Hospice Care at Home for Seniors in Lancaster, OH, and Surrounding Areas

Hospice and Palliative Care at Home in Lancaster, Chillicothe, and Pickerington, OH

Let Home Helpers and our trusted professional caregivers assist your family when you need it the most. Our caregivers provide a special kind of love and understanding and provide for the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and their friends and family.

Hospice care can be provided wherever your loved one calls home. Home Helpers also provides respite care to help relieve the stress of families and clients during the hospice process.

Home Helpers partners with local hospice & palliative care facilities for our hospice and respite services.

Hospice Services

  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care at home
  • Feeding/Bathing/Personal Care at home
  • Pain and Symptom Management
  • Companionship
  • Shopping and Errands
  • Pet and Plant Care
  • Transportation
  • Assistance and Mobility
  • Household Cleaning

We know this time may not be easy, but we want to be there to make your family’s life easier. Let us help. If you are not sure if hospice care at home is right for you, call us at (740) 267-4119 and ask about our free consultations.

Steps to Care

  • 1.

    INITIAL CALL - Once we’ve received your information, we will have a detailed call to gather more information on the care situation, answer any pressing concerns, and set up a time to meet in person.

  • 2.

    IN-HOME CARE ASSESSMENT - Here we will answer all your questions, and ask some of our own to craft a Cared-4℠ Customized Care Plan to your unique needs.

  • 3.

    START OF CARE - We will come with our Caregiver on the first day of care to go through the Care Plan together and help with introductions.

  • 4.

    CLIENT VISITS - Once we have begun care, we will pop in at times our Caregiver is there to see how things are going and determine if we need to adjust the Care Plan.

Contact Home Helpers® Home Care

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