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Senior Care

Have you wondered what the symptoms are of the coronavirus? You’re not alone! It seems COVID-19 is all we’ve heard about for the last three months each time you turn on the TV or listen to the news. It’s important to know what to look for, who is more vulnerable, and w...
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Caregivers these days suffer from something known as compassion fatigue and burnout. While you may not have heard these terms before, they are very real, and you might identify with them as we continue to live in a state of emergency due to Covid-19. Just how do you stay pos...
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These are scary times, but as with any type of pandemic, knowledge is power. How do you cope with COVID-19 as a senior? We have some tips for you that will leave you empowered and encouraged, so keep reading!Everyone needs social time with loved ones, yet it seems that is ex...
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How to Protect Yourself from CoronavirusOf people who are at risk, seniors and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease are at the highest level of vulnerability to the virus. This higher risk is mainly due to compromised immune sy...
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Although dementia is most commonly diagnosed in seniors, it can also happen to middle-aged people, as well as those who have suffered a brain injury. Many people still go on to live long lives after diagnosis, so it’s important to understand the condition and how you can t...
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If you have a loved one with dementia, you probably already know how frustrating it can be to communicate sometimes. Limited understanding and cognitive decline can be very overwhelming for both the patient and the caregiver, but there are ways to make it easier. Here are so...
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Did you know that a diet high in protein is incredibly important for seniors? Protein is particularly important right before medical procedures or surgery and can help the healing time during an acute illness when the body doesn’t digest protein as easily. For our seniors,...
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Your heart is where your life is! A healthy heart beats between 60-90 beats per minute and that may slow down a little as we age. That means your heart could eat more than 140,000 times each day! It’s crazy to think that the organ we depend on for the very breath of life i...
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It is never easy to have a conversation with a senior loved one that has to do with giving up the keys to the car for good. After all, driving represents independence and freedom for most people, so it can be really difficult to know when the time is right to ask your loved ...
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Are you one of the millions of Americans who think that tumbles and falls are just par for the course in older adults? The truth is, falling can be devastating for seniors and should be prevented at all costs. It’s not normal to fall and no matter how old you are, there ar...
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If you are feeling a bit guilty when it comes to taking care of your older loved ones, you are not alone. Negative emotions are quite common as you walk the caregiving process, and it’s important to know what to do with those emotions as they come up.On top of feeling nega...
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Everyone loves to share memories, but there’s something extra special about sharing and talking about memories made many years back. For seniors who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, memories are especially special because the disease robs them of the ability ...
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These days it seems that robocalls are just a part of daily life that we have to contend with. While it might seem easy to you and I to read through the calls and emails that are obvious scams, it’s not always so easy for seniors. They may not deal with technology enough t...
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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be frightening to everyone. Not only does it create memory loss, but also makes any communication at all very difficult as the disease progresses. If you have a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, we know this can be a scary tim...
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It can be a bit more challenging to help a patient with Alzheimer’s continue to enjoy things they once enjoyed before this life-altering diagnosis. After all, we all need a sense of community and fellowship with friends in order to maintain a sense of well-being and peace....
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Alzheimer’s Disease presents many challenges, not the least of which is something called sundowning—a period in the late day/early evening when agitation or irritability can set in for no apparent reason. Confusion tends to worsen as the sun goes down, hence the name. Th...
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It can be a tough decision to move an aging parent into your home, but once the decision is made, there are some things you can do to make the process as easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you plan for the big move.Assess the Way They Currently LiveYou may not noti...
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“Holiday blues” among seniors is very real and should be handled carefully. Older adults often have emotional, mental, and physical needs not taken into account during the holidays, and it can be a difficult time for them. While there are several things that can influenc...
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Seniors often have a difficult time during the holiday season, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve. There are always fun activities and parties as we bring in the new year, and your senior loved ones may feel a bit down when they can’t party as the once did. T...
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Becoming a caregiver to a family member is both rewarding and challenging. It will no doubt have an impact on the other relationships in your life, making the personal priorities fall to the back burner. While we may tell ourselves, this type of caregiving is only temporary,...
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We all know that a lifestyle of a good diet and regular exercise is the prescription for better health as we age, but did you know that sitting too much can also be a problem?It’s true. Doctors are finding more and more that sitting for too many hours a day can be linked t...
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Warning Signs of Stress While CaregivingIt is a delicate dance to find the balance of managing your own life and family while being the main caregiver of a senior loved one. As their needs begin to increase and change, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of stres...
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As seniors grow older, you may notice increasing problems with balance. This increases the risk of falling, which can have terrible consequences. Their bones are more fragile and falling can easily mean a broken hip. The good news? There are many exercises that are simple an...
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It’s a lost art to embrace the aging process with grace and poise. The truth is, we go through many difficult changes as we grow older, and many of us see a decline in our health as we age, simply because we don’t know how to deal with all the changes of aging in a healt...
