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Senior Care

Author: Robert Jo If you have a loved one with dementia, you probably already know how frustrating it can be to communicate sometimes. Limited understanding and cognitive decline can be very overwhelming for both the patient and the caregiver, but there are ways to m...
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Your heart is where your life is! A healthy heart beats between 60-90 beats per minute and that may slow down a little as we age. That means your heart could eat more than 140,000 times each day! It’s crazy to think that the organ we depend on for the very breath of life is th...
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These days it seems that robocalls are just a part of daily life that we have to contend with. While it might seem easy to you and I to read through the calls and emails that are obvious scams, it’s not always so easy for seniors. They may not deal with technology enough to re...
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Everyone loves to share memories, but there’s something extra special about sharing and talking about memories made many years back. For seniors who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, memories are especially special because the disease robs them of the ability to h...
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If you are feeling a bit guilty when it comes to taking care of your older loved ones, you are not alone. Negative emotions are quite common as you walk the caregiving process, and it’s important to know what to do with those emotions as they come up.On top of feeling negative...
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Alzheimer’s Disease presents many challenges, not the least of which is something called sundowning—a period in the late day/early evening when agitation or irritability can set in for no apparent reason. Confusion tends to worsen as the sun goes down, hence the name. The re...
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It can be a tough decision to move an aging parent into your home, but once the decision is made, there are some things you can do to make the process as easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you plan for the big move.Assess the Way They Currently LiveYou may not notice c...
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It can be a bit more challenging to help a patient with Alzheimer’s continue to enjoy things they once enjoyed before this life-altering diagnosis. After all, we all need a sense of community and fellowship with friends in order to maintain a sense of well-being and peace. Whi...
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“Holiday blues” among seniors is very real and should be handled carefully. Older adults often have emotional, mental, and physical needs not taken into account during the holidays, and it can be a difficult time for them. While there are several things that can influence th...
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Seniors often have a difficult time during the holiday season, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve. There are always fun activities and parties as we bring in the new year, and your senior loved ones may feel a bit down when they can’t party as the once did. The g...
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Did you know that nearly half of all senior adults over the age of 65 need some type of assistance daily? It’s true. As many as 70% of seniors will need a caregiver at some point as they continue to age. One of the biggest challenges with caregiving is how to know when it’s ...
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One of the most difficult parts of caring for senior loved ones is knowing how to handle the depression that often befalls them. There is no doubt that seniors are more at risk for developing depression, and it’s important that family members and caregivers understand the warn...
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The holidays can be a lot of fun but can also be a bit stressful, especially for seniors. They don’t want to feel like they are a burden to anyone, yet they still want to enjoy all the festivities of family and friends. If you notice some of the following signs in your senior ...
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We all want to live long and healthy lives! As adults, we desire to do all we can to help our parents age well and gracefully. This may be going along beautifully until a health crisis or some other stressful event happens. What to do next? How do we give our aging parents the c...
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It’s tough for anyone living with a chronic disease, but it seems even more challenging when it’s a senior loved one who has worked hard to raise a family and are now faced with sickness. If you are a caregiver for an older adult in your life, you already know how important ...
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Having an ailing parent is always tough, but things can be even more challenging when there are multiple siblings involved wondering who does what in the care plan. If you are a caretaker for your mom or dad and you have siblings who also want to help, this article will help you...
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The first signs of dementia can be a bit disturbing for the loved ones who notice them. It usually starts with minor memory loss, such as forgetting words, names, or what the person just asked. Your senior loved one may seem like themselves for the most part, but may lose things...
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It can be difficult at times to determine the difference between normal memory lapses as we age, and a more serious cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. If you notice your elderly loved one forgetting names, dates, or appointments on a regular basis, it could be ...
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Anyone who has become a caretaker for aging parents knows that as they age, they can become stubborn. Whether it’s dementia setting in, medications, or just a loss of control, seniors can become obstinate as they age and that can present its own special set of challenges for t...
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Warning Signs of Stress While CaregivingIt is a delicate dance to find the balance of managing your own life and family while being the main caregiver of a senior loved one. As their needs begin to increase and change, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of stress an...
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We all know that a lifestyle of a good diet and regular exercise is the prescription for better health as we age, but did you know that sitting too much can also be a problem?It’s true. Doctors are finding more and more that sitting for too many hours a day can be linked to he...
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Did you know that Bingo has been recognized not only as a great pastime for the elderly, but also a great way to sharpen memory and thinking skills? It’s true! There are lots of positive benefits to playing Bingo on a regular basis—let’s look at a few!InclusivityIt makes n...
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Recovering from any kind of surgery can be a challenge, but if your friends and family who could help you don’t live close by, you may be having to recover on your own. Here are some tips to help make that recovery process easier, whether you are the patient, or you have a sen...
