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Care Tips

These are scary times, but as with any type of pandemic, knowledge is power. How do you cope with COVID-19 as a senior? We have some tips for you that will leave you empowered and encouraged, so keep reading!Everyone needs social time with loved ones, yet it seems that is ex...
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Your heart is where your life is! A healthy heart beats between 60-90 beats per minute and that may slow down a little as we age. That means your heart could eat more than 140,000 times each day! It’s crazy to think that the organ we depend on for the very breath of life i...
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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be frightening to everyone. Not only does it create memory loss, but also makes any communication at all very difficult as the disease progresses. If you have a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, we know this can be a scary tim...
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Many of us are becoming familiar with the term “aging in place.” It is the desire of most seniors to stay at home as long as possible as they require more care. Keeping them in their own environment allows your senior loved one to feel more secure and safe. This is espec...
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Have you ever noticed that people who suffer from Alzheimer’s often repeat things?Short-term memory loss is one of the most challenging symptoms of mental impairment such as Alzheimer’s Disease of dementia. Rest assured that no senior will want to aggravate you by repeat...
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It is a difficult task to have conversations with your parents that center around the aging process. Perhaps you’re picking up on subtle signs that your aging parents are beginning to need more assistance in everyday activities, or certain things are being neglected more t...
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A lot of friction can happen when a family must watch their parents age. The old phrase, “age gracefully” doesn’t always seem so graceful, especially when it refers to those we love most.Communication skills are vital to any relationship! Last week we looked at tips fo...
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Ice, snow and other winter weather is difficult for everyone, but when you are a caregiver it can take even more challenges. Doctor’s appointments, social activities, church, grocery store runs….all of this can be far more difficult in the winter months.Remaining indoors...
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Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for Americans, meant to enjoy loved ones, good food, and a relaxed atmosphere. Planning for all this fun and relaxation can sometimes be a bit stressful, especially if you’re a caretaker for the senior loved one in your life. But fear no...
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Winter is upon us and now is the perfect time to for caregivers of seniors, as well as friends and family, to become familiar with the risks of senior falling. Falling can have serious consequences for seniors so it’s vital to learn more about the risks and the potential i...
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A newborn’s homecoming is often preceded by a frenzy of childproofing. However, caregivers often do not see to seniorproofing the home until after a scare or injury occurs. Or they are not sure how to go about making the home a safe environment for aging loved ones, especi...
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Life, as are many things, is often not always about quantity so much as it is about quality. Aging seniors often face losses in the quality of their lives well before they face the end of their days. It’s not enough just to see to their medical needs. We must also see to t...
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6 Dementia Communication Tips for CaregiversCaring for someone who has dementia is hard for both the family and the caregivers, especially if the condition is similar to Alzheimer’s or other disorders that affect the brain and affects the individual’s cognitive functions...
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