Four Ideas to Help Your Senior Have a Healthier Bladder

Author: Ketan Shah

When you can help your elderly family member to have as healthy a bladder as possible, that means she’s going to be better prepared against things like bladder infections and other problems. Some of those issues can lead to bigger problems, and you definitely want to avoid those for your senior.

Don’t Rush Bathroom Trips

Whether your elderly family member is waiting until she’s in a hurry to go or she’s trying to rush through her trip once she’s there, hurrying really has no place in bathroom trips. Reducing some of the stress around going to the bathroom is important. One way to do that is to start scheduling bathroom visits every couple of hours or so. Knowing that she doesn’t have to rush can help a lot.

Reduce Factors Likely to Irritate Her Bladder

The human bladder is a lot more sensitive than most people realize until it’s irritated. As your senior gets older, her bladder may be affected by a variety of different stimuli that maybe didn’t pose problems in the past. Carbonated beverages, spicy foods, and even caffeine can all present problems. It helps if you can help your senior to start tracking what she’s eating and drinking so that she can start to notice what’s causing issues.

Help Her to Remember to Drink Water

Water and drinking plenty of it is always important for your senior’s health. It’s especially important for bladder health, which is why it’s a good idea to devise ways to help her to remember to drink plenty of water. Talk to your senior’s doctor about how much water is right for her and then ramp up to that amount. Easing into that total amount means your senior is more likely to stick with her new water habit.

Revamp Her Wardrobe a Bit

Your senior’s clothing might be the last thing you think about when it comes to keeping her bladder healthier, but it really can help. If she’s used to wearing tighter fitting clothing, that can contribute to bladder infections. Likewise, natural fibers let more air flow close to her skin, which can also help to reduce bladder infections and other skin issues.

A lot of these changes can be tough for your senior to manage all at once or on her own. Having help from elder care providers can make that transition a lot easier and you’ll know she’s got help with anything that’s getting complicated.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring elder care in San Jose, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 317-4969.



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