24 Hour Home Care in North Greensboro, NC

24 Hour Home Care for Seniors and Others in Need in Kernersville, Summerfield and Surrounding North Greensboro, NC Areas

Families often have concerns when a senior loved one or adult requires elder care around-the-clock. They worry about their safety, health, and well-being when they are not around to provide assistance. At Home Helpers® Home Care in North Greensboro, NC, we understand these concerns and are proud to offer a solution through Direct Link®, a powerful monitoring system powered by Aloe Care.

Quick and Easy Installation

Direct Link® is a state-of-the-art medical alert and communication system that provides instant access to an emergency call center 24/7 with just a click of a button or voice command. These monitoring devices for seniors are easy and quick to install, giving you peace of mind that help will be there whenever it is needed. They offer features such as fall detection, general motion detection, location tracking, and temperature and air quality alerts.

24-Hour Elder Services

In addition to monitoring devices, Home Helpers also offers 24-hour elder services for loved ones who require more hands-on continuous care. Our team of Caregivers can work in shifts or provide a live-in option if available. We are dedicated to providing personalized care for each individual’s unique needs and strive to create a safe and comfortable environment for our clients.

Personalized Care Plans and Check-Ins

If you’re interested in elder care, schedule a free In-Home Care Assessment with Home Helpers. During this assessment, we will learn more about your loved one and their needs to match them with a Caregiver. Once the Care Plan is put into action, our team will schedule check-ins to see if any adjustments need to be made to ensure the best care possible. Let us help you and your loved one feel at ease with our elder care and monitoring devices for seniors. Contact us today to learn more.

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