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Holiday Season

Seniors often have a difficult time during the holiday season, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve. There are always fun activities and parties as we bring in the new year, and your senior loved ones may feel a bit down when they can’t party as the once did. The g...
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The holidays can be a lot of fun but can also be a bit stressful, especially for seniors. They don’t want to feel like they are a burden to anyone, yet they still want to enjoy all the festivities of family and friends. If you notice some of the following signs in your senior ...
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Holidays can be a crazy for time for many of us, especially if you are hosting family members. Perhaps you remember everyone gathering at your parents’ house when you were growing up, and now the mantle of responsibility falls on you—how do you prepare for hosting elderly re...
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Holiday time can be tough for many of us, especially seniors. There are a variety of reasons that make this a difficult time for many people. Seniors often feel anxious about needing assistance or being a burden. They may fear they won’t hear well and can’t enjoy the convers...
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Christmas has passed and now 2019 is upon us! This means more parties and more celebrating for most of us. However, if you have a senior loved one, late night parties aren’t exactly an easy thing to endure. New Year’s Eve often includes staying up late and partying hard, but...
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It’s that time of the year where family and turkeys converge. The big Thanksgiving get-together is traditionally a time to share a meal, gratitude for the good things in our lives, and just good fellowship with those we love. Many of us are mindful of our diets, including seni...
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Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for Americans, meant to enjoy loved ones, good food, and a relaxed atmosphere. Planning for all this fun and relaxation can sometimes be a bit stressful, especially if you’re a caretaker for the senior loved one in your life. But fear not! O...
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There’s no doubt about it—the holiday season is the busiest of the year and can throw our normal routines into chaos. For seniors who deal with Alzheimer’s, this change of routine can be quite stressful. With all the traditions of family, visits from relatives, and endless...
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If you will be visiting senior loved ones this holiday season, there are some things you should look out for to ensure that they are living as safely as possible. Following are some signs to look for to help you know if it's time to consider more specialized senior care. Keeping...
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