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As seniors grow older, you may notice increasing problems with balance. This increases the risk of falling, which can have terrible consequences. Their bones are more fragile and falling can easily mean a broken hip. The good news? There are many exercises that are simple and ea...
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All of us get anxious from time to time, no matter how old we are. But for seniors, anxiety can be harder to cope with as they age. If you have an older loved one who is struggling to get through normal daily tasks due to anxiety, it’s time to speak to a doctor and get a plan ...
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“Aging in place” is a term that has become more and more frequent these days. As people age, most prefer to do it in the comfort of their own home and familiar surroundings. Thankfully, most people will be able to do just that if they desire, although it takes a little ...
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It’s often thought that those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s will steadily lose their quality of life. While cognitive decline is certainly part of the process, there are things you can do as a caregiver to maintain as much quality of life as possible. Regardless of ...
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It’s a lost art to embrace the aging process with grace and poise. The truth is, we go through many difficult changes as we grow older, and many of us see a decline in our health as we age, simply because we don’t know how to deal with all the changes of aging in a healthy w...
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All adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, no matter our age. However, as we age, it’s common to go to bed earlier and rise earlier than you once did. Even if you were a night owl as a younger person, you may tend to shift to more of a morning person.Older adults often find themselve...
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If an elderly loved one in your life needs advanced care, you may be wondering about the differences between in-home care services and nursing home care. In this article, we’ll look at these two options and help you determine which care plan is right for your loved one.Nu...
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It’s always a little awkward to have a caregiver come into your home full-time, and it takes some adjusting for everyone to have a successful outcome. Let’s look at some helpful tips for making a new caregiver feel comfortable and valuable in your home!Create a Solid Foundat...
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If you’re fortunate enough to have your own father in your life as a senior or are a caregiver for a senior dad, there are lots of ways to make their Father’s Day fun and special! Let’s look at some great ideas…Try Bowling. Bowling is fun, no matter how old you are!...
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Research shows that seniors today have more access than ever to the internet. This includes the use of smartphones, tablets and even computers. As technology becomes easier to use, there have been many devices that have specifically marketed to the senior generation, in hopes th...
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Many seniors start worrying that they are losing memory and cognitive thinking skills as they age, and many of them think it just comes with growing older. To some degree, that can be true, but how do...
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As the fourth leading cause of death in America, stroke statistics are frightening, to say the least. Someone will die from a stroke every five minutes. So, it pays to know more about stroke, how it happens, who is at risk, and what to do should one occur. If you are a senior or...
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If you’ve ever been a caretaker for a senior family member, you already know how difficult it can be. The toll it can take emotionally and physically can be daunting if you aren’t prepared. Let’s look at some of the most common issues associated with being a full-time care...
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Sights, Scents, and Sounds Help Bring Memories to MindEverybody complains of memory loss as we grow older. Whether we’re looking for car keys, important paperwork or trying to remember someone’s name, it seems we have had to accept that memory loss just comes with the aging ...
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Did you know that heart disease kills more people than any other condition in the United States? While there can be genetic risk factors that increase your odds of developing heart disease, most often it is brought on by lifestyle choices that can be corrected. With one in four ...
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Aging takes its toll on all of us and is especially noticeable on our skin. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, less elastic and transparent, making bones and veins more visible. If you’ve had years of sun exposure, the aging process on your skin will be even more pronounced....
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You’ve probably heard of Parkinson’s Disease or know someone who suffers with it. It is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system, making movement, balance and muscle control become very difficult. Over time, it can cause total loss of control over certai...
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If you are a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, you already know that it can be difficult for them to appropriately express anger. So, what to do when that anger seems to be spewed at you? Read on.What is the Root of the Anger?It’s not uncommon f...
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It’s stressful enough being a caregiver for an aging parent, but when you are also in the “sandwich generation,” things can be even harder. The sandwich generation refers to adults caring for senior parents as well as children young enough to still be in the home. The risk...
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Have you ever heard of a TIA? It is an abbreviation for “transient ischemic attack” that refers to having a “mini-stroke.” If the older adult in your life suddenly seems out of sorts or acts in a bizarre way, they may be experiencing a mini-stroke. They are more common t...
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Did you know that seniors can actually overcome many challenges of aging simply by dancing? It’s true! While we might not think of dance as something elderly people like to do, you might be surprised if you just ask them! As a caregiver for seniors, there are many ways you can...
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Dementia is a condition that happens in the brain and is often marked by memory loss and confusion. It affects mostly seniors and can make normal tasks difficult to perform as it progresses. The most important thing to do for both the patient and the family is to find the best m...
