Home Care and Fall Prevention for Seniors

Author: Home Helpers Home Care
Home Care in San Jose, CA and Surrounding Areas
If there were one thing that families could do to keep seniors as safe and healthy as possible, that would probably be creating a fall prevention plan. That’s because falls are a huge source of injury and even hospitalization for aging adults. The good news is that most falls can be avoided with the right support and home care providers are uniquely suited to help families create safer environments for seniors.
Regular Safety Assessments
Professional caregivers can help family caregivers take a closer look at what is going on for seniors. Safety assessments identify possible fall hazards and allow elder care providers to make recommendations for solving those issues. Even after the initial safety assessments, things can change. Caregivers help families stay on top of those changes.
Mobility Help
When seniors deal with mobility challenges or balance issues, they’re at a much higher risk of falling. Home care providers help with mobility by assisting seniors as they move through their homes. They can also help remind seniors to use mobility tools properly. Many seniors have a difficult time accepting that they need mobility devices, so may have trouble remembering to use them as often as they should.
Personalizing Fall Prevention Plans
Elder care providers don’t just show up on the first day with a one-size-fits-all fall prevention plan that they throw into the mix for the families they help. They work with families to understand the senior’s needs and to work within the unique situation that families are dealing with in terms of preventing falls. Home care providers also offer seniors as much supervision as they need to avoid a fall.
Practical Tips for Safer Homes
Following some of the basic tips can help seniors to start out with a safer home. Clearing clutter is a huge way for seniors to prevent falls. This means looking at walkways, staircases, hallways, and high-traffic areas to remove anything that is in the way of easy movement through that space. Adding safety devices, like handrails, gives seniors something sturdy to hold onto if they lose their balance. Improving physical activity is another idea that can help as long as seniors receive clearance to exercise more from their medical providers.
Letting Home Care Help More
Sometimes seniors have elder care providers there with them, but don’t want to be a bother or maybe don’t feel comfortable having assistance. If they can get past the emotional blocks that keep them from accepting help, home care providers can do so much to keep seniors safer in their homes. Home care providers are there to keep seniors safer and to ensure that they have the tools they need.
So many falls are preventable and having someone there with them can do a lot to keep seniors safer. Home care providers offer consistent, compassionate support that prioritizes safety and comfort while helping families put fall prevention plans in place. The safer seniors are, the easier it is for them to age in place for many years to come.
If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring home care in San Jose, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 317-4969.