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Health and Wellness

We all know that a lifestyle of a good diet and regular exercise is the prescription for better health as we age, but did you know that sitting too much can also be a problem?It’s true. Doctors are finding more and more that sitting for too many hours a day can be linked to he...
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As seniors grow older, you may notice increasing problems with balance. This increases the risk of falling, which can have terrible consequences. Their bones are more fragile and falling can easily mean a broken hip. The good news? There are many exercises that are simple and ea...
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Aging takes its toll on all of us and is especially noticeable on our skin. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, less elastic and transparent, making bones and veins more visible. If you’ve had years of sun exposure, the aging process on your skin will be even more pronounced....
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Did you know that heart disease kills more people than any other condition in the United States? While there can be genetic risk factors that increase your odds of developing heart disease, most often it is brought on by lifestyle choices that can be corrected. With one in four ...
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Never has there been a time when we are more conscious about what we eat, our overall health, and how food affects us. There is no question that aging can be significantly impacted by the foods we eat, and as older adults approach their senior years, it will become clear that fo...
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Seniors, like all of us, need all the essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. As we age, our bodies begin to be depleted of certain vitamins for many reasons. This can put the senior at risk for many diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis, among many others. Heart d...
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We all know that exercise is super important for our health, but did you ever stop to think about the heart benefits as we grow older? It’s especially true of seniors. Even mild to moderate exercise in seniors can help them prevent stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressur...
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It’s no secret that physical activity is a huge benefit to people of all ages, especially seniors. The hard facts of scientific research show that exercise WILL improve overall health! These benefits of good health can come with even a small amount of exercise, no matter how o...
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As you begin to move into your senior years, choosing healthy food is a smart thing to do. No matter how old you are, making good choices is the best thing you can do. When you approach the age of 60, your body begins to change, and your metabolism slows down. The food you eat i...
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Did you know that drinking caffeine can lower the risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? For many years it has been thought that consuming caffeine has a negative impact on one’s health, but in recent years it’s now becoming clear that drinking coffee in moderate amounts is indeed ...
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Did you know that seniors need regular exercise, just like the rest of us? It’s true! And one of the most enjoyable forms of exercise is yoga. Read on to learn more about the benefits of yoga for seniors!Yoga helps keep you limber, flexible and calm. Seniors who struggle with ...
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Any diabetic can tell you what a full-time job it is to manage diabetes and all that it requires to stay healthy. Making sure your diet is under control, blood sugar levels are checked often and taking medications as needed is just a part of the process. Most people assume this ...
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For many seniors, the warm summer months are favored over winter, due to achiness and pain associated with colder temperatures. While summer brings warmer days and more activities outdoors, it also brings the danger of dehydration. It’s easy for any of us to become dehydrated,...
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We often see seniors as frail and fragile, so the thought of active exercise might seem a bit over the top for the senior in your life. BUT — did you know that seniors need exercise just like the rest of us? Being active will help them feel better, have more energy, and help p...
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As a society, we have never been more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet to preserve our health and live longer. This is also true of seniors today! Just like children have certain dietary needs, seniors and older adults do too. Our bodies and meta...
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Gone are the days where doctors and family alike expected senior citizens to just sit around in a rocking chair all day, in between taking naps. Today’s seniors are more active and productive than ever, as the life expectancy continues to increase. Medical research has proven ...
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Eating right is the first and foremost way for seniors diagnosed with diabetes to live longer and healthier lives. In this informative article, learn our tips for the most important foods and tips for shopping to manage diabetes.Patients with diabetes and their caregivers alike ...
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Did you know that 75 million Americans live with high blood pressure?With more than 75 million Americans having been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it has become one of the most common health issues among adults. This number is a bit staggering because it means that 1 out o...
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