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Health and Wellness

Your heart is where your life is! A healthy heart beats between 60-90 beats per minute and that may slow down a little as we age. That means your heart could eat more than 140,000 times each day! It’s crazy to think that the organ we depend on for the very breath of life i...
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Did you know that a diet high in protein is incredibly important for seniors? Protein is particularly important right before medical procedures or surgery and can help the healing time during an acute illness when the body doesn’t digest protein as easily. For our seniors,...
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Warning Signs of Stress While CaregivingIt is a delicate dance to find the balance of managing your own life and family while being the main caregiver of a senior loved one. As their needs begin to increase and change, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of stres...
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Did you know that Bingo has been recognized not only as a great pastime for the elderly, but also a great way to sharpen memory and thinking skills? It’s true! There are lots of positive benefits to playing Bingo on a regular basis—let’s look at a few!InclusivityIt mak...
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As seniors grow older, you may notice increasing problems with balance. This increases the risk of falling, which can have terrible consequences. Their bones are more fragile and falling can easily mean a broken hip. The good news? There are many exercises that are simple an...
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It’s a lost art to embrace the aging process with grace and poise. The truth is, we go through many difficult changes as we grow older, and many of us see a decline in our health as we age, simply because we don’t know how to deal with all the changes of aging in a healt...
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Seniors, like all of us, need all the essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. As we age, our bodies begin to be depleted of certain vitamins for many reasons. This can put the senior at risk for many diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis, among many others. Hea...
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Bet you don’t know that there is a link between Alzheimer’s Disease and…. wait for it…. SUGAR! We’ve been told for years how dangerous the effects are from a diet high in processed sugar. It’s not just an issue of getting cavities anymore; sugar has a far more te...
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Getting out of the house to enjoy some outdoor activities with the senior in your life is easier than you might think. Spring has sprung in most areas of the country and any doctor will tell you that getting outdoors is good for all of us, especially after a long winter! Sun...
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We all know what we need to do to maintain a healthy heart. But as we age, once-simple tasks like shopping for healthy foods can become a chore. Even remembering to take prescribed medications can become difficult.Home Helpers is here to help. Our caregivers are trained to p...
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Did you know that stroke is now one of the leading causes of death in the US, coming in at number five? It’s estimated that nearly a million people will have a stroke this year. But here’s the good news: up to 80% of all strokes are preventable! The National Stroke Assoc...
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