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Part of staying well is a nutritious diet. This is even more important for people who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. Check out our tips for helping your older adult eat well!Choosing FoodChoose foods the person enjoys. Make sure their diet includes a lot of f...
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One of the most dreaded moments a family can face is receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. It can be really difficult to navigate the many challenges between initial diagnosis and the end of life. All too often, families try to handle it all on their own, only to discover ...
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When most people think of Alzheimer’s Disease, they think of memory loss, inability to recognize family members and basically just being a shell of who they used to be. The good news is that there is more hope than ever for treating this awful disease! It’s important to ...
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There’s no doubt about it—the holiday season is the busiest of the year and can throw our normal routines into chaos. For seniors who deal with Alzheimer’s, this change of routine can be quite stressful. With all the traditions of family, visits from relatives, and end...
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A study of caregivers and Alzheimer’s disease show that women are diagnosed more often for the disease than men. This is evident from a 2011 report published by the Alzheimer’s Association which indicates that of the 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s, more than 3....
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Taking care of seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s, though rewarding, can be very frustrating prospect. Seniors often repeat requests to go “home” even while still living in their own homes.They can get frustrated and agitated when they feel no one is listening to the...
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The most common symptom of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia is forgetfulness, but not all instances of memory loss or forgetfulness is a sign of the disease. So how can you tell the difference between dementia and normal memory lapses due to aging? While the differences ca...
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