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Senior Care

How to Protect Yourself from CoronavirusOf people who are at risk, seniors and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease are at the highest level of vulnerability to the virus. This higher risk is mainly due to compromised immune sy...
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Although dementia is most commonly diagnosed in seniors, it can also happen to middle-aged people, as well as those who have suffered a brain injury. Many people still go on to live long lives after diagnosis, so it’s important to understand the condition and how you can t...
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If you have a loved one with dementia, you probably already know how frustrating it can be to communicate sometimes. Limited understanding and cognitive decline can be very overwhelming for both the patient and the caregiver, but there are ways to make it easier. Here are so...
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Are you one of the millions of Americans who think that tumbles and falls are just par for the course in older adults? The truth is, falling can be devastating for seniors and should be prevented at all costs. It’s not normal to fall and no matter how old you are, there ar...
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Did you know that a diet high in protein is incredibly important for seniors? Protein is particularly important right before medical procedures or surgery and can help the healing time during an acute illness when the body doesn’t digest protein as easily. For our seniors,...
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It is never easy to have a conversation with a senior loved one that has to do with giving up the keys to the car for good. After all, driving represents independence and freedom for most people, so it can be really difficult to know when the time is right to ask your loved ...
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Your heart is where your life is! A healthy heart beats between 60-90 beats per minute and that may slow down a little as we age. That means your heart could eat more than 140,000 times each day! It’s crazy to think that the organ we depend on for the very breath of life i...
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If you are feeling a bit guilty when it comes to taking care of your older loved ones, you are not alone. Negative emotions are quite common as you walk the caregiving process, and it’s important to know what to do with those emotions as they come up.On top of feeling nega...
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Everyone loves to share memories, but there’s something extra special about sharing and talking about memories made many years back. For seniors who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, memories are especially special because the disease robs them of the ability ...
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These days it seems that robocalls are just a part of daily life that we have to contend with. While it might seem easy to you and I to read through the calls and emails that are obvious scams, it’s not always so easy for seniors. They may not deal with technology enough t...
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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be frightening to everyone. Not only does it create memory loss, but also makes any communication at all very difficult as the disease progresses. If you have a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, we know this can be a scary tim...
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Seniors often have a difficult time during the holiday season, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve. There are always fun activities and parties as we bring in the new year, and your senior loved ones may feel a bit down when they can’t party as the once did. T...
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“Holiday blues” among seniors is very real and should be handled carefully. Older adults often have emotional, mental, and physical needs not taken into account during the holidays, and it can be a difficult time for them. While there are several things that can influenc...
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It can be a bit more challenging to help a patient with Alzheimer’s continue to enjoy things they once enjoyed before this life-altering diagnosis. After all, we all need a sense of community and fellowship with friends in order to maintain a sense of well-being and peace....
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It can be a tough decision to move an aging parent into your home, but once the decision is made, there are some things you can do to make the process as easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you plan for the big move.Assess the Way They Currently LiveYou may not...
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Alzheimer’s Disease presents many challenges, not the least of which is something called sundowning—a period in the late day/early evening when agitation or irritability can set in for no apparent reason. Confusion tends to worsen as the sun goes down, hence the name. Th...
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Having an ailing parent is always tough, but things can be even more challenging when there are multiple siblings involved wondering who does what in the care plan. If you are a caretaker for your mom or dad and you have siblings who also want to help, this article will help...
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It’s tough for anyone living with a chronic disease, but it seems even more challenging when it’s a senior loved one who has worked hard to raise a family and are now faced with sickness. If you are a caregiver for an older adult in your life, you already know how import...
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Warning Signs of Stress While CaregivingIt is a delicate dance to find the balance of managing your own life and family while being the main caregiver of a senior loved one. As their needs begin to increase and change, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of stres...
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It’s often thought that those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s will steadily lose their quality of life. While cognitive decline is certainly part of the process, there are things you can do as a caregiver to maintain as much quality of life as possible. Regardless...
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Many seniors start worrying that they are losing memory and cognitive thinking skills as they age, and many of them think it just comes with growing older. To some degree, that can be true, but ho...
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As the fourth leading cause of death in America, stroke statistics are frightening, to say the least. Someone will die from a stroke every five minutes. So, it pays to know more about stroke, how it happens, who is at risk, and what to do should one occur. If you are a senio...
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If you’ve ever been a caretaker for a senior family member, you already know how difficult it can be. The toll it can take emotionally and physically can be daunting if you aren’t prepared. Let’s look at some of the most common issues associated with being a full-time ...
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Sights, Scents, and Sounds Help Bring Memories to MindEverybody complains of memory loss as we grow older. Whether we’re looking for car keys, important paperwork or trying to remember someone’s name, it seems we have had to accept that memory loss just comes with the ag...
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You’ve probably heard of Parkinson’s Disease or know someone who suffers with it. It is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system, making movement, balance and muscle control become very difficult. Over time, it can cause total loss of control over ce...
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Seniors, like all of us, need all the essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. As we age, our bodies begin to be depleted of certain vitamins for many reasons. This can put the senior at risk for many diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis, among many others. Hea...
