What Does Hospital to Home Transition Care Actually Do?

Author: Home Helpers Home Care
After someone is discharged from the hospital, there is usually quite a bit of healing and recovery left to do. That’s even more accurate for seniors, especially if they’re battling chronic health issues as well. Hospital to home transition care can help quite a bit, but what exactly does this type of care do?
Scheduling Follow-up Appointments
Part of the discharge paperwork is likely to include information about scheduling follow-up appointments. Occasionally, those appointments are already scheduled. But often seniors need to make those appointments and then ensure they can get to the appointment when it’s time. Hospital to home transition experts can assist seniors with this, helping them schedule and attend any follow-up appointments so they can continue to recover.
Coordinating Other Specialist and Therapy Appointments
There may also be other specialist and therapy appointments to help with further recovery. Some of these professionals may be able to visit seniors at home while others may require in-person appointments. Hospital to home transition care can help sort out the details and help seniors get to these appointments, too.
Assisting with Medication Changes
Sometimes medication needs to change after a hospital stay. Those changes may be temporary, but occasionally they’re permanent. That might mean that seniors need help developing new routines about taking medications correctly and at the required time. Hospital to home transition care can help seniors understand those changes and find the help they need to adjust to the new schedules.
Helping Families Find the Help They Need
After a hospital stay, seniors might not be as able to keep up with daily activities as they were before. Their mobility may be hindered because of an injury or a stroke, for example. Hospital to home transition care can help families find elder care services to assist with these daily activities. This allows seniors to get the support they need with light housekeeping, meal preparation, and related tasks, but also rest and heal.
Following Up to Make Sure Seniors Are Supported
Hospital to home transition care providers care about the seniors they’re helping. They want to make sure that the trip home goes well and that seniors don’t end up back in the hospital because their recovery didn’t go as well as everyone expected and hoped it would. That’s why they follow up with family caregivers and seniors to make sure that the transition home is going well. If families need more help, transition experts can recommend the right solutions to keep recovery going in the right direction.
Coming home from the hospital should be a happy time, especially for seniors. But if it’s a frustrating experience or families feel as if they don’t have the support they need, it can all feel like it’s too much. Hospital to home transition care experts can be there to help families and seniors understand discharge instructions, get the expert help they need, and follow through with needed therapies and follow-up appointments. Ultimately, the goal is to make sure seniors don’t have to go back to the hospital unless it’s absolutely necessary.
If you or an aging loved one is considering hospital to home transition care in Sunnyvale, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 317-4969.