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Never has there been a time when we are more conscious about what we eat, our overall health, and how food affects us. There is no question that aging can be significantly impacted by the foods we eat, and as older adults approach their senior years, it will become clear that fo...
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Just the thought of a senior loved one developing Alzheimer’s or dementia can be frightening. We have pretty much been told nowadays that Alzheimer’s reduces people down to nothing more than a shell of what they used to be. Family and caretakers often feel they have to just ...
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We all know that exercise is super important for our health, but did you ever stop to think about the heart benefits as we grow older? It’s especially true of seniors. Even mild to moderate exercise in seniors can help them prevent stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressur...
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Seniors, like all of us, need all the essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. As we age, our bodies begin to be depleted of certain vitamins for many reasons. This can put the senior at risk for many diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis, among many others. Heart d...
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We live in an age where high blood pressure is incredibly common, and seniors are no different than the rest of the population. If a senior loved one in your life is dealing with high blood pressure, you may be wondering how to manage it properly. It all starts with making sure ...
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We all get a little anxious at times. That just comes with being human! But what about senior adults? Do they deal with more anxiety than usual? How do you help them work through their anxiety? Read on.What Is Anxiety?True anxiety disorders can be very debilitating. There’s qu...
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If you get the winter blues each year, it might be more than just an emotional slump that comes on when it gets cold. Millions of seniors are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder every year, causing depression and sadness that is tough to shake. This can especially be true fo...
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Did you know that by the age of 65, a third of the population will have some type of hearing loss? By the age of 75, that number jumps to over half. Pretty staggering numbers to think that many people will deal with hearing impairment. So how does that affect a senior’s indepe...
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Did you know that over 50 million adults in the United States suffer from arthritis? Older adults and seniors are among the hardest hit, and as the weather gets colder, pain from arthritis increases and natural ways to combat this disease are sought after.There are many prescrip...
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If you have found yourself needing to think more carefully about the plan of care for aging parents, you already know that you need help, facts, options, and support. It’s not always an easy transition to consider hiring care for the senior in your life, but we want to help yo...
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There’s probably not an adult alive who won’t confess to their parents driving them bananas during childhood and adolescence! Our parents usually live to embarrass us during those years! As we become adults, the tables begin turning as our parents start aging, and in some ca...
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Holidays can be a crazy for time for many of us, especially if you are hosting family members. Perhaps you remember everyone gathering at your parents’ house when you were growing up, and now the mantle of responsibility falls on you—how do you prepare for hosting elderly re...
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Holiday time can be tough for many of us, especially seniors. There are a variety of reasons that make this a difficult time for many people. Seniors often feel anxious about needing assistance or being a burden. They may fear they won’t hear well and can’t enjoy the convers...
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Christmas has passed and now 2019 is upon us! This means more parties and more celebrating for most of us. However, if you have a senior loved one, late night parties aren’t exactly an easy thing to endure. New Year’s Eve often includes staying up late and partying hard, but...
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It’s funny how technology has literally changed the way we all live, and yet those who may need it most are the most reluctant to use it—seniors and the elderly. While it might seem like an impossible task to help the senior in your life learn and embrace new technology, it ...
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It’s no secret that physical activity is a huge benefit to people of all ages, especially seniors. The hard facts of scientific research show that exercise WILL improve overall health! These benefits of good health can come with even a small amount of exercise, no matter how o...
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It’s that time of the year where family and turkeys converge. The big Thanksgiving get-together is traditionally a time to share a meal, gratitude for the good things in our lives, and just good fellowship with those we love. Many of us are mindful of our diets, including seni...
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As you begin to move into your senior years, choosing healthy food is a smart thing to do. No matter how old you are, making good choices is the best thing you can do. When you approach the age of 60, your body begins to change, and your metabolism slows down. The food you eat i...
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Helping your senior loved one through surgery can be a daunting task, but also a labor of love. As with anything else that comes with aging in place, post-op recovery takes special planning to ensure the comfort of everyone involved.If you are a caretaker for an older adult, you...
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Being a caregiver is a demanding job and one that requires a lot from you, both psychologically and emotionally. It can be draining but also very rewarding. In order to prevent burnout, you need to learn how to take care of yourself as you are taking care of your loved one. Jugg...
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One of the most stressful situations you will ever face is making critical decisions for someone you love. It is very natural to feel strongly about your opinion and feel angry or threatened when others disagree. This stress can easily be compounded when those who disagree with ...
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When establishing exercise habits as part of Alzheimer’s and dementia management, it is important to stimulate the mind and the body. When seniors chose an exercise plan it keeps their body active and moving, while stimulating their mind. An exercise routine establishes a patt...