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If you get the winter blues each year, it might be more than just an emotional slump that comes on when it gets cold. Millions of seniors are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder every year, causing depression and sadness that is tough to shake. This can especially be tru...
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Did you know that by the age of 65, a third of the population will have some type of hearing loss? By the age of 75, that number jumps to over half. Pretty staggering numbers to think that many people will deal with hearing impairment. So how does that affect a senior’s in...
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One of the most stressful situations you will ever face is making critical decisions for someone you love. It is very natural to feel strongly about your opinion and feel angry or threatened when others disagree. This stress can easily be compounded when those who disagree w...
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Parkinson’s Disease changes everything for a person. Taking care of someone with the disease can be difficult and stressful. This article will give you some helpful tips for coping with the caretaking skills required to help the loved one stay as independent as possible fo...
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One of the hardest things seniors face as they grow older is knowing they may need assistance and asking for it. Everyone wants to be independent and healthy as long as possible and most seniors fear to be a burden to their loved ones above all else.If your older adult is sh...
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Deciding who will have Power of Attorney can affect family dynamics for years to come. That person will oversee major decisions, both medical and financial. Even if your parents plan ahead while they are fit and healthy, it can still cause problems in the family dynamic if n...
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Getting out of the house to enjoy some outdoor activities with the senior in your life is easier than you might think. Spring has sprung in most areas of the country and any doctor will tell you that getting outdoors is good for all of us, especially after a long winter! Sun...
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Last week I mentioned that I’d be sharing profiles of our Exceptional Caregiver Award regional finalists. I’d like to start with our Western Region finalist, Timothy Fiedler. Tim works for Rick Cseak at Home Helpers of Denver and Castle Rock in Colorado....
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In-home caregiving depends on routine. Not only is it important for the planning and sanity of the caregiver, it’s essential for the stable independence of those we love. The importance of routine and our reliance on it increases as we age.Time changes can be a major disru...
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Home Helpers of Barrington, Palatine, Buffalo Grove and the surrounding cities understands that caring for a family member with dementia is a nonstop challenge.  The stress never lets up and eventually the fatigue can take a serious toll on anyone.  Our caregivers ...
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Although it can be demanding at times, most caregivers don’t need to be reminded of the many ways spending time with seniors and learning from their experiences can enrich our lives. Since the 1930s, American have marked one day in August to celebrate our seniors, the live...
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While many think of the Chicagoland area as being cold in the winter, those of us who live here know it can get pretty hot and humid during the summer. The University of Chicago Medical Center conducted a study that found 40% of heat related deaths in the U.S. were among peo...
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Senior home care that is not just practical but enriching is not some recent invention. In his documentary series The Story of China, British historian Michael Wood describes a book about caring for aging parents written in 1085. The Chinese reverence for the aged is we...
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Gerry, a 50-ish professional with an active lifestyle, was chatting with a co-worker in the parking lot outside his office when his companion suddenly began leading him to his own car. Several times, Gerry protested that he had somewhere to go, but his colleague persisted.Ge...
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April is the time of year when many of us begin to transition our entertaining and family gatherings to the outdoors. Having adjusted to the time change and the lengthening days, people in this part of the world feel the call of the wild – or at least the patio or deck –...
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The most important element in any caregiving partnership is just that: The Partnership.No amount of hints, tips or tricks you read and none of the techniques you practice or the research either partner does can replace the importance of this sometimes stressful relationship....
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President's Corner - (For Caregivers)By Christine L. Browning R.N.I want to formally thank all of you on the caregiving team for your hard work and dedication. Home Helpers of Barrington and Palatine is a lifelong dream of mine and you are the day to day face of that dream c...
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February is American Heart Month, but heart health should never be taken for granted. In addition to the obvious effect of heart and circulatory conditions on the length of our lives, blood pressure and other circulatory issues as well as heart attacks and heart failure, dra...
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It’s fitting that senior independence is celebrated during February, a month that can test the fortitude of the most able-bodied between the still-shortened days and unpredictable weather. But the commitment to protecting and defending the rights of our older neighbors is ...
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We get it. You’re busy, and scheduling a vaccination appointment is a hassle, and the side effects can be annoying. But we really need our flu vaccines and, for those over 65, probably a pneumonia vaccine as well.We need to commit ourselves to up-to-date vaccinations for e...
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A newborn’s homecoming is often preceded by a frenzy of childproofing. However, caregivers often do not see to senior proofing the home until after a scare or injury occurs. Or they are not sure how to go about making the home a safe environment for aging loved ones, espec...
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Why In-Home Care Is Better than Nursing HomesAs your parents grow older, it’s natural for you to worry about how they will get along from day to day. This is especially true as they become feebler and more forgetful, as they’re more vulnerable to accidents and injuries. ...
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These are scary times, but as with any type of pandemic, knowledge is power. How do you cope with COVID-19 as a senior? We have some tips for you that will leave you empowered and encouraged, so keep reading!Everyone needs social time with loved ones, yet it seems that is ex...