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Sights, Scents, and Sounds Help Bring Memories to MindEverybody complains of memory loss as we grow older. Whether we’re looking for car keys, important paperwork or trying to remember someone’s name, it seems we have had to accept that memory loss just comes with the ag...
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If you are a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, you already know that it can be difficult for them to appropriately express anger. So, what to do when that anger seems to be spewed at you? Read on.What is the Root of the Anger?It’s not uncomm...
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Aging takes its toll on all of us and is especially noticeable on our skin. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, less elastic and transparent, making bones and veins more visible. If you’ve had years of sun exposure, the aging process on your skin will be even more pronoun...
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Never has there been a time when we are more conscious about what we eat, our overall health, and how food affects us. There is no question that aging can be significantly impacted by the foods we eat, and as older adults approach their senior years, it will become clear tha...
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Dementia is a condition that happens in the brain and is often marked by memory loss and confusion. It affects mostly seniors and can make normal tasks difficult to perform as it progresses. The most important thing to do for both the patient and the family is to find the be...
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Did you know that seniors can actually overcome many challenges of aging simply by dancing? It’s true! While we might not think of dance as something elderly people like to do, you might be surprised if you just ask them! As a caregiver for seniors, there are many ways you...
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Christmas has passed and now 2019 is upon us! This means more parties and more celebrating for most of us. However, if you have a senior loved one, late night parties aren’t exactly an easy thing to endure. New Year’s Eve often includes staying up late and partying hard,...
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There’s probably not an adult alive who won’t confess to their parents driving them bananas during childhood and adolescence! Our parents usually live to embarrass us during those years! As we become adults, the tables begin turning as our parents start aging, and in som...
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Being a caregiver is a demanding job and one that requires a lot from you, both psychologically and emotionally. It can be draining but also very rewarding. In order to prevent burnout, you need to learn how to take care of yourself as you are taking care of your loved one. ...
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Did you know that seniors need regular exercise, just like the rest of us? It’s true! And one of the most enjoyable forms of exercise is yoga. Read on to learn more about the benefits of yoga for seniors!Yoga helps keep you limber, flexible and calm. Seniors who struggle w...
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There are a lot of scenarios where home care may be warranted. Whether it’s a parent, a child with disabilities or perhaps you yourself need to research options for a long-term condition. Maybe an ailing loved one is going to be moving into your home and you’re wondering...
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Part of staying well is a nutritious diet. This is even more important for people who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. Check out our tips for helping your older adult eat well!Choosing FoodChoose foods the person enjoys. Make sure their diet includes a lot of f...
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You might have heard the term “aging in place.” It refers to the elderly, dementia, and Alzheimer’s patients aging at home for as long as possible. There really is no place like home and most people want to stay surrounded by the comforts of home as long as their healt...
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For seniors all over the country, their main desire as they grow older is to stay in their homes for as long as they possibly can. Their independence is incredibly valuable to them, so it’s important to know the signs to look for that may indicate they might need some extr...
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For many seniors, the warm summer months are favored over winter, due to achiness and pain associated with colder temperatures. While summer brings warmer days and more activities outdoors, it also brings the danger of dehydration. It’s easy for any of us to become dehydra...
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Bet you don’t know that there is a link between Alzheimer’s Disease and…. wait for it…. SUGAR! We’ve been told for years how dangerous the effects are from a diet high in processed sugar. It’s not just an issue of getting cavities anymore; sugar has a far more te...
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Sensitivity to the surroundings around them is one of the main issues among seniors who struggle with dementia and Alzheimer’s. In order to soothe agitation and lessen difficult behaviors, it’s important to create a calm and relaxing environment. If you are looking for t...
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Every teenager looks forward to that rite of passage of becoming a legal adult. Turning 17 brings more freedom, yet also brings more responsibility. There is a newfound pride in reaching the age of maturity. The truth is that these feelings don’t subside as we approach our...
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We’ve all heard the phrase, "bored to death". All of us need to feel purposeful in life, and seniors are no exception. While boredom makes most people lethargic, it can have even greater consequences for seniors. Even to the point of being life-threatening.Seniors often st...
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It’s that time of year again where flu season is upon us. Did you know that seniors, as well as their caregivers, are more vulnerable to the flu? It’s true, but there are things you can do to protect yourself and shorten the lifespan of the illness if it does happen.The ...
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Caregivers for seniors have a beautiful opportunity to help them preserve their family memories so that generations to follow will be able to enjoy their legacy. Preserving memories will not only stimulate their minds but also gives them a way to express their love and affec...
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For today’s seniors, it’s more important than ever that they feel safe in their own homes. It seems like crime and home invasion is always in the news and that can be troubling for a person of any age, especially the elderly. Many seniors are on fixed incomes and think t...
