Does Your Senior Parent Need Elder Care?

Author: Ketan Shah

If your senior parent is living alone and has been thriving for some time, it may be difficult to notice the signs when they start to struggle. It’s easy to dismiss a dirty home as a bad day, or an empty fridge is just empty because they need to go to the store. But it’s important for family members to pay attention to those small signs. They could mean that your senior parent’s ability to take care of themselves is changing.

Your senior parent may not tell you that they are having trouble carrying the laundry to the washer, or that they are too tired to do the dishes after dinner, or even that they fell going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. So you need to notice the signs that they need extra help.

Elder care is a great solution for seniors that want to continue living at home who need a little extra help. With elder care seniors get exactly the level of support they need, so they can continue to do all the tasks they are still physically able to do. But, with elder care they will have help with other tasks and they won’t have to ask you to help.

Some of the signs that your senior parent needs elder care that you should be watching for include:

Having Trouble Getting Around

If you notice that your senior parent has trouble moving around their home, getting in and out of chairs, or navigating stairs, it could be a sign that they need assistance with mobility. Elder care providers can offer support with walking, transferring, and using mobility aids such as walkers or wheelchairs to enhance safety and prevent falls.

Poor Hygiene and Personal Care

Seniors who neglect personal hygiene tasks such as bathing, grooming, and dressing may benefit from home help services. Signs of poor hygiene include unkempt appearance, body odor, and soiled clothing. Home care providers can assist with personal care tasks, ensuring that seniors maintain cleanliness and dignity in their daily routines.

Declining To Go Out

If your senior parent is turning down invitations to meet with friends, refusing to go to family events, or not even wanting to go to the gym or other places they used to enjoy going it could be that they are having trouble getting around and don’t want to tell you. A home care provider can help seniors discreetly so they don’t feel self-conscious going out in public.

Losing Weight

Difficulty with grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking can lead to poor nutrition and malnutrition among seniors. That can lead to unexplained or unintentional weight loss. If your senior parent is not trying to lose weight and suddenly starts losing weight you should make sure they see a doctor and talk to them about getting elder care.

Unexplained Bruises or Injuries

Seniors who experience frequent falls or accidents may require assistance with safety and mobility at home. If you notice unexplained bruises, cuts, or injuries on your senior parent's body, it may indicate that they are at risk of falls or other accidents. Home care providers can conduct home safety assessments, implement fall prevention strategies, and provide assistance with mobility to reduce the risk of injuries.

A Dirty Home

Difficulty with household tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and maintenance can indicate that a senior parent needs assistance with home management. Signs of neglected chores include cluttered living spaces, dirty dishes piling up, and an unkempt yard. Home help providers can assist with light housekeeping tasks, laundry, and home maintenance to ensure that seniors live in a safe and comfortable environment.




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