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Holiday Season

I had a great start to my day today, meeting Bob Saunders, president of the North Central Chamber of Commerce, and Ann Barowsky who, like me, is a member of the Chamber’s board. The Chamber delivered gloves, mittens, scarves, hats, coats, and other winter apparel, col...
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Most people believe that dehydration is a problem that develops only in hot temperatures, during the summer. However, the cold weather in the winter also can drain moisture from our bodies quickly, leading to dehydration.According to the University of New Hampshire, in the c...
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* This article was originally published in my column Ask Peter, in the Enfield Press and Longmeadow News.When presenting a relative who is going through Alzheimer's Care or Dementia Care, you can give them a good warm jacket, to help them face the wintertime i...
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