You support your parents and their goal of aging at home. They don't want to move to a senior community or location closer to you. How do you make sure they're okay at home? What are the signs that they need help with their daily routines?
Frequent Tickets or Unexplained Dings in the Car
Your dad's gotten a couple of tickets for minor traffic violations like running stop signs or driving the wrong way on a one-way road. You've noticed a lot of unexplained dents or scratches on his car. It's a sign that he's having difficulty with safe driving.
It's a good time to address his driving skills. Take him for an eye exam and make sure his vision hasn't diminished to the point that he needs to stop driving or upgrade his prescription glasses. If you can, talk to the local DMV to see if they do re-testing of older drivers.
If it is determined that he shouldn't drive, call a home care agency to arrange transportation services. He can have a caregiver drive him to stores, his dentist's or doctor's office, and other area addresses.
Wearing the Same Clothes
You've noticed your mom wears the same clothes every day. She hasn't done the laundry in weeks. Is she still able to do the laundry, or is it hard for her to manage?
She may not feel safe carrying a laundry basket down the stairs to the laundry room. She might have a hard time remembering how to run the new washing machine due to the upgraded technology. Arrange to have caregivers helping her on laundry days.
Limited Food Supplies
Check their cabinets, freezer, and refrigerator. Do they have a reasonable supply of healthy foods, or are stocks limited? Do they seem to favor one food over another? If they have dozens of cans of soup and little else, it can be a sign that they're struggling with healthy eating.
Look at the dates of items to make sure they're within date. If anything is expired, it should be composted and recycled. Go through the refrigerator and check for spoiled foods. Do a thorough cleanout and jot a list of groceries they need.
Home care provides the care your parents need to age at home without becoming isolated. Make sure your parents have regular companionship visits. If you don't live close enough to be one of their visitors, professional caregivers help out.
With caregivers stopping by to help with daily chores and socialization, you have peace of mind. Plus, elder care aides stay in touch to update you on how things are going. Call now.