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We all know that adequate sleep each night is necessary to maintain good health. This is especially true for seniors. As your aging parent grows older, their immune system becomes more fragile, so sleep is crucial for them to stay healthy. Even though seniors tend to need less s...
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The seniors who make it to the age of 75 or 85, or even 100 have triumphed and survived many threats to their physical and emotional health. Through these events, they have become much wiser and possess a maturity that only comes with age.Depression, worthlessness, and anxiety a...
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Did you know that stroke is now one of the leading causes of death in the US, coming in at number five? It’s estimated that nearly a million people will have a stroke this year. But here’s the good news: up to 80% of all strokes are preventable! The National Stroke Associati...
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Did you know that drinking caffeine can lower the risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? For many years it has been thought that consuming caffeine has a negative impact on one’s health, but in recent years it’s now becoming clear that drinking coffee in moderate amounts is indeed ...
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Did you know that seniors need regular exercise, just like the rest of us? It’s true! And one of the most enjoyable forms of exercise is yoga. Read on to learn more about the benefits of yoga for seniors!Yoga helps keep you limber, flexible and calm. Seniors who struggle with ...
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There are a lot of scenarios where home care may be warranted. Whether it’s a parent, a child with disabilities or perhaps you yourself need to research options for a long-term condition. Maybe an ailing loved one is going to be moving into your home and you’re wondering if ...
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Everyone knows that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Whether you are a young mom or a senior family member, the kitchen is where we gather to chat while fixing dinner, enjoy a morning cup of joe in solitude, read the paper, or even go through paperwork. Seniors will tell yo...
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Many of us are becoming familiar with the term “aging in place.” It is the desire of most seniors to stay at home as long as possible as they require more care. Keeping them in their own environment allows your senior loved one to feel more secure and safe. This is especiall...
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Parkinson’s Disease changes everything for a person. Taking care of someone with the disease can be difficult and stressful. This article will give you some helpful tips for coping with the caretaking skills required to help the loved one stay as independent as possible for as...
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Part of staying well is a nutritious diet. This is even more important for people who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. Check out our tips for helping your older adult eat well!Choosing FoodChoose foods the person enjoys. Make sure their diet includes a lot of fresh...
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One of the hardest things seniors face as they grow older is knowing they may need assistance and asking for it. Everyone wants to be independent and healthy as long as possible and most seniors fear to be a burden to their loved ones above all else.If your older adult is showin...
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Any diabetic can tell you what a full-time job it is to manage diabetes and all that it requires to stay healthy. Making sure your diet is under control, blood sugar levels are checked often and taking medications as needed is just a part of the process. Most people assume this ...
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All of us need close friends, no matter how old we are! Life can be tough and there’s no better way to face the challenges it brings than having a group of friends you can count on and even gain wisdom from. This is certainly true for seniors as well, and possibly even more im...
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For seniors all over the country, their main desire as they grow older is to stay in their homes for as long as they possibly can. Their independence is incredibly valuable to them, so it’s important to know the signs to look for that may indicate they might need some extra he...
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What does sundowning mean?Alzheimer’s Disease has a component that might be familiar for caretakers and their loved ones—it’s called sundowning, and it’s the increased level of confusion that tends to happen in the later part of the day. If you’re caring for someo...
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You might have heard the term “aging in place.” It refers to the elderly, dementia, and Alzheimer’s patients aging at home for as long as possible. There really is no place like home and most people want to stay surrounded by the comforts of home as long as their health al...
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Many things can cause falls in Seniors and none of them are fun. The good news is that with a few tips and preventative actions, you can help the senior in your life to avoid becoming injured from a fall.Creating a Fall-Proof Home EnvironmentMost falls are caused by simple slips...
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We often see seniors as frail and fragile, so the thought of active exercise might seem a bit over the top for the senior in your life. BUT — did you know that seniors need exercise just like the rest of us? Being active will help them feel better, have more energy, and help p...
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Deciding who will have Power of Attorney can affect family dynamics for years to come. That person will oversee major decisions, both medical and financial. Even if your parents plan ahead while they are fit and healthy, it can still cause problems in the family dynamic if not h...
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For many seniors, the warm summer months are favored over winter, due to achiness and pain associated with colder temperatures. While summer brings warmer days and more activities outdoors, it also brings the danger of dehydration. It’s easy for any of us to become dehydrated,...
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Sensitivity to the surroundings around them is one of the main issues among seniors who struggle with dementia and Alzheimer’s. In order to soothe agitation and lessen difficult behaviors, it’s important to create a calm and relaxing environment. If you are looking for tips ...
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Bet you don’t know that there is a link between Alzheimer’s Disease and…. wait for it…. SUGAR! We’ve been told for years how dangerous the effects are from a diet high in processed sugar. It’s not just an issue of getting cavities anymore; sugar has a far more terrib...
