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Elderly Care

Summer heat can make just about anyone feel uncomfortable. But for a senior with COPD, summer heat can be truly debilitating. Follow some of these suggestions to help your senior to beat the summer temperatures without making an exacerbation more likely.Talk to Your Seniorâ€...
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Tooth brushing can become a complicated task for your senior. There are a lot of little steps that have to be done in the right order. Your elderly family member may also have memory issues that keep her from being as consistent as she needs to be with tooth brushing.Keep Yo...
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If your aging family member has been diagnosed with diabetes, she may feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under her. Diabetes is a complicated condition and it can involve a delicate balancing act in order to bring everything under control. Here are some things your ...
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Many times we don’t realize just how much stress is impacting us. We don’t notice how it is affecting our families, friends, and loved ones in our small circles of life. Yet, it has such an impact that it can destroy relationships, affect finances, and even deteriorate h...
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Serious injuries can happen to anyone of any age. And, they can happen at any time. When a person ages, they may face an increased risk of serious injuries. That might be from a slip and fall accident, something seemingly innocent and harmless, that can be devastating in its...
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The start of a new year leads many to make New Year's Resolutions. Have your parents made any? Even if they don't complete all of their goals, it can help them get focused and try to make things happen by coming up with a list of goals for the year. These are some of the mos...
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Congestive heart failure happens to an individual when the heart muscle is no longer pumping blood as well it should. The heart may have become weak due to conditions such clogged arteries or high blood pressure. Perhaps either yourself or your aging parent’s elderly care ...
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As a family caregiver, how many people do you care for? Compound caregiving is defined as a situation where you have multiple family members you're caring for. For some, it could mean caring for a disabled adult child and two elderly parents at the same time. Others may be c...
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High blood pressure carries with it some big health implications. One big problem is that it’s not always easy to recognize high blood pressure in someone until a doctor diagnoses it. Here’s what you need to know about high blood pressure and your senior.Risk Factors of ...
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As the caregiver of an elderly parent, one the main areas you may support your parent in is eating right. Proper nutrition is always an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle but as our parents get older, it’s often common that eating properly is harder than ever. Seniors...
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It is a normal thing for your elderly loved one to want to keep all of their stuff. They have been on this Earth for many years. They want to hold on tight to all of their memories. However, it is also important for your elderly loved one to keep clutter out of their home. T...
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Your senior’s belongings may be more important to her than you realize. What seems like clutter without a cause can actually have a lot more riding on it than she’s let you know. Understanding what you’re up against can help you to make the right choices for her.Everyt...
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There’s a lot that changes for both you and your senior when you need to become her caregiver. Whether that happens gradually or suddenly because of illness or injury, there’s a lot that you are having to deal with in a different way than you used to. Understanding what ...
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