing hel...
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How do you know if your parents' emotional needs are being met? Do they call you often, even at inconvenient times? You're at work, and your mom calls and doesn't want to hang up. That can be one sign of loneliness.What are your emotional needs as you age? Emotional needs co...
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Lots of people absolutely love eating red meat and that’s something that they might not want to give up. If that describes your senior, you might find it to be tough to convince her to back down on her red meat intake. Lots of small solutions can help, like embracing other...
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One of the main things that seniors should focus on as they get older is proper nutrition. Unfortunately, for many seniors, this can become difficult to work on alone. That is why elder care can be so important to have when a senior chooses to age in place. Many seniors do n...
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While he ages, your dad's skin goes through a variety of changes. It's thinning out, and his fat stores diminish. Collagen production dwindles.His skin looks dry and has more wrinkles. It's not as smooth. He gets a cut or scratch, and it takes longer to heal. He has age spot...
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Both you and your parents need daily exercise. The problem is that your parents aren't likely to get exercise unless they're joining you. What are some of the easier fitness activities that you can do together?DanceDancing around a room is exercise, but it doesn't feel like ...
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Tooth brushing can become a complicated task for your senior. There are a lot of little steps that have to be done in the right order. Your elderly family member may also have memory issues that keep her from being as consistent as she needs to be with tooth brushing.Keep Yo...
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Home care from a dedicated caregiver is a fantastic way to make sure that your senior loved one is getting regular exercise. Exercise is critically important for seniors, and it’s something that most seniors don’t get enough of. The CDC recommends that older adults get a...
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National Lasagna Day is on July 29th and there’s nothing better than fresh lasagna hot out of the oven. But instead of going for a frozen, prepackaged version, you might want to help your senior to eat a healthier and more nutritious version. It’s easy to do with some of...
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If you’re noticing that your elderly family member isn’t eating like she used to, there might be a reason. Always talk to her doctor first to rule out health issues, and then consider some of these ideas.Increase Activity LevelsAs long as her doctor agrees, your senior m...
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