Items to Pack in Your Parent's Travel Bag for Road Trips

Author: Ketan Shah

Senior Care in Santa Clara CA

August is American Adventures Month. This is the perfect time for you to make the most of the last few weeks of summer and go on an epic adventure with your elderly loved one. While there are other transportation options available, for it to be a true American Adventure, you will want to embark on a road trip. This allows you to enjoy getting to your destination as much as actually being there, and gives you the opportunity to see and experience things that you would not be able to if you just jumped on a plane.

While enjoying a road trip with your aging parent is a fantastic way to make memories that you can carry with you well into the future, it can also pose some challenges. This is where planning ahead and being properly prepared comes into play. Driving means that you can take your time and stop when you need to for breaks, stretching your legs, and even spending the night at a hotel to break up the trip. While you are in the car, however, you want ensure that your aging parent is as comfortable and healthy as possible. Having a well-stocked travel bag can make all the difference. This is the bag that you have in the vehicle with your parent so that they can access supplies throughout the drive.

Items to consider packing in your parent's travel bag for road trips include:

  • Non-perishable, nutritious snacks to control hunger pangs in between meal stops
  • Water to keep them hydrated and cool
  • A jacket or light blanket to manage air conditioner temperatures that may be too intense for an elderly adult who has a naturally lower body temperature and will feel cold more quickly than younger people
  • A travel pillow to keep them comfortable when they want to snooze during the trip
  • Simple forms of entertainment such as cards, books, or puzzles
  • A disposable camera to encourage them to engage with the trip
  • Pad and pencil so that they can jot down thing that they want to remember about the trip, or to write notes to people at home

If you are concerned about your parent's ability to enjoy your vacation while managing their needs and challenges, now may be the ideal time for you to consider making senior care part of your experience. A senior home care services provider can come along with your family on your American Adventure to give your elderly loved one the care, support, and assistance that they need to stay healthy, strong, and safe throughout the experience. This means that you will be able to focus more on your children, your partner, and yourself throughout the vacation and have fun while also feeling confident that your parent has everything that they need. This care provider can help your parent maintain their daily schedule as much as possible in the context of the trip, can offer physical support and assistance throughout activities to help them engage safely and comfortably, and can be there to provide alternative options such as bringing your parent back to the hotel if they get tired while the rest of the family continues with the planned activities of the day.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring in-home senior care in Santa Clara, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Helpers today (408) 259-5930.



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