Tips for Helping Your Parent Cope with Dry Skin

Author: Hilary Eldridge

Particularly with the cooler, dryer temperatures that many areas experience in the fall and winter, dry skin is a common and unpleasant condition. As a family caregiver, it is important that you understand that this condition is not just uncomfortable, but for an elderly adult it can be dangerous. Seniors already have skin that is thinner and more fragile than that of younger people. It is also more likely to be dry. For those who are dealing with very dry skin, however, they could be more vulnerable to cuts, tears, and scrapes that can make them vulnerable to possible infection. Helping your parent cope with their dry skin effectively can help to protect them from these potentially serious consequences.

Use these tips to help your parent cope with dry skin:

  • Encourage your parent to stay hydrated. The more fluids their body has, the more their skin will have as well
  • Avoid long, hot baths or showers, which can dry out the skin and cause irritation
  • Avoid using lotions and other products that contain high amounts of water or harsh ingredients that can remove natural moisture from the skin
  • Encourage your parent to apply high-quality moisturizer to their skin daily, particularly after washing their hands, bathing, or coming into contact with any form of potentially harsh chemical
  • Use a humidifier in their home if they live in a particularly dry climate to add moisture back to the air

If you have been looking for a way to enhance your parent’s quality of life and help them to achieve and maintain a healthier, safer, and more comfortable lifestyle as they age in place, now may be the ideal time for you to consider starting elder care for them. An elderly home care services provider can be with your parent to fill any care gaps that might exist, support them in healthy lifestyle choices, and encourage them to pursue as much independence, activity, and fulfillment as possible as they age in place. As a family caregiver it can give you confidence knowing that whether you are able to be with your parent or not, they are in good hands. Whether you live at a distance and are unable to be with them as frequently as you would want to be, or your own schedule and limitations keep you from giving them all of the care and support that they need, the highly personalized services of an elder care provider are designed to ensure your senior has the support and care that they need at all times.



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