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Caregivers these days suffer from something known as compassion fatigue and burnout. While you may not have heard these terms before, they are very real, and you might identify with them as we continue to live in a state of emergency due to Covid-19. Just how do you stay pos...
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If you are feeling a bit guilty when it comes to taking care of your older loved ones, you are not alone. Negative emotions are quite common as you walk the caregiving process, and it’s important to know what to do with those emotions as they come up.On top of feeling nega...
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Becoming a caregiver to a family member is both rewarding and challenging. It will no doubt have an impact on the other relationships in your life, making the personal priorities fall to the back burner. While we may tell ourselves, this type of caregiving is only temporary,...
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Warning Signs of Stress While CaregivingIt is a delicate dance to find the balance of managing your own life and family while being the main caregiver of a senior loved one. As their needs begin to increase and change, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of stres...
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It’s stressful enough being a caregiver for an aging parent, but when you are also in the “sandwich generation,” things can be even harder. The sandwich generation refers to adults caring for senior parents as well as children young enough to still be in the home. The ...
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If you are a caregiver for a loved one in your family, you already know that outside opinions and criticisms seem to come with the job. Dealing with it can be tough and not taking it personally is even tougher. This is especially true when others voice opinions about how you...
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Is Caregiving New to You?If caregiving is new to you, it’s normal to feel some anxiety about your new position and what it may require of you. This article will give you the skinny on what you need to know to be the best caregiver you can be!Understand the Needs of Your Pa...
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