Author: Home Helpers Home Care

Home Helpers Launches New Comprehensive Care Program Aimed at Helping Clinicians Decrease Hospital Admissions and Readmissions.

Four Factors Lead to Geriatric Hospital Admissions and Readmissions

Extensive research conducted by both the Centers for Medicare Services and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) shows the contributing factors associated with geriatric hospitalizations. These break down into 4 key areas.

  1. Improper adherence to medical professionals’ treatment plans and follow-up care https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4731880/
  2. Improper nutrition – this includes the compliance of dietary adjustments as well as dehydration https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6486853/
  3. Medication compliance
  4. Social determinants health - where people live, work, their mode of transportation https://risk.lexisnexis.com/insights-resources/white-paper/mitigate-hospital-readmission-risk?trmid=HCCRM21.HCALL.GAdSearch.PHGO-406403&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4cOEBhDMARIsAA3XDRjr8rPeZ-ZgoAREBBPSAQ9VQFNMY6qHVubmwFu_vqYodiaiRucmn8YaApFwEALw_wcB

These 4 factors were the inspiration for Home Helpers Home Care’s new Cared-4 Program. “Our goal at Home Helpers has always been the same, helping people remain independent at home as long as they choose. Cared-4 is a natural progression of the care we’ve provided for decades, combined with our desire to lead the industry in being a strategic partner in the healthcare continuum of care,” shared Emma Dickison, CEO of Home Helpers.

Cared-4 can improve healthcare compliance by integrating additional services into a patient’s care plan. Including:

“Cared-4 is the most comprehensive care program in the in-home industry, allowing us to truly provide the right level of service at any point in a patient’s care. It also provides patients with support in the 4 contributing factors to hospitalizations,” continued Dickison.

As a healthcare professional, you can connect your patients with Home Helpers. Our intake specialists will help design a customized care plan taking into account follow-up appointments, nutrition, hydration, and medication compliance.

Learn more about Home Helpers’ Cared-4 program by visiting:




Home Helpers® Cared-4 program covers every need to keep someone independent and comfortable at home. Our services include Personal Care & Companionship, Nutrition and Well-Being, Safety and 24-Hour Monitoring and Wellness Calls.

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