Can You Help Your Senior Prevent Bruising?

Author: Hilary Eldridge

Bruises are fairly commonplace, but when your senior suddenly starts sprouting a few at a time, you might need to look into what is happening. Taking some simple steps now can help you to prevent some of the bruises that your aging family member might be picking up as a normal part of her daily life.

Try to Determine the Cause

The very first step in preventing bruises is to try to learn what is causing them for your aging adult. Some people just naturally bruise more easily than other people do. Also, as your senior ages, her skin becomes thinner and there may be less of a cushioning layer of fat underneath her skin.

Add to those factors certain medications and other health conditions and your elderly family member may be experiencing bruising far more often than you or she would like. Talk with her doctor about what you're seeing and determine what could be contributing to the problem.

Move Obstacles and Furniture

Take an objective look at your senior's home environment. If she's got quite a few pieces of furniture or other obstacles that are often in her way, it may be a huge contributing factor to her injuries. Talk with your elderly family member about the possibility of rearranging some things to give her more room to maneuver safely.

Help Her to Stand Safely

If your senior finds that she's wobbly or more prone to falling when she's sitting down or trying to stand up, she may need some extra help. Learn how to help her when she's getting up so that you're supporting her and helping her to stay balanced. Senior care providers have quite a bit of experience with this and can show you how to manage this safely.

Add Hand Rails Around the House

Even after your senior is safely standing, however, she may find that she's occasionally less steady on her feet. Having hand rails strategically placed throughout the house can give her something secure to lean on or to grab if she finds herself feeling wobbly.

Once you've done everything that you can to reduce the likelihood that your senior will experience bruising, the next step is to treat them as well as you can. Work with her doctor to find the right treatment methods for your aging adult.



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