5 Difficult Situations Personal Care at Home Can Help Seniors Manage

Author: Home Helpers Home Care

Seniors sometimes face health issues and changes that make certain activities more difficult, like personal care tasks. Family members may start to notice changes that make them feel awkward when it’s time to address them. Personal care at home can help with many of these awkward situations, especially when they occur because hygiene tasks are more complicated for seniors to handle alone.

A Change in Personal Smells

When seniors start to smell different, there might be a few reasons for that change. If seniors are having trouble bathing or washing their hair, they may no longer be doing those tasks. Sometimes illness can cause a change in personal odor as well. Having trouble staying on top of laundry could also lead to seniors smelling different. It’s important but sometimes difficult to ask what might be going on.

They’re Not Bathing

While some aging adults don’t want to talk about personal tasks like bathing, others might mention to family members that they’re not bathing any longer. If they are being more open about what’s happening, that can make it easier for family caregivers to get the right help in place for seniors. Home care providers can assist with bathing and other tasks, helping seniors get the hygiene assistance they need.

Their Home Smells Different

In some cases, seniors might not smell different, but their homes do. That can happen if there’s food going bad in the fridge or freezer, seniors have more trouble taking the trash out, or they’re not able to keep up with household tasks in general. Elder care providers can take over some of these tasks for seniors, helping them to have a clean and safe home in which to live.

Seniors Refuse Visitors

Aging adults can feel embarrassed about the changes they’re experiencing personally and in their environment. What that can lead to is isolation as they start to refuse visitors and keep friends and family members from seeing their living conditions. This can be a big sign for family caregivers that there might be more going on. Talking with seniors about what they’re experiencing and how family caregivers can make sure they have the help they need.

Or They Refuse to Eat with Others

If seniors used to enjoy meals with other people and now refuse to engage in those activities, there could be more going on. Sometimes seniors avoid meals with other people because they have trouble eating or because they’re having trouble with hygiene issues. Personal care at home can assist with many of these issues, while also helping seniors to get to appointments with specialists who can help further.

Family caregivers don’t always have the skills to help seniors with some of these embarrassing personal issues. Sometimes even talking about what is going on is too awkward for either side to open up about. Personal care at home offers practical assistance with a variety of hygiene tasks and other activities that are related. Tackling these embarrassing conversations head on helps seniors get the support they need.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring personal care at home in Palo Alto, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 317-4969.


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