In-Home Senior Care Services in Lewisville, TX


The golden years should be embraced with care and companionship, not faced alone. Here at Home Helpers® Home Care, our heart is wholly set on nurturing seniors and their families in Lewisville, guiding their steps through the enriching phase of later life with compassion and warmth. Our dedicated team of Caregivers is ready to offer a wide array of senior care services that empower our clients to enjoy the beauty of life right where they love most – their homes.

Understanding that each senior has their own set of needs and wishes, we tailor our services to match their individual lifestyle and preferences. Our core goal is to provide top-notch in-home elderly care that safeguards their privacy, independence, security, and dignity. From help with daily living activities, nutritional guidance, medication management, to transport services, our objective is to make daily living easier and more joyful for seniors in Lewisville.

For details about our in-home senior care services in Lewisville and surrounding areas, or to arrange a complimentary in-home assessment, please contact us today at (972) 737-5322.


At Home Helpers® Home Care, we create a bespoke Care Plan that evolves to meet the changing needs of our clients, ensuring they are able to live comfortably and securely at home. This adaptable Care Plan encompasses a range of our in-home elderly care services, including:

  • Personal Care & Friendship
  • Regular Wellness Checks
  • Continuous Safety Monitoring
  • Assistance with Nutrition and Overall Well-being


Our commitment at Home Helpers® Home Care is to deliver the highest quality of in-home senior care to our clients and their families. We carefully select Caregivers who not only bring solid experience but also resonate with our mission of spreading joy and care in the lives of others. These compassionate professionals are reliable, empathetic, and meticulously screened to ensure they provide the utmost care, becoming an extended part of your family in your absence.


Retirement should be a time of celebration and fulfillment; however, it can feel lacking for some. Here are several strategies to help seniors remain mentally and socially vibrant:

  • Encourage Artistic Activities – Engaging in art, crafts, or digital games can stimulate the mind and encourage social connections.
  • Build and Maintain Social Connections – Keeping in touch with friends and family is vital for emotional well-being. Joining clubs, participating in social gatherings, or having coffee meetings can boost morale.
  • Promote Physical Activity – Exercise releases endorphins, improving mood. Activities like walking, dancing, or yoga can increase strength, enhance balance, and offer social interaction.
  • Explore New Hobbies – Discovering new hobbies, such as storytelling, scrapbooking, learning card games, or experimenting with new recipes, can ignite excitement and cognitive stimulation.

At Home Helpers® Home Care, we dedicate ourselves to supporting your elderly loved ones in maintaining their hobbies and interests. Whether it’s helping with shopping, fetching materials for a new endeavor, escorting them to classes or gatherings, enjoying a walk in the park, or simply offering a friendly chat, Home Helpers® Home Care delivers personalized in-home senior care services in Lewisville, ensuring a comfortable and independent lifestyle.

Contact Home Helpers® Home Care at (972) 737-5322 today to learn how our in-home elderly care services in Lewisville can help your loved ones remain safe and self-sufficient.

Steps to Care

  • 1.

    INITIAL CALL - Once we’ve received your information, we will have a detailed call to gather more information on the care situation, answer any pressing concerns, and set up a time to meet in person.

  • 2.

    IN-HOME CARE ASSESSMENT - Here we will answer all your questions, and ask some of our own to craft a Cared-4℠ Customized Care Plan to your unique needs.

  • 3.

    START OF CARE - We will come with our Caregiver on the first day of care to go through the Care Plan together and help with introductions.

  • 4.

    CLIENT VISITS - Once we have begun care, we will pop in at times our Caregiver is there to see how things are going and determine if we need to adjust the Care Plan.

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