How Does Aging Affect Vision?

Author: Ketan Shah

Bodies change over time, and some of those changes make life more difficult. One change that seniors can find frustrating is with vision. These changes impact how seniors perceive the world around them and can even limit some of the things they’re able to do. Preserving eye health is important and there are some ways that home care services can help.

Vision Isn’t as Sharp

The vision change that most people notice first is that vision just isn’t as sharp as it used to be. As people age, the lenses in the eye become less flexible, which makes it difficult for the eyes to focus on close items. It also becomes more difficult to see small details. Contrast becomes more important and tasks like driving at night or in bad weather become much more challenging. This is often when seniors become more willing to have help from elder care providers with driving and some other tasks.

Increased Risk of Eye Problems

Aging also brings with it a greater risk of eye problems and conditions. Cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and more eye conditions are all more prevalent in older adults. These types of eye issues can occur in younger adults, but the likelihood is much lower. It’s vital for seniors to see their eye doctors regularly so that these conditions can be diagnosed sooner rather than later.

Dry Eyes and Decreased Tear Production

Seniors may also face problems related to dry eyes and decreased tear production. When eyes are too dry, there isn’t enough lubrication on the surface of the eye. Eyes might itch, burn, or feel as if there is something trapped under the eyelid. Reduced tear production can happen as a side effect of medications, because of environmental issues, or because of the hormonal changes related to aging.

Trouble Perceiving Colors

Changes to aging vision can also affect color perception. That means that seniors may not be able to distinguish between certain shades. It’s a subtle change that seniors may not realize is happening. It can make a big difference with lots of activities, however, including driving and needing to pay attention to signs or traffic signals. It can also make it more difficult for seniors to match clothing or notice when food has changed colors.

Preserving Eye Health

Protecting and preserving eye health is easier when seniors have some help. Getting to regular eye exams as necessary is the first step, of course. But it’s also important that seniors eat healthy foods, wear protective eyewear, and manage chronic health issues. Health conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes can dramatically impact eye health. Senior home care providers can help aging adults to take the necessary steps regularly to keep their eyes as healthy as possible.

Aging brings a lot of challenges including changes in vision. It’s a lot easier to notice and to accommodate changing vision when aging adults have help from senior home care providers. That assistance allows them to stay on target with plans that help seniors to stay as healthy as possible overall while aging in place.




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