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It can be a bit more challenging to help a patient with Alzheimer’s continue to enjoy things they once enjoyed before this life-altering diagnosis. After all, we all need a sense of community and fellowship with friends in order to maintain a sense of well-being and peace....
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Bet you don’t know that there is a link between Alzheimer’s Disease and…. wait for it…. SUGAR! We’ve been told for years how dangerous the effects are from a diet high in processed sugar. It’s not just an issue of getting cavities anymore; sugar has a far more te...
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What does sundowning mean?Alzheimer’s Disease has a component that might be familiar for caretakers and their loved ones—it’s called sundowning, and it’s the increased level of confusion that tends to happen in the later part of the day. If you’re caring for s...
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Have you ever noticed that people who suffer from Alzheimer’s often repeat things?Short-term memory loss is one of the most challenging symptoms of mental impairment such as Alzheimer’s Disease of dementia. Rest assured that no senior will want to aggravate you by repeat...
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