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Senior Care

Have you wondered what the symptoms are of the coronavirus? You’re not alone! It seems COVID-19 is all we’ve heard about for the last three months each time you turn on the TV or listen to the news. It’s important to know what to look for, who is more vulnerable, and w...
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These are scary times, but as with any type of pandemic, knowledge is power. How do you cope with COVID-19 as a senior? We have some tips for you that will leave you empowered and encouraged, so keep reading!Everyone needs social time with loved ones, yet it seems that is ex...
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Being in a wheelchair doesn’t have to be a bad thing, nor does it have to be depressing. However, it certainly can be hard for an older adult to adjust to. One way family caregivers can help them to better accept using a wheelchair is by personalizing the chair so that it ...
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There’s something about spring that often makes people feel rejuvenated and eager to get outdoors. Maybe, it's from being cooped up all winter that makes the change in season so rejuvenating and urges more sunshine ventures. But it’s especially beneficial for seniors to ...
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It is never easy to have a conversation with a senior loved one that has to do with giving up the keys to the car for good. After all, driving represents independence and freedom for most people, so it can be really difficult to know when the time is right to ask your loved ...
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Did you know that a diet high in protein is incredibly important for seniors? Protein is particularly important right before medical procedures or surgery and can help the healing time during an acute illness when the body doesn’t digest protein as easily. For our seniors,...
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Are you one of the millions of Americans who think that tumbles and falls are just par for the course in older adults? The truth is, falling can be devastating for seniors and should be prevented at all costs. It’s not normal to fall and no matter how old you are, there ar...
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One of the questions you run into as a caregiver is whether you can do it all on your own. You’ve got a variety of different roles to fill and you might be wondering whether any of this is possible. The good news is that there are resources out there and if you take the ti...
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If your elderly loved one has to have surgery, it is important to know about the nutrients they are going to need following that surgery. No matter what surgery someone has to have, it is essential that they eat healthy after the surgery. This is going to help their body hea...
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Everyone loves to share memories, but there’s something extra special about sharing and talking about memories made many years back. For seniors who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, memories are especially special because the disease robs them of the ability ...
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Everybody has a bad day, even the best caregiver. But if you’re torturing yourself about a mistake or about something that didn’t go quite right, that’s not going to help.Get Outside, if You CanStepping outside, whether it’s a sunny day or a rainy day under the prote...
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If your senior is becoming bored more often lately, she might find that she’s sleeping more, eating poorly, and becoming even less active than she was. Her energy levels can get sapped quickly by boredom, and that can lead to health problems if it carries on too long.How S...
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These days it seems that robocalls are just a part of daily life that we have to contend with. While it might seem easy to you and I to read through the calls and emails that are obvious scams, it’s not always so easy for seniors. They may not deal with technology enough t...
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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be frightening to everyone. Not only does it create memory loss, but also makes any communication at all very difficult as the disease progresses. If you have a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, we know this can be a scary tim...
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“Holiday blues” among seniors is very real and should be handled carefully. Older adults often have emotional, mental, and physical needs not taken into account during the holidays, and it can be a difficult time for them. While there are several things that can influenc...
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It can be a bit more challenging to help a patient with Alzheimer’s continue to enjoy things they once enjoyed before this life-altering diagnosis. After all, we all need a sense of community and fellowship with friends in order to maintain a sense of well-being and peace....
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It can be a tough decision to move an aging parent into your home, but once the decision is made, there are some things you can do to make the process as easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you plan for the big move.Assess the Way They Currently LiveYou may not noti...
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Alzheimer’s Disease presents many challenges, not the least of which is something called sundowning—a period in the late day/early evening when agitation or irritability can set in for no apparent reason. Confusion tends to worsen as the sun goes down, hence the name. Th...
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Seniors often have a difficult time during the holiday season, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Eve. There are always fun activities and parties as we bring in the new year, and your senior loved ones may feel a bit down when they can’t party as the once did. T...