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Caregivers these days suffer from something known as compassion fatigue and burnout. While you may not have heard these terms before, they are very real, and you might identify with them as we continue to live in a state of emergency due to Covid-19. Just how do you stay pos...
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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be frightening to everyone. Not only does it create memory loss, but also makes any communication at all very difficult as the disease progresses. If you have a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, we know this can be a scary tim...
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Alzheimer’s Disease presents many challenges, not the least of which is something called sundowning—a period in the late day/early evening when agitation or irritability can set in for no apparent reason. Confusion tends to worsen as the sun goes down, hence the name. Th...
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Alzheimer’s Disease has a component that might be familiar for caretakers and their loved ones—it’s called sundowning, and it’s the increased level of confusion that tends to happen in the later part of the day. If you’re care for someone with dementia of Alzheimer...
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Sensitivity to the surroundings around them is one of the main issues among seniors who struggle with dementia and Alzheimer’s. In order to soothe agitation and lessen difficult behaviors, it’s important to create a calm and relaxing environment. If you are looking for t...
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Have you ever noticed that people who suffer from Alzheimer’s often repeat things?Short-term memory loss is one of the most challenging symptoms of mental impairment such as Alzheimer’s Disease of dementia. Rest assured that no senior will want to aggravate you by repeat...
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A study of caregivers and Alzheimer’s disease show that women are diagnosed more often for the disease than men. This is evident from a 2011 report published by the Alzheimer’s Association which indicates that of the 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s, more than 3....
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Taking care of seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s, though rewarding, can be very frustrating prospect. Seniors often repeat requests to go “home” even while still living in their own homes.They can get frustrated and agitated when they feel no one is listening to the...
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Alzheimer’s Disease is a condition that doesn’t just affect one individual but the entire family including those tasked with caregiving. Aside from the pain the individual is going through, his/her family has to deal with the grief and difficulty of watching someone they...
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Sundowning is one of the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s, and it is characterized by agitation and confusion as the sun goes down during the afternoon and the evening. Home care experts have noted the symptom affects mainly those with advanced or mid-stage dementia. T...
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To be a good caregiver, knowing the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s myths and facts is necessary. Because there is still a lot we don’t understand about them, it is not surprising that myths and misinformation have spread, and you need to be aware of them.Myt...
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If you’ve ever been a caretaker for a senior family member, you already know how difficult it can be. The toll it can take emotionally and physically can be daunting if you aren’t prepared. Let’s look at some of the most common issues associated with being a full-time ...
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If you are a caregiver for a loved one in your family, you already know that outside opinions and criticisms seem to come with the job. Dealing with it can be tough and not taking it personally is even tougher. This is especially true when others voice opinions about how you...
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Many of us are becoming familiar with the term “aging in place.” It is the desire of most seniors to stay at home as long as possible as they require more care. Keeping them in their own environment allows your senior loved one to feel more secure and safe. This is espec...
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May is American Stroke Month, and we’re starting the month in San Diego for the Home Helpers Annual Conference. This is one of the few times each year I have the opportunity to share ideas and plans for the future with colleagues from our network across the country.On...
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In-home care will never be a one-size-fits-all program. It’s personal.When you first start to consider in-home care for a member of your family, you probably have a lot of questions. Your loved one probably does, too.We have discussed several times the family dynamics of d...
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The most important element in any caregiving partnership is just that: The Partnership.No amount of hints, tips or tricks you read and none of the techniques you practice or the research either partner does can replace the importance of this sometimes stressful relationship....
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Health and Wellness

As you begin to move into your senior years, choosing healthy food is a smart thing to do. No matter how old you are, making good choices is the best thing you can do. When you approach the age of 60, your body begins to change, and your metabolism slows down. The food you e...
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February is American Heart Month, but heart health should never be taken for granted. In addition to the obvious effect of heart and circulatory conditions on the length of our lives, blood pressure and other circulatory issues as well as heart attacks and heart failure, dra...
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We get it. You’re busy, and scheduling a vaccination appointment is a hassle, and the side effects can be annoying. But we really need our flu vaccines and, for those over 65, probably a pneumonia vaccine as well.We need to commit ourselves to up-to-date vaccinations for e...
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Home Helpers owners and their families spent Veterans Day preparing food for veterans and others facing hunger.“It was a great way to spend Veterans Day – making meals that will feed not only those who served our country but also those our veterans fought to protect,” ...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMedia Contact: Steven KrzyzykPhone: 847-418-7804Email: Skrzyzyk@homehelpershomecare.comBarrington – Home Helpers of Barrington today announced that it has received the Best of Home Care Provider of Choice Award from Home Care Pulse. The Provider of Cho...
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Care Tips

Home Helpers of Barrington, Palatine, Buffalo Grove and the surrounding cities understands that caring for a family member with dementia is a nonstop challenge.  The stress never lets up and eventually the fatigue can take a serious toll on anyone.  Our caregivers ...
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Taking care of seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s, though rewarding, can be very frustrating prospect. Seniors often repeat requests to go “home” even while still living in their own homes.They can get frustrated and agitated when they feel no one is listening to the...
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