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Superfoods have gotten rather trendy lately. As we have learned more about them and all their benefits, it’s become increasingly clear how important it is for seniors to have superfoods in their diets. Several of these superfoods have been found to control many issues that com...
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Getting out of the house to enjoy some outdoor activities with the senior in your life is easier than you might think. Spring has sprung in most areas of the country and any doctor will tell you that getting outdoors is good for all of us, especially after a long winter! Sunshin...
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Have you ever noticed that people who suffer from Alzheimer’s often repeat things?Short-term memory loss is one of the most challenging symptoms of mental impairment such as Alzheimer’s Disease of dementia. Rest assured that no senior will want to aggravate you by repeating ...
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Seniors have a variety of needs that require transportation that is reliable and safe. If the day has come when your older loved one can no longer drive themselves safely, you may want to consider hiring a professional caregiver. Family or friends may not always be available, so...
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As a society, we have never been more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet to preserve our health and live longer. This is also true of seniors today! Just like children have certain dietary needs, seniors and older adults do too. Our bodies and meta...
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It is a difficult task to have conversations with your parents that center around the aging process. Perhaps you’re picking up on subtle signs that your aging parents are beginning to need more assistance in everyday activities, or certain things are being neglected more than ...
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A lot of friction can happen when a family must watch their parents age. The old phrase, “age gracefully” doesn’t always seem so graceful, especially when it refers to those we love most.Communication skills are vital to any relationship! Last week we looked at tips for di...
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We’ve all heard the phrase, "bored to death". All of us need to feel purposeful in life, and seniors are no exception. While boredom makes most people lethargic, it can have even greater consequences for seniors. Even to the point of being life-threatening.Seniors often strugg...
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Every teenager looks forward to that rite of passage of becoming a legal adult. Turning 17 brings more freedom, yet also brings more responsibility. There is a newfound pride in reaching the age of maturity. The truth is that these feelings don’t subside as we approach our sen...
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Ice, snow and other winter weather is difficult for everyone, but when you are a caregiver it can take even more challenges. Doctor’s appointments, social activities, church, grocery store runs….all of this can be far more difficult in the winter months.Remaining indoors all...
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No matter what age we are, we all benefit from having a soft fluffy animal to lavish our affection upon. They provide cuddle time and are loyal to us, without asking much in return.Pets not only fills the need to nurture and take care of something, but they can also improve our ...
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All of us get cold in the winter, but seniors are even more prone to being unable to warm up easily during those cold months. Most of us grew up with our mothers warning us we would get sick if we’re cold, but this is especially true with elderly people. They really can get da...
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It’s that time of year again where flu season is upon us. Did you know that seniors, as well as their caregivers, are more vulnerable to the flu? It’s true, but there are things you can do to protect yourself and shorten the lifespan of the illness if it does happen.The immu...
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Reminiscence therapy helps seniors with dementiaWhen a person has Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, it is most often the short-term memory that is affected first. They are able to recall memories from long ago, which can make reminiscence therapy very effective in bringing joy ...
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All of us would prefer being in our own homes during our senior years. Who wouldn’t want to be where they are most comfortable and secure? Home is a place of memories, family or loved ones, a bed you’re used to, and familiarity.If at all possible, most seniors will choose to...
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As we age, routine tasks become more difficult. For many seniors, good personal hygiene can be especially challenging and may require some assistance. If you notice it becoming a problem, it’s best to address the issue right away to avoid potential health problems that can dev...
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Let’s face it—all of us want to live well and age well. It all starts with creating healthy habits that will last a lifetime. But even if you’re late in creating healthy routines, it’s never too late to start! Here are some ways to boost your energy and feel great as a s...
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Each year, seniors are among the most targeted age group for scammers to work their dirty tricks. Their safety is on the line and their retirement they worked so hard to fund is also at risk. Criminals prey on seniors due to the simple fact that older people are deemed more trus...
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Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for Americans, meant to enjoy loved ones, good food, and a relaxed atmosphere. Planning for all this fun and relaxation can sometimes be a bit stressful, especially if you’re a caretaker for the senior loved one in your life. But fear not! O...
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It’s not uncommon for seniors to have increased pain in their joints and muscles during the winter. Doctors will tell you that there are more prescriptions written for aches and pains during colder temperatures than other times of the year. Some say it’s cold weather, and so...
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Downsizing is necessary at some point….Doing a deep clean is never easy, but when you have to clean out a lifetime of stuff from your older parent or loved one, the stress increases. How do you know how to tackle all the memories and tangible items collected over the years? To...
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What do you do when your senior loved one is refusing help? Unfortunately, this is a common issue for caregivers. Seniors can be very stubborn as they lose control of their daily activities, making it tough to know how to break through. All seniors want to stay independent as lo...
