Medications and Fall Risk: How Can Home Care Offer Support?

Author: Ketan Shah Ketan Shah

Seniors are already at a huge risk of falling, but sometimes there are tools offered to them, like medications, that increase that fall risk. There are lots of reasons for that, but there are things that families can do to help their seniors to be safer at home. Home care providers can do a lot to support aging adults as they do what they can to reduce their own fall risks.

How Do Medications Contribute to Fall Risk?

All medications have side effects. Some side effects are minor and they can also vary in intensity from one person to another, even if those people are taking the same medication in the same dosage. Side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, impaired coordination, and cognition can all play a part in increasing fall risk for someone. Seniors need to understand all of the potential side effects in new medications so that they can be aware.

Assessing Fall Risks

To start out, seniors and families should get a good understanding of potential fall risks. This often begins with a doctor’s appointment and understanding current and possible future health issues. Part of the assessment also involves identifying potential hazards in the home and developing strategies to reduce those hazards.

Medication Management

Very often seniors can reduce side effects from their medications by ensuring that they’re taking their medications exactly as prescribed. It can be tough to remember to take medications on time and properly, so it might be good to use tools like pill containers and apps that can send seniors reminders.

Monitoring Side Effects

Senior care providers can help aging adults to keep track of how they’re feeling, especially after taking new medications. They can also help seniors to stay aware of side effects that they might be experiencing. Addressing concerns quickly can help to reduce the impact that those side effects have on seniors, particularly with new medications.

Staying Physically Active

When seniors are starting out from a position of being as healthy as possible and maintaining their strength, it can be easier to avoid a fall. Home care providers can help aging adults remember to exercise regularly. They can also be there to offer emotional support along the way.

Coordinating with Healthcare Providers

Keeping medical providers aware of how medications are doing for seniors is a big part of helping them to get the assistance they need. Senior care providers can make it easier for aging adults to get to their medical appointments. They can also help seniors to keep logs of how they’re feeling, how well the medications are working, and any side effects they’re experiencing.

Medications have a lot to do with how well seniors are able to avoid falling, especially if they have a lot of other potential fall risks they’re balancing. Home care providers can do a lot to reduce the impact of medication side effects on seniors as they go through their daily lives. With that help, seniors can keep living their lives the way they want.




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