Elder Wellness Calls in Akron, OH

The Importance of Wellness Calls for Seniors in Akron, Stow, Hudson, OH and Surrounding Areas

At Home Helpers® Home Care, we understand the natural need for connection and companionship, especially for our elderly loved ones. That’s why we prioritize Wellness Calls as an essential part of our elder home care services in Akron. These calls provide much-needed reminders and companionship, and can be scheduled as often as you or your loved one would like.

Wellness Calls: Providing More Than Just Reminders

  • Morning or Evening Check-in
  • Medication Reminders
  • Hydration Reminders
  • Meal Reminders
  • Exercise Reminders
  • Companionship (A simple Hello, how are you today?)

Customized Response Plans for Missed Calls

In the event that a Wellness Call goes unanswered, Home Helpers has a customized response plan to ensure the safety and well-being of your loved one. We will work with you to determine the best course of action, including how many times per day to try and call and which family members should be notified through a phone call, text, or email. This closed-loop process helps guarantee the best elder home care and safety for your loved ones. And if the situation is not urgent, simply let us know, and we will make a note of the missed call.

Experience Our Cared-4 Program

At Home Helpers, we are proud to offer our Cared-4 program, which addresses all the major factors that impact independence. Our elder home care services cover Personal Care & Companionship, Nutrition and Wellbeing, and Safety. We believe that a well-rounded approach is crucial in providing the best care for our clients. Contact us for a free In-Home Care Assessment and let us create a custom Care Plan that meets the specific needs of your loved one. Together, we can ensure their independence and well-being.

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