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Many seniors work for years to acquire their dream house and most of them want to stay in it until they die. As end-of-life draws near, the comfort of our own bed and surroundings becomes paramount. This has brought about the term “aging in place,” which allows seniors to re...
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Home care is the preferred option for most seniors today. After all, who doesn’t want to remain in their homes as they age? While some do just fine maintaining a good quality of life in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, most older adults want to remain in their home...
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One of the difficult parts of pet ownership is knowing when to let go. If your senior parent has a pet, they are most likely very attached. The emotional bond between seniors and their pets can be a very powerful one, so navigating this subject can be tricky.If you feel the pet ...
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Gone are the days where doctors and family alike expected senior citizens to just sit around in a rocking chair all day, in between taking naps. Today’s seniors are more active and productive than ever, as the life expectancy continues to increase. Medical research has proven ...
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Caregivers for seniors have a beautiful opportunity to help them preserve their family memories so that generations to follow will be able to enjoy their legacy. Preserving memories will not only stimulate their minds but also gives them a way to express their love and affection...
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The term “mental health” is one that gets overused and often misunderstood. At its core, it simply means exactly what it sounds like—the level of health having to do with all things mental. This includes, psychological issues, emotional issues, and neurological issues. Amo...
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For today’s seniors, it’s more important than ever that they feel safe in their own homes. It seems like crime and home invasion is always in the news and that can be troubling for a person of any age, especially the elderly. Many seniors are on fixed incomes and think they ...
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Do you have a senior loved one who adamantly refuses the idea of having someone come into the home to provide care? This is a difficult spot to find yourself in, as you no doubt need a break from the ongoing task of caretaking.It is often very difficult for older adults to admit...
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With more and more baby boomers growing older, the time has come for many of them to begin thinking about senior care. Most people want to remain in the comfort of their home, sleeping in their own bed for as long as they can. Nobody wants to think of being in a senior care faci...
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People across the globe are looking for the best way to stay young. Some of us embrace the “aging gracefully” theory and others want that eternal fountain of youth. The good news is there are many ways to help retain that youth for as long as possible! According to experts, ...
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AARP is hosting their next Virtual Career Fair on September 14 from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. PST. This live online event provides those 50+ with the opportunity to recharge their job search and connect with local and national employers – all from the comfort of home.Du...
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The vast majority of Americans assume that the best way to care for our elderly is to place them in a nursing home or other skilled care facility. But did you know there are many reasons why allowing seniors to recover at home is better? In this article, we’ll explain the diff...
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Heat stroke can be deadly in seniors. As the summer heats up, so does the risk for heat stroke. It is a potentially fatal condition and can happen before they realize they are in the danger zone. As we age, out bodies become less responsive to heat, so it’s important that seni...
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Eating right is the first and foremost way for seniors diagnosed with diabetes to live longer and healthier lives. In this informative article, learn our tips for the most important foods and tips for shopping to manage diabetes.Patients with diabetes and their caregivers alike ...
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While genetics and age can greatly affect the risk of developing dementia, they aren’t the only factors involved. Dementia can be a debilitating and scary situation, and as with most health issues, knowledge is power. You may not be able to do anything about your genetics but ...
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Acting as a caregiver for anyone with dementia can be challenging just on its own. They may be in an assisted living situation, with family members or even living on their own. As is often the case, many of these individuals struggle with tendencies of hoarding disorder. This ca...
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Anyone who has been part of the work force can attest to the careful planning that goes into accident prevention. It’s in the company’s best interest to keep their employees safe and free of hazards as much as possible. As we age, it’s natural to take extra precautions at ...
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Anyone who lives with a loved one who has dementia can tell you it’s no easy ride sometimes. Often, when an aging parent or family member suffers from dementia, the sense of responsibility to care for them can be very strong. Many people want to move an aging parent into the h...
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If you’re part of the 40 and under generation, you will most likely recall the famous TV commercial in the 80’s where an elderly woman was lying on the floor calling out for help after she had fallen. Unfortunately, this scenario can be all too real for many of our seniors, ...
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Did you know that a fourth of people who are retirement age report symptoms of depression? Studies show that when our elderly population visits their doctor for routine physical concerns, the issue of depression often comes up. When depression goes untreated, it can cause the ph...
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What is Palliative Care?In a nutshell, palliative care has one aim and that is to make life better for both the patient and the caregiver. Recent studies have shown that cancer patients who received palliative care had far less depression. They also lived significantly longer an...
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When it comes to the caregivers of the “Sandwich Generation,” there are some unique challenges. Perhaps you didn’t expect to find yourself taking care of your elderly parents, but they probably didn’t expect to need help at this stage of life either. Whether the recessio...
