Older Driver Safety Awareness

Author: Jen Mundwiler

One of the toughest things for an individual to give up is their independence. One aspect that exemplifies independence for all of us as we get older is driving. I can remember how the world changed when I received my driver’s license.

As we age, we encounter age-related changes that impact our independence and, if not compensated for, can have dramatic effects on our independence. A devastating impact for many as they age is the loss of driving privileges or the choice to give up the keys. As an Occupational Therapist, I often stated the worse part of my job was to have to have the conversation with a patient or family member that it was time for them to stop driving. Yet, how can we prevent the loss of driving from becoming devastating? This is one area where in-home care can help.

At Home Helpers Home Care Delaware-OH, we are dedicated to helping individuals remain safe and independent with the best quality of life wherever they call home. We can help with companionship and transportation, along with many other aspects. Contact us today at (614) 515-6191 for a free in-home consultation. 

Get the Facts:

  • One in 6 drivers in the United States are 65 years or older.
  • Older adult drivers are more than twice as likely to report having a medical problem that makes it difficult to travel as compared with drivers ages 24‒64.
  • Four in five older adults take one or more medications daily. Physical changes that occur with age can change the way the body reacts to medicines, causing more side effects and affecting the ability to concentrate and drive safely.

Here are some steps that older adults can take to stay safe on the road:

  • Discuss any medical issues with your doctor to determine if they might affect your driving.
  • Discuss stopping or changing your medications with your pharmacist or doctor if you experience any side effects that could interfere with safe driving such as blurry vision, dizziness, sleepiness, confusion, fatigue, and/or loss of consciousness.
  • Have your eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year. Wear glasses and corrective lenses as directed.
  • Plan your route before you drive.
  • Consider potential alternatives to driving, such as riding with a friend, using public transit, or car ride services

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