Homemaker Services in Fremont & Union City, CA
In-home care for your loved ones in Fremont and Union City, CA
Cleanliness and orderliness are the basic requirements of a fulfilling home and a hassle-free
life. But for the elderly – especially those with disabilities or those suffering from an operation or
injury, the tasks associated with this responsibility become a daily challenge. This is where
Home Helpers Home Care of Fremont & Union City CA provides services to help your loved
ones manage fundamental homemaking responsibilities with ease, freedom, and dignity.
Through compassionate care and timely assistance, our caretakers not only assist in cleaning
floors and dusting surfaces but also in maintaining morale, enhancing independence, and
creating a sense of daily accomplishment.
We strive to provide the best possible care to your loved one in the comfort of their own home. For further information, contact us at (510) 588-3786.
- Grocery shopping
- Preparing meals
- Cleaning and organizing the kitchen, including checking the expiration dates of products
- Organizing and cleaning bathrooms
- Sweeping and vacuuming
- Laundry and linen replacement
- Removing tripping hazards and making the house safe
- Ironing
- Assistance with plant and animal care
- Changing the batteries in smoke detectors and other home security systems
- Swapping out air filters
At Home Helpers Home Care in Fremont & Union City CA, we take pride in elevating
homemaker services to a level that surpasses expectations. Our homemaker services aren’t just
about what we do; they are a reflection of who we are –companion care, caregivers, personal
care attendants, and advocates of well-being. With homemaker services from Home Helpers
Home Care of Fremont and Union City, you can be sure to give your loved ones the assistance
and support they need to keep their home and daily lives in perfect order.