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Keeping your elderly parent or loved one hydrated is important for their overall health, but sometimes it can be a difficult task when they refuse to drink or just don’t understand the importance of hydration.When a senior becomes dehydrated, it can have serious consequenc...
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December was a busy month! We had the holidays to celebrate with our friends and vendors, and we were able to attend many community events to let the public know who we are as well as the services that we provide. There was a grand opening of a new Levine Children's Hospital...
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From time to time, seniors might receive a medical diagnosis that they weren’t expecting, or one that they feel unsure about, or possibly even disagree with. Medical issues and diagnoses can be complex, often requiring invasive tests and procedures, and sometimes surg...
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Did you know that nearly half of all senior adults over the age of 65 need some type of assistance daily? It’s true. As many as 70% of seniors will need a caregiver at some point as they continue to age. One of the biggest challenges with caregiving is how to know when it...
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Mushrooms are one of those polarizing foods – people either love them or hate them. If your older male family member likes mushrooms, using them in more dishes could help to protect them from prostate cancer, the most common kind of cancer among men.Mushrooms and Prostate ...
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Having an ailing parent is always tough, but things can be even more challenging when there are multiple siblings involved wondering who does what in the care plan. If you are a caretaker for your mom or dad and you have siblings who also want to help, this article will help...
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It can be difficult at times to determine the difference between normal memory lapses as we age, and a more serious cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. If you notice your elderly loved one forgetting names, dates, or appointments on a regular basis, it could...
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It’s often thought that those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s will steadily lose their quality of life. While cognitive decline is certainly part of the process, there are things you can do as a caregiver to maintain as much quality of life as possible. Regardless...
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It’s a lost art to embrace the aging process with grace and poise. The truth is, we go through many difficult changes as we grow older, and many of us see a decline in our health as we age, simply because we don’t know how to deal with all the changes of aging in a healt...
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Did you know that heart disease kills more people than any other condition in the United States? While there can be genetic risk factors that increase your odds of developing heart disease, most often it is brought on by lifestyle choices that can be corrected. With one in f...
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You’ve probably heard of Parkinson’s Disease or know someone who suffers with it. It is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system, making movement, balance and muscle control become very difficult. Over time, it can cause total loss of control over ce...
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If you are a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, you already know that it can be difficult for them to appropriately express anger. So, what to do when that anger seems to be spewed at you? Read on.What is the Root of the Anger?It’s not uncomm...
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Have you ever heard of a TIA? It is an abbreviation for “transient ischemic attack” that refers to having a “mini-stroke.” If the older adult in your life suddenly seems out of sorts or acts in a bizarre way, they may be experiencing a mini-stroke. They are more comm...
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Caregivers provide support and companionship to seniors who struggle with activities of daily living. While their job is to help their client, in many ways caregivers also help families. Here are some of the things you need to bring up.Caring for a Family Member Makes a Long...
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If you get the winter blues each year, it might be more than just an emotional slump that comes on when it gets cold. Millions of seniors are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder every year, causing depression and sadness that is tough to shake. This can especially be tru...
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As a family caregiver for one of the approximately six million people throughout the United States who are currently living with dementia, you may have noticed an increase in anxiety in your aging loved one. Anxiety is an extremely common effect of dementia, and can manifest...
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It’s no secret that physical activity is a huge benefit to people of all ages, especially seniors. The hard facts of scientific research show that exercise WILL improve overall health! These benefits of good health can come with even a small amount of exercise, no matter h...
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As you begin to move into your senior years, choosing healthy food is a smart thing to do. No matter how old you are, making good choices is the best thing you can do. When you approach the age of 60, your body begins to change, and your metabolism slows down. The food you e...
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The seniors who make it to the age of 75 or 85, or even 100 have triumphed and survived many threats to their physical and emotional health. Through these events, they have become much wiser and possess a maturity that only comes with age.Depression, worthlessness, and anxie...
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There are a lot of scenarios where home care may be warranted. Whether it’s a parent, a child with disabilities or perhaps you yourself need to research options for a long-term condition. Maybe an ailing loved one is going to be moving into your home and you’re wondering...