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AARP is hosting their next Virtual Career Fair on September 14 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. EST. This live online event provides those 50+ with the opportunity to recharge their job search and connect with local and national employers – all from the comfort of hom...
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Heat stroke can be deadly in seniors. As the summer heats up, so does the risk for heat stroke. It is a potentially fatal condition and can happen before they realize they are in the danger zone. As we age, out bodies become less responsive to heat, so it’s important that ...
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Anyone who has been part of the work force can attest to the careful planning that goes into accident prevention. It’s in the company’s best interest to keep their employees safe and free of hazards as much as possible. As we age, it’s natural to take extra precautions...
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One of the most dreaded moments a family can face is receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. It can be really difficult to navigate the many challenges between initial diagnosis and the end of life. All too often, families try to handle it all on their own, only to discover ...
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Delivering bad news is tough, no matter who it is. It’s especially tough when you must deliver it to a family member or senior parents. Our tips can help you know how to talk about negative news with honesty and compassion. Read on for more info….Whether it’s financial...
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If you are a caregiver to an elderly loved one, it’s very important that you learn to take care of yourself as well as your patient. You must learn how to prevent yourself from facing burnout and exhaustion to avoid a new set of health problems yourself. So why is it so ha...
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Let’s face it—all of us want to live well and age well. It all starts with creating healthy habits that will last a lifetime. But even if you’re late in creating healthy routines, it’s never too late to start! Here are some ways to boost your energy and feel great as...
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Home care is the preferred option for most seniors today. After all, who doesn’t want to remain in their homes as they age? While some do just fine maintaining a good quality of life in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, most older adults want to remain in their ...
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One of the difficult parts of pet ownership is knowing when to let go. If your senior parent has a pet, they are most likely very attached. The emotional bond between seniors and their pets can be a very powerful one, so navigating this subject can be tricky.If you feel the ...
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Downsizing is necessary at some point….Doing a deep clean is never easy, but when you have to clean out a lifetime of stuff from your older parent or loved one, the stress increases. How do you know how to tackle all the memories and tangible items collected over the years...
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If you are considering becoming a caretaker for your aging parents or other family member, there are a few questions you should ask yourself in preparation for this important role. It can be very demanding, but also wonderfully rewarding.Many of us have parents who have reac...
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If you're taking care of an elderly mother or father or dealing with the demands of helping a loved one or friend who is chronically sick, elderly or disabled, you’re not alone. You are one of millions of Americans who take care of an aging adult. Family caregivers compris...
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Winter is upon us and now is the perfect time to for caregivers of seniors, as well as friends and family, to become familiar with the risks of senior falling. Falling can have serious consequences for seniors so it’s vital to learn more about the risks and the potential i...
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It’s a fact that seniors benefit both physically and mentally from spending time with loved ones during the holidays. Just like all of us, we feel young and happy when we’re with the people we love.Spending time with your senior loved ones isn’t just good for them; it ...
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A serious respiratory infection is a dreaded complication for the elderly. Here’s 5 tips to help you with this responsibility.It seems that as the climate changes in the fall, and in many parts of the country, it’s much cooler and even wetter, we begin to hear lots about...
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It’s natural that we experience changes in appetite or loss of appetite. However, these can also be signs of malnutrition or other health problems. Seniors might not need as much food as when they were younger, but they still need the right nutrition to keep them as health...
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No matter how much you think you have planned ahead, the day your aging parent can’t cope on his or her own comes as a shock. You begin to reverse roles: you become the “parent” and your aging parent becomes your “child” as the scope of Mom or Dad’s needs begin t...
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No one wants to talk about end of life issues. Especially if those issues involve a beloved aging senior who isn’t near the end of his life. But no matter how hesitant family members might be to broach the subject, either because they find the subject awkward or in poor ta...
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AARP is hosting their next Virtual Career Fair on September 20 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. ET. This live online event provides those 50+ with the opportunity to recharge their job search and connect with local and national employers – all from the comfort of home.During the Vi...
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To be a good caregiver, knowing the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s myths and facts is necessary. Because there is still a lot we don’t understand about them, it is not surprising that myths and misinformation have spread, and you need to be aware of them.Myt...
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Sundowning is one of the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s, and it is characterized by agitation and confusion as the sun goes down during the afternoon and the evening. Home care experts have noted the symptom affects mainly those with advanced or mid-stage dementia. T...
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Alzheimer’s Disease is a condition that doesn’t just affect one individual but the entire family including those tasked with caregiving. Aside from the pain the individual is going through, his/her family has to deal with the grief and difficulty of watching someone they...
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Senior Home Care Services in Norfolk County and North Bristol CountyAs a responsible adult, part of your responsibilities is to make sure that your parents are alright as they grow older. So you need to be observant about the state of their health, so that you can provi...
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