What Does Self-care for Caregivers Look Like?

Author: Ketan Shah

Everybody is talking about self-care, but it’s easy to misinterpret what self-care truly is. There’s a lot of talk of sleep and pedicures, but that’s not the heart and soul of self-care. What self-care truly is varies for everyone, but the basics include ensuring that you’ve got what you need to keep doing the things you need and want to do, like caring for your senior.

Why Is Self-care Important?

Caregivers spend a lot of energy and time taking care of people that they love, and if they’re not also spending some time and energy caring for themselves, they’re going to run into problems. Irritability, loss of sleep, and depression are just a few of the potential issues that you can run into. Taking time for self-care is going to ultimately ensure that you’re able to keep caring for the people that you love.

Get in Touch with What You Need

You’ve probably got a big, long list of what your senior needs, but do you know what you need as a family caregiver? Sometimes that’s a much more difficult question to answer. But until you do answer that question, you’re going to have a tough time meeting your own needs.

Plan for the “Big Three”

The “Big Three” are sleep, nutrients, and exercise. If you’re missing one or two out of the three, life is eventually going to get more difficult. Missing out on all three? You’re going to be in big trouble very shortly, especially if you’re burning the candle at both ends with caregiving. Having help from home care services can make it easier for you to make room for these needs.

Make Room for a Social Life

You may already know how important socializing is for your senior, but you need to have a social life that is beyond caregiving, too. In-home care providers can ensure that you’ve got the time and space that you need in order to meet a friend for lunch or spend an evening out. When you plan for situations like these, you’re giving your life a better balance.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

There’s a lot of stress involved in being a caregiver. Then there’s the stress involved in life in general. You’ve got to have a plan in place that allows you to manage your stress appropriately so that it doesn’t cause you bigger problems in terms of your health or your relationships. Working stress relief into your daily plans is something that should be high on your needs list.

Take Regular Breaks

It’s vital that you’re taking breaks as a caregiver. No one can keep pushing themselves all day, every single day. When you’ve got in-home care providers taking on some of that load for you, you’re able to take the respite time that you need to have. This time isn’t selfish. It’s necessary in order for you to recharge.

Take a closer look at how you’re caring for yourself and whether that’s meeting all of your needs. If your self-care plan needs a little adjusting, that’s going to help you to be an even more involved caregiver.




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