At-home Care After Your loved One Has a Stroke

Author: Home Helpers Home Care

The Importance of At-home Care for Stroke Recovery

Bringing a loved one home following a stroke can be stressful business. Let’s discuss the steps we at Home Helpers Home Care of Martinsburg take to help prepare your home for your loved one's safe return after rehab. From ensuring a safe environment to building personalized care plans, our team works closely with healthcare professionals to provide the best possible support for your loved one's stroke recovery journey.

Preparing for Homecoming

When your loved one is scheduled to return home after undergoing rehab following a stroke, we take several essential steps to ensure a smooth and safe transition:

  • Facility Visit: Before your loved one's discharge, we visit the rehab facility to understand their physical abilities and planned discharge. This information helps us facilitate a safe transition to at-home care.
  • Assessing the Home: Once we understand your loved one's needs, we assess your home to ensure it's a safe environment for their return. We determine whether they require specialized equipment like hospital beds, walkers, wheelchairs, or lifts.

Building an At-home Care Plan

After your loved one returns home, we schedule a visit from our care coordinator to establish a comprehensive care plan tailored to their unique needs. We introduce our experienced care professionals to your family and your loved one to ensure a smooth and comfortable integration.

Collaborating with Healthcare Providers

We work closely with the home health care agency responsible for your loved one's medical needs. By collaborating with their physical and occupational therapists and nursing staff, we can complement their treatment plans, ensuring a coordinated and effective approach to recovery.

Promoting Independence and Safety

At Home Helpers Home Care, we emphasize the importance of fostering independence while ensuring safety. We encourage your loved one to attempt tasks on their own, such as dressing, bathing, or moving around, while providing the necessary support and assistance when needed. Our care professionals are trained to motivate and empower your loved one on their journey to regaining independence.

Medication Management

We understand the significance of medication adherence as part of at-home care in stroke recovery. Although we do not administer medications, we offer support by providing weekly pill boxes for the organization. Additionally, we can assist in creating a medication log to track your loved one's dosage and timing, helping to ensure they take their prescribed medications as directed.

Monitoring for Stroke Symptoms

As part of our specialized stroke recovery program, our care professionals are vigilant in watching for signs and symptoms of another stroke. We apply the FAST acronym (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) to identify any warning signs promptly. In case of suspicion, we immediately call 911 to ensure your loved one receives prompt medical attention.

Interdisciplinary Support

Our team collaborates with various healthcare professionals to support your loved one's stroke recovery journey fully. This may include transporting them to outpatient physical therapy or water therapy sessions, as their doctor recommends. Our interdisciplinary approach aims to assist stroke survivors throughout the extended recovery process.


At Home Helpers Home Care of Martinsburg, we are committed to providing exceptional care and support to your loved one as they return home following a stroke. Our comprehensive services, personalized care plans, and collaborative approach with healthcare providers ensure the best possible recovery journey for your beloved family member. If you're looking for compassionate and professional care, give us a call at (304) 433-8000 to learn more about how we can make life easier for you and your loved ones during this crucial time.


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