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Even though it isn’t always possible, most seniors would rather live at home with a home health nurse or other aid, rather than living in an assisted care facility. It’s a very difficult thing to decide whether your aging parents need to accept senior care outside the family...
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For nursing homes and retirement facilities, there’s nothing more valuable than high-quality help. While many businesses need qualified and reliable help, no industry needs it quite like that of caring for the elderly. Being a caregiver for the elderly has so many rewards, alo...
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Did you know that it’s vitally important for seniors to get adequate sleep each night? They should be getting at least 8 hours of rest to be at their healthiest. However, it’s not enough to just lie in bed for 8 hours and get fitful sleep. The quality of sleep is what’s im...
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Did you know that 75 million Americans live with high blood pressure?With more than 75 million Americans having been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it has become one of the most common health issues among adults. This number is a bit staggering because it means that 1 out o...
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If you have aging parents, you may have been faced with them struggling with their normal daily activities. If they live alone, this can be an especially distressing issue to face. You want them to stay as independent as possible for as long as possible, but if the time has come...
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Delivering bad news is tough, no matter who it is. It’s especially tough when you must deliver it to a family member or senior parents. Our tips can help you know how to talk about negative news with honesty and compassion. Read on for more info….Whether it’s financial pro...
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Unfortunately, it’s a sad reality that aging parents often end up in financial duress. It can manifest in many ways, whether it’s memory loss, medications they can’t afford, or even the stress brought on by sudden illness. Bills can easily stack up and it doesn’t take lo...
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The hazards of winter weather affect seniors more than any other demographic. While we’re all affected by bitter cold, snow and ice, the dangers our seniors are exposed to are very real for those of us who are caregivers, or just concerned family members. But the good news is,...
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If you find yourself with an aging parent who has more than their share of “senior moments” it may be time to look at the possibility of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, both of which are characterized by memory loss. It’s important to know the ways that many el...
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If you can’t remember the last time you got a full night of sleep, had a nice relaxing meal or you have more to-do lists than you can possible manage, this article might just be for you!Caregiving is a stressful job and if you run yourself ragged all the time, you may find you...
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The key to choosing the ideal home care agency is knowing the amount of care needed by your mother or father. There are primarily two categories of in-home care: custodial care and professional care. Custodial care includes help with shopping, housekeeping, preparing meals, and ...
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If you are considering becoming a caretaker for your aging parents or other family member, there are a few questions you should ask yourself in preparation for this important role. It can be very demanding, but also wonderfully rewarding.Many of us have parents who have reached ...
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If you're taking care of an elderly mother or father or dealing with the demands of helping a loved one or friend who is chronically sick, elderly or disabled, you’re not alone. You are one of millions of Americans who take care of an aging adult. Family caregivers comprise ab...
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Growing older can be scary, and for many seniors the unknown can be the scariest part. This is especially true if they are becoming more challenged in their abilities physically or even cognitively. Most seniors need structure in their days and begin to feel a bit insecure witho...
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It’s a hard decision to make. When do you take the car keys away from the senior in your life? While many things go into this decision, getting input from your loved one’s doctor, as well as any other caregivers, can make it a little easier. This way you won’t be making th...
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With dementia and other similar conditions on the rise, it’s becoming more and more of a problem for seniors who are living alone. Often, they experience isolation from the outside world, missing out on opportunities to socialize with friends and family.A recent study has reve...
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There’s no doubt about it—the holiday season is the busiest of the year and can throw our normal routines into chaos. For seniors who deal with Alzheimer’s, this change of routine can be quite stressful. With all the traditions of family, visits from relatives, and endless...
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It’s a fact that seniors benefit both physically and mentally from spending time with loved ones during the holidays. Just like all of us, we feel young and happy when we’re with the people we love.Spending time with your senior loved ones isn’t just good for them; it bene...
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Winter is upon us and now is the perfect time to for caregivers of seniors, as well as friends and family, to become familiar with the risks of senior falling. Falling can have serious consequences for seniors so it’s vital to learn more about the risks and the potential impac...
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A newborn’s homecoming is often preceded by a frenzy of childproofing. However, caregivers often do not see to seniorproofing the home until after a scare or injury occurs. Or they are not sure how to go about making the home a safe environment for aging loved ones, especially...
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A serious respiratory infection is a dreaded complication for the elderly. Here’s 5 tips to help you with this responsibility.It seems that as the climate changes in the fall, and in many parts of the country, it’s much cooler and even wetter, we begin to hear lots about sta...
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When we age, it isn’t just our bodies that change – our mind undergoes changes as well. In fact, the brain size actually gets smaller – sometimes up to 10% smaller. The brain controls cognitive function, which we see declining in the elderly. There are some ways to slow do...