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Getting out of the house to enjoy some outdoor activities with the senior in your life is easier than you might think. Spring has sprung in most areas of the country and any doctor will tell you that getting outdoors is good for all of us, especially after a long winter! Sun...
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As a society, we have never been more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet to preserve our health and live longer. This is also true of seniors today! Just like children have certain dietary needs, seniors and older adults do too. Our bodies and ...
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Ice, snow and other winter weather is difficult for everyone, but when you are a caregiver it can take even more challenges. Doctor’s appointments, social activities, church, grocery store runs….all of this can be far more difficult in the winter months.Remaining indoors...
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Reminiscence therapy helps seniors with dementiaWhen a person has Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, it is most often the short-term memory that is affected first. They are able to recall memories from long ago, which can make reminiscence therapy very effective in bringing ...
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Downsizing is necessary at some point….Doing a deep clean is never easy, but when you have to clean out a lifetime of stuff from your older parent or loved one, the stress increases. How do you know how to tackle all the memories and tangible items collected over the years...
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For today’s seniors, it’s more important than ever that they feel safe in their own homes. It seems like crime and home invasion is always in the news and that can be troubling for a person of any age, especially the elderly. Many seniors are on fixed incomes and think t...
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Caregivers for seniors have a beautiful opportunity to help them preserve their family memories so that generations to follow will be able to enjoy their legacy. Preserving memories will not only stimulate their minds but also gives them a way to express their love and affec...
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Do you have a senior loved one who adamantly refuses the idea of having someone come into the home to provide care? This is a difficult spot to find yourself in, as you no doubt need a break from the ongoing task of caretaking.It is often very difficult for older adults to a...
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The vast majority of Americans assume that the best way to care for our elderly is to place them in a nursing home or other skilled care facility. But did you know there are many reasons why allowing seniors to recover at home? In this article, we’ll explain the difference...
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Did you know that a fourth of people who are retirement age report symptoms of depression? Studies show that when our elderly population visits their doctor for routine physical concerns, the issue of depression often comes up. When depression goes untreated, it can cause th...
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For nursing homes and retirement facilities, there’s nothing more valuable than high-quality help. While many businesses need qualified and reliable help, no industry needs it quite like that of caring for the elderly. Being a caregiver for the elderly has so many rewards,...
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If you find yourself with an aging parent who has more than their share of “senior moments” it may be time to look at the possibility of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, both of which are characterized by memory loss. It’s important to know the ways that man...
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If you are considering becoming a caretaker for your aging parents or other family member, there are a few questions you should ask yourself in preparation for this important role. It can be very demanding, but also wonderfully rewarding.Many of us have parents who have reac...
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The key to choosing the ideal home care agency is knowing the amount of care needed by your mother or father. There are primarily two categories of in-home care: custodial care and professional care. Custodial care includes help with shopping, housekeeping, preparing meals, ...
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It can be painful, even frightening, to watch the deterioration of the once-bright and active mind of a family member suffering with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. What can begin as simple forgetfulness can slowly turn into serious and extreme impairment and as it progre...
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No one wants to talk about end of life issues. Especially if those issues involve a beloved aging senior who isn’t near the end of his life. But no matter how hesitant family members might be to broach the subject, either because they find the subject awkward or in poor ta...
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The most common symptom of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia is forgetfulness, but not all instances of memory loss or forgetfulness is a sign of the disease. So how can you tell the difference between dementia and normal memory lapses due to aging? While the differences ca...
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No one wants to think about their aging loved one’s end-of-life. Many view bringing up the subject as tacky or disrespectful. Some equate it with appearing greedy or trying to edge out other family from the decision-making process. Others even see it as bad luck.But planni...
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What follows is Part 4 of a 4 Part series that will explain the variations in medical alert products and what you should know before you buy...In the final installment of our series on Med Alert Systems, we'd like to offer a few quick tips on some of the items/features that ...
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What follows is Part 3 of a 4 Part series that will explain the variations in medical alert products and what you should know before you buy...We continue our multi-part series on Med Alert systems with explanations of options and features that one should understand before m...
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