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If you will be visiting senior loved ones this holiday season, there are some things you should look out for to ensure that they are living as safely as possible. Following are some signs to look for to help you know if it's time to consider more specialized senior care. Keeping...
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It can be painful, even frightening, to watch the deterioration of the once-bright and active mind of a family member suffering with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. What can begin as simple forgetfulness can slowly turn into serious and extreme impairment and as it progresses...
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No one wants to talk about end of life issues. Especially if those issues involve a beloved aging senior who isn’t near the end of his life. But no matter how hesitant family members might be to broach the subject, either because they find the subject awkward or in poor taste,...
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A study of caregivers and Alzheimer’s disease show that women are diagnosed more often for the disease than men. This is evident from a 2011 report published by the Alzheimer’s Association which indicates that of the 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s, more than 3.4 mi...
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No matter how much you think you have planned ahead, the day your aging parent can’t cope on his or her own comes as a shock. You begin to reverse roles: you become the “parent” and your aging parent becomes your “child” as the scope of Mom or Dad’s needs begin to mi...
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It’s natural that we experience changes in appetite or loss of appetite. However, these can also be signs of malnutrition or other health problems. Seniors might not need as much food as when they were younger, but they still need the right nutrition to keep them as healthy as...
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It’s reasonable to keep your aging parents at home as long as you can do so without endangering yourself or them. Many caregivers run themselves ragged trying to keep loved ones, especially seniors, out of assisted living or nursing facilities. Caregiver burnout is common, as ...
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Approximately seven million Americans, many of them seniors, develop delirium during hospital stays annually. Although Delirium has no age restriction, those 65 or older are at the highest risk.Delirium can cause lack of focus, delusions, and frightening hallucinations. These sy...
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AARP is hosting their next Virtual Career Fair on September 20 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. ET. This live online event provides those 50+ with the opportunity to recharge their job search and connect with local and national employers – all from the comfort of home.During the Virtua...
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Elementary, My Dear WatsonAt some time, you will find yourself wanting to keep abreast of changes in your elderly parents’ health and well-being. This will require a bit of subtle sleuthing and a lot of observation on your part. You might feel a bit like Sneaky Pete, but it’...
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Life, as are many things, is often not always about quantity so much as it is about quality. Aging seniors often face losses in the quality of their lives well before they face the end of their days. It’s not enough just to see to their medical needs. We must also see to their...
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It can be difficult to ask for help with aging parents. Caregivers are often overwhelmed by the amount of work required of them and are not specific when asking for help. Others are seen as the “right” sibling for the job. (i.e. Mother needs help. Therefore, her daughter, ra...
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No one wants to think about their aging loved one’s end-of-life. Many view bringing up the subject as tacky or disrespectful. Some equate it with appearing greedy or trying to edge out other family from the decision-making process. Others even see it as bad luck.But planning a...
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Taking care of seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s, though rewarding, can be very frustrating prospect. Seniors often repeat requests to go “home” even while still living in their own homes.They can get frustrated and agitated when they feel no one is listening to their r...
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Family Caregivers vs. DenialWhen family members refuse to face the fact that their aging loved one needs help, they can create anger, stress, and frustration for family caregivers. Whether it’s a mental or physical need, or both, it’s crucial that their seniors get the care ...
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The most common symptom of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia is forgetfulness, but not all instances of memory loss or forgetfulness is a sign of the disease. So how can you tell the difference between dementia and normal memory lapses due to aging? While the differences can be...
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Senior care can be challenging: whether it’s a parent or a patient, the difficulties that arise can vary day to day, and it could get to the point that you are physically and emotionally drained. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some suggestions on how you c...
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Why In-Home Care Is Better than Nursing HomesAs your parents grow older, it’s natural for you to worry about how they will get along from day to day. This is especially true as they become feebler and more forgetful, as they’re more vulnerable to accidents and injuries. It b...
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As a responsible adult, part of your responsibilities is to make sure that your parents are alright as they grow older. So you need to be observant about the state of their health, so that you can provide the appropriate assistance when they need it. As they grow older, they bec...
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Should YOU Be Your Parent’s Caregiver?There’s certainly no easy answer to this question. Home care for the elderly comes with a lot of challenges and very few can handle the demanding job that caregivers do each and every day. So before you make a decision, you need to ask y...
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Moving is stressful when everything goes right! Moving aging parents from the home they have known for years can come with many extra challenges. Not only are you downsizing, but you are also helping them go through memories, special items, etc. For seniors who have been in thei...
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If you have a senior loved one who has dementia, then you already know what a job it is to provide proper care for them. When they also have Alzheimer’s Disease, you are looking at even more complex care. Many families can’t put their own lives on hold to